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Thursday, 13 September 2018

Lord Vishnu Foremost Devotee of Lord Shiva

Devotion is the way to Salvation. And Lord Shiva is the Provider of Kaivalya-Moksha the highest of Salvation. There are many Devotees of Mahadeva-God of all deities. Be it Pushpadanta, Rishi (Sage)Dathichi, Maharishi Kashyap, Lord Vishnu, Chandra-Dev(Moon),  Rishi Svetaswatara just to name a few.

Lord Shiva is also known as "Sarveshwar" means Lord of every-being whomsoever we mentioned. Lord Shiva is most worshiped  Lord in entire Universe. Every living creature worships Lord Shiva. All Creatures including Deities, Sages, Gandharvas, Demons, Humans, Animals and whom not! Everyone Worships Lord Shiva but Lord Shiva worship none.

(Shiva Purana, Kotirudra Samhita 7:15)

“Everyone worships Rudra but Rudra doesn’t worship anyone. For the sake of devotees he meditates on himself”
Thus every creatures worship Lord Maheshwar. In Mahabharata it is said that one should always chants holy name of Lord Shiva in order to remain unaffected from ill-effect of Kali-Yuga.

“haracaraṇaniratamatinā bhavitavyamanārjavaṃ yugaṃ prāpya ||” (MBH 13:14:183a)  
“When the unrighteous or sinful Kali Yuga comes, one should never pass a moment without devoting his heart upon the feet of Hara(Shiva)”.
So as per Mahabharata in this era we shouldn't pass a moment without devotion towards Lotus Feet of Maheshwar.

As discussed above every creature be it deities, sages, humans, demons, gandharvas everyone worship Lord Shiva. And the foremost devotee of Lord Shiva is Sri Hari Vishnu. We will see it on the basis of Veda-Upanishad-Itihasa-Purana.

Lord Vishnu the great Devotee of Shiva as per Vedas.

Shatapatha Brahmana of Shukla Yajur-Veda describes how nArAyan Rishi become one with Mahadev.

"puruo ha nārāyao'kāmayata atitiṣṭheya sarvāi bhūtānyahameveda sarva syāmiti sa etam puruamedham pañcarātram yajñakratumapaśyattamāharattenāyajata teneṣṭvātyatiṣṭhatsarvāi bhūtānīda sarvamabhavadatitiṣṭhati sarvāi bhūtānīda sarvam bhavati ya evam vidvānpuruamedhena yajate yo vaitadevam veda" ( Sathapatha Brahmana 13:6:1:1)
"Purusha Narayana desired, 'Would that I overpassed all beings ! would that I alone were everything- here (this universe) !' He beheld this 'five days' sacrificial performance, the Purushamedha and took it  and performed offering therewith ; and having performed offering therewith, he overpassed all beings, and became everything here. And, verily, he who, knowing this, performs the Purushamedha, or who even knows this, overpasses all beings, and becomes everything here."

Lord Shiva is Veda-Purusha as confirmed in the Taittiriya Aranyaka 10:24:1 "purusho vai rudrah" means Lord Shiva is (Veda) Purusha.

Thus Vedas says that Narayan Rishi due to his devotion and Non-Dual Knowledge of "Purusha" he becomes identical with Purusha(Shiva). Moreover this Narayan Rishi was Mantra-Drsta(Seer) of the Hymn Purusha-Suktam. Now let's see even Upanishad(s) confirms that Vishnu is Great Devotee of Mahadeva.

Lord Vishnu the Foremost Shaiva as per Upanishad.

We had seen that Vishnu Worships Shiva in Vedas and now Upanishads too Convey the same. In the Upanishads it is said that Vishnu became All-Pervading due to Grace of Lord Omkareshwar(Shiva).

“sarvakaraNAni manasi saMpratiShThApya dhyAna.n viShNuH prANaM manasi saha karaNaiH saMpratiShThApya dhyAtA rudraH prANaM manasi sahakaraNairnAdAnte paramAtmani saMpratiShThApya dhyAyIteshAnaM pradhyAyitavya.n sarvamidaM |” (Atharvashika Upanishad 2:1 )
“The pranava (the sound of Om) makes all the souls to bow before it. It is the one and only one which has to be meditated upon as the four Vedas and the birth place of all devas. One who meditates like that goes away from all sorrows and fears and gets the power to protect all others who approach him. It is because of this meditation only that Lord Vishnu who is spread every where, wins over all others. It is because Lord Brahma controlled all his organs and meditated upon it, he attained the position of the creator. Even Lord Vishnu , parks his mind in the sound (Om) of the place of Paramathma (ultimate soul) and meditates upon Eeshana, who is most proper to be worshipped. All this is only proper in case of Eeshana”. 

Thus Upanishads too confirms that Lord Vishnu is Foremost Devotee of Lord Shiva. The Vedas and Upanishad are considered as "Shruti" and Shruti Clearly mentions that Lord Vishnu is adherent Devotee of Parvati-Pati. