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Monday, 4 March 2019



ऋषय ऊचुः
 भवता कथितः सम्यक् सर्गः स्वायंभुव: प्रभो
ब्रह्माण्डस्यास्य विस्तारो मन्वन्तरविनिश्चयः .१॥
Meaning: -
Sages said: - Lord, in addition to the expansion of Universe, creation of Svayambhuva Manu along-with expansion of Manvantara has been described by you.
 तत्रेश्वरेश्वरो देवो वर्णिभिर्धर्मतत्परैः
 ज्ञानयोगरतैर्नित्यमाराध्यः कथितस्त्वया .२॥
Meaning: - You told that Ishwara of Ishwara is to be adored by people of all the class (Varna) affluent in righteousness, immerse themselves in path of knowledge and Yoga.   
ज्ञानं ब्रह्मैकविषयं येन पश्येम तत्परम् .३॥
Meaning: - Instruct (teach) us that pre-eminent knowledge which is solely subject to Brahman and (by realising that knowledge) eradicate all the suffering of the world, by which we can realise the Brahman.
 त्वं हि नारायण साक्षात् कृष्णद्वैपायनात् प्रभो
अवाप्ताखिलविज्ञानस्तत्त्वां पृच्छामहे पुनः .४॥
Meaning: - We like to inquire you further, as you’ve obtained this Knowledge from Krsna-Dvaipayana himself, who is none other than Narayana.  
 श्रुत्वा मुनीनां तद् वाक्यं कृष्णद्वैपायनात् प्रभुम्
 सूतः पौराणिकः स्मृत्वा भाषितुं ह्युपचक्रमे .५॥
Meaning: - Suta, who was well-versed in all the Purana(s), after listening the words of sages begins to impart knowledge which he (suta) had gained from Krsna-Dvaipayana (Vyasa).
 अथास्मिन्नन्तरे व्यासः कृष्णद्वैपायनः स्वयम्
 आजगाम मुनिश्रेष्ठा यत्र सत्रं समासते .६॥
Meaning: - In the meantime Krsna-Dvaipayana – Vyasa, appeared at the place where sages were gathered for performing yajna (sacrifice)
 तं दृष्ट्वा वेदविद्वांसं कालमेघसमद्युतिम्
 व्यासं कमलपत्राक्षं प्रणेमुर्द्विजपुंगवाः .७॥
Meaning: - Seeing the Vyasa - having lustre like dark-clouds, lotus-eyed, well-versed in the Veda(s), all the sages prostrate before him.
 पपात दण्डवद् भूमौ दृष्ट्वाऽसौ लोमहर्षणः
 प्रदक्षिणीकृत्य गुरुं प्राञ्जलिः पार्श्वगोऽभवत् .८॥
Meaning: - Lomaharsana (Suta), prostrated before him (Vyasa) on ground, performing pradakshina to his preceptor (Vyasa), suta sat before him on the ground.
पृष्टास्तेऽनामयं विप्राः शौनकाद्या महामुनिम्
 समाश्वास्यासनं तस्मै तद्योग्यं समकल्पयन् .९॥
Meaning: - Vyasa then ask about their well-beings, and all the gathered sages, after answering to Vyasa, arranged appropriate seat for Maha-Muni (Vyasa)
 अथैतानब्रवीद् वाक्यं पराशरसुतः प्रभुः
 कच्चिन्न तपसो हानिः स्वाध्यायस्य श्रुतस्य .१०॥
Meaning: - Further Vyasa asked to all sages if they (sages) are facing any difficulty in their study and austerity.
 ततः सूतः स्वगुरुं प्रणम्याह महामुनिम्
 ज्ञानं तद् ब्रह्मविषयं मुनीनां वक्तुमर्हसि .११॥
Meaning: - Prostrating before his preceptor, suta than requested Vyasa to impart knowledge on Brahman for the benefits of sages (and whole world).
 इमे हि मुनयः शान्तास्तापसा धर्मतत्पराः
 शुश्रूषा जायते चैषां वक्तुमर्हसि तत्त्वतः .१२॥
Meaning: - Suta further told that these sages are calm and righteous. So, Vyasa can enlighten them with the essence (of Knowledge related to Brahman). 
 ज्ञानं विमुक्तिदं दिव्यं यन्मे साक्षात् त्वयोदितम्
 मुनीनां व्याहृतं पूर्वं विष्णुना कूर्मरूपिणा .१३॥
Meaning: - Impart the same knowledge, which Lord Vishnu in the form of kurma bestowed upon sages and which you (Vyasa) had imparted to me (Suta) in earlier times.
 श्रुत्वा सूतस्य वचनं मुनिः सत्यवतीसुतः
प्रणम्य शिरसा रुद्रं वचः प्राह सुखावहम् .१४॥
Meaning: - Vyasa bowed his head before Rudra, uttered pleasing words once he heard the request from his disciple (Suta).  
 व्यास उवाच
 वक्ष्ये देवो महादेवः पृष्टो योगीश्वरैः पुरा
सनत्कुमारप्रमुखैः स्वयं समभाषत .१५॥
Meaning: -
Vyasa said: - In earlier times, the divine words which is spoken by Lord Mahadeva at request of foremost yogins like sanatkumara, I (Vyasa) shall speak the very same words.
 सनत्कुमारः सनकस्तथैव सनन्दनः
अङ्गिरा रुद्रसहितो भृगुः परमधर्मवित् .१६॥
कणादः कपिलो योगी वामदेवो महामुनिः
 शुक्रो वसिष्ठो भगवान् सर्वे संयतमानसाः .१७॥
 परस्परं विचार्यैते संशयाविष्टचेतसः
तप्तवन्तस्तपो घोरं पुण्ये बदरिकाश्रमे .१८॥
Meaning: - Sanatkumara, Sanaka, Sanandana, Angira, Rudra, Bhrigu, Kanaad, Kapila, Garga, Vamadeva, Sukra, Vasistha and other sages, performed great austerity after mutually discussed among themselves. 
अपश्यंस्ते महायोगमृषिं धर्मसुतं शुचिम्
 नारायणमनाद्यन्तं नरेण सहितं तदा .१९॥
Meaning: - Then they behold the son of Dharma, Narayana who is without begin or end accompanied by Nara.
NOTE: - This Nara and Narayan are both the Vedic pair of Divine Seers, and are form of Lord Vishnu. This same Nara-Narayana hold play vital role in installation of Kedarnath Jyotirlinga. Nara-Narayana later incarned as Arjuna-Krishna respectively in Mahabharat era.
 संस्तूय विविधैः स्तोत्रैः सर्वे वेदसमुद्भवैः
 प्रणेमुर्भक्तिसंयुक्ता योगिनो योगवित्तमम् .२०॥
Meaning: - Foremost yogins, with various vedic hymns eulogise Narayana – best knower of Yoga. 
विज्ञाय वाञ्छितं तेषां भगवानपि सर्ववित्
 प्राह गम्भीरया वाचा किमर्थं तप्यते तपः .२१॥
अब्रुवन् हृष्टमनसो विश्वात्मानं सनातनम्
 साक्षान्नारायणं देवमागतं सिद्धिसूचकम् .२२॥
वयं संशयमापन्नाः सर्वे वै ब्रह्मवादिनः
 भवन्तमेकं शरणं प्रपन्नाः पुरुषोत्तमम् .२३॥
Meaning: - Lord inquired the purpose of their austerity in deep voice. Yogins with joyful heart replied that being samyansi they arrived to get shelter of Narayana alone as he is foremost among all.
 त्वं हि वेत्सि परमं गुह्यं सर्वन्तु भगवानृषिः
 नारायणः स्वयं साक्षात् पुराणोऽव्यक्तपूरुषः .२४॥
नह्यन्यो विद्यते वेत्ता त्वामृते परमेश्वरम्
 शुश्रूषाऽस्माकमखिलं संशयं छेत्तुमर्हसि .२५॥
Meaning: - ‘You are Narayana, the ancient as well as unmanifested being, there is none other than you from whom one can seek Knowledge, you are well-versed with the confidential knowledge (of Brahman). Due to this reason only you (Narayana) are able to solve our querries.

किं कारणमिदं कृत्स्नं कोऽनुसंसरते सदा
 कश्चिदात्मा का मुक्तिः संसारः किंनिमित्तकः .२६॥
कः संसारपतीशानः को वा सर्वं प्रपश्यति
 किं तत् परतरं ब्रह्म सर्वं नो वक्तुमर्हसि .२७॥
Meaning: - Who is the cause of this creation? What always moves in the world? What is Liberation? What is main purpose behind this Creation? Who is the lord of Universe? What is Brahman beyond all this? Kindly solve our doubts’ requested yogins.

एवमुक्ता तु मुनयः प्रापश्यन् पुरुषोत्तमम्
 विहाय तापसं रूपं संस्थितं स्वेन तेजसा .२८॥
विभ्राजमानं विमलं प्रभामण्डलमण्डितम्
 श्रीवत्सवक्षसं देवं तप्तजाम्बूनदप्रभम् .२९॥
Meaning: - Saying thus sages look upon Narayana who appeared in his real form (the form of Sri Hari Vishnu) possessing the excellent lustre. Bearing “Srivatsa” mark on his chest.

 शङ्खचक्रगदापाणिं शार्ङ्गहस्तं श्रियावृतम्
  दृष्टस्तत्क्षणादेव नरस्तस्यैव तेजसा .३०॥
Meaning: - Nara-Rshi became invisible due to the brilliant lustre of Narayana holding Shanka, Chakra, Mace and was accompanied by Devi Lakshmi. 
 तदन्तरे महादेवः शशाङ्काङ्कितशेखरः
 प्रसादाभिमुखो रुद्रः प्रादुरासीन्महेश्वरः .३१॥
Meaning: - There appeared Lord Rudra known as Maheshwara having crescent Moon on his head.
 निरीक्ष्य ते जगन्नाथं त्रिनेत्रं चन्द्रभूषणम्
तुष्टबुर्हृष्टमनसो भक्त्या तं परमेश्वरम् .३२॥
Meaning: - Sages eulogise Parmeshwar Shiva – who is Lord of all the worlds, having three eyes and wearing the crescent moon on his head.
 जयेश्वर महादेव जय भूतपते शिव
 जयाशेषमुनीशान तपसाऽभिप्रपूजित .३३॥
Meaning: - Hail to Lord Mahadeva! Hail to Shiva! Hail to Lord of creatures! Who is captivating by penance. 
 सहस्रमूर्ते विश्वात्मन् जगद्यन्त्रप्रवर्त्तक
 जयानन्त जगज्जन्मत्राणसंहारकारक .३४॥
Meaning: - ‘O Lord having infinite forms, Soul of Universe, you are the one who operates the mechanism of worlds, you are the one who creates, preserve and destroy the worlds.’
 सहस्रचरणेशान शंभो योगीन्द्रवन्दित
 जयाम्बिकापते देव नमस्ते परमेश्वर .३५॥
Meaning: - O Ishana, O Shambo having infinite feets, worshiped by foremost yogins, Victory to you O Consort of Ambika, O Supreme Lord Salutation to you.
 संस्तुतो भगवानीशस्त्र्यम्बको भक्तवत्सलः
समालिङ्ग्य हृषीकेशं प्राह गम्भीरया गिरा .३६॥
किमर्थं पुण्डरीकाक्ष मुनीन्द्रा ब्रह्मवादिनः
 इमं समागता देशं किं वा कार्यं मयाऽच्युत .३७॥
Meaning: - On listening to the prayer of all yogins and devotee that Lord Isa possessing three eyes and who is dear to his devotee clasp Vishnu and further told in firm voice ‘for what purpose these yogins have gathered here, O Hrsikesha? For what reasons do you require me here, O Achyuta?

 आकर्ण्य भगवद्वाक्यं देवदेवो जनार्दनः
प्राह देवो महादेवं प्रसादाभिमुखं स्थितम् .३८॥
इमे हि मुनयो देव तापसाः क्षीणकल्पषाः
 अभ्यागतानां शरणं सम्यग्दर्शनकाङ्क्षिणाम् .३९॥
 यदि प्रसन्नो भगवान् मुनीनां भावितात्मनाम्
 सन्निधौ मम तज्ज्ञानं दिव्यं वक्तुमिहार्हसि .४०॥
त्वं हि वेत्सि स्वमात्मानं ह्यन्यो विद्यते शिव
 ततस्त्वमात्मनात्मानं मुनीन्द्रेभ्यः प्रदर्शय .४१॥
Meaning: - On hearing the words of Mahadeva, the Janardana then replied to him. O Lord, these yogis and sages are devoid of any sins and since you are the refuge of all ascetics who adores you and are willing to realise your accurate vision. In case, you are pleased with these rishis, then you kindly bestow your divine knowledge on them in my presence. O Siva, only you are well aware about yourself, there is none else who knows you better.

 एवमुक्त्वा हृषीकेशः प्रोवाच मुनिपुंगवान्
 प्रदर्शयन् योगसिद्धिं निरीक्ष्य वृषभध्वजम् .४२॥
Meaning: - After Speeking this, Vishnu looks at bull-bannered Shiva, reflecting his mastery in the yoga, he (Janardana) addressed to Sages.  
 संदर्शनान्महेशस्य शंकरस्याथ शूलिनः
कृतार्थं स्वयमात्मानं ज्ञातुमर्हथ तत्त्वतः .४३॥
Meaning: - You all (Sages) should feel grateful to be audience of great-god Shiva who is holding trident in his hand.
 द्रष्टुमर्हथ विश्वेशं प्रत्यक्षं पुरतः स्थितम्
 ममैव सन्निधावेव यथावद् वक्तुमीश्वरः .४४॥
Meaning: - Having opportunity to have ‘Darshana’ of great- god Shiva the lord of all, since he is pratyaksh (present physically in visible form) before you.
 निशम्य विष्णोर्वचनं प्रणम्य वृषभध्वजम्
सनत्कुमारप्रमुखाः पृच्छन्ति स्म महेश्वरम् .४५॥
Meaning: - After hearing the instrucctions from Lord Vishnu, the foremost sages like Sanatkumara and others bowed down before that illustrious god Shiva and begin to inquire Maheshwara.
 अथास्मिन्नन्तरे दिव्यमासनं विमलं शिवम्
किमप्यचिन्त्यं गगनादीश्वरार्थे समुद्बभौ .४६॥
तत्राससाद योगात्मा विष्णुना सह विश्वकृत्
तेजसा पूरयन् विश्वं भाति देवो महेश्वरः .४७॥
Meaning: - In the mean-time, divine and auspicious seat beyond one can think, appeared from the sky for Lord Shiva and Lord Shiva alongwith Lord Vishnu occupied that asana (seat). At that moment the splendour of Maheshwara was pervading entire universe.

 ततो देवादिदेवेशं शंकरं ब्रह्मवादिनः
 विभ्राजमानं विमले तस्मिन् ददृशुरासने .४८॥
तमासनस्थं भूतानामीशं ददृशिरे किल ।
यदन्तरा सर्वमेतद् यतोऽभिन्नमिदं जगत् .४९॥
Meaning: - Those rshis speaker of Brahman behold Mahadeva seating on that Divine Seat. They saw everything in Lord of Universe -Mahadeva since universe is not different from him.

सवासुदेवमासीनं तमीशं ददृशुः परम ।
प्रोवाच पृष्टो भगवान् मुनीनां परमेश्वरः ॥ .५०॥
Meaning: - On urge of sages, Shiva seated with Vasudeva on that divine, stared to impart the excellent yoga, after glancing at Sri Hari Vishnu. 

निरीक्ष्य पुण्डरीकाक्षं स्वात्मयोगमनुत्तमम्
तच्छृणुध्वं यथान्यायमुच्यमानं मयाऽनघाः
 प्रशान्तमानसाः सर्वे ज्ञानमीश्वरभाषितम् .५१॥
Meaning: - O sages devoid of sins, listen with calm, the excellent Knowledge of Ishvara, which I will impart to all of you.
 इति श्रीकूर्मपुराणे षट्साहस्त्र्यां संहितायामुपरिविभागे (ईश्वरगीतासु) प्रथमोऽध्यायः १॥

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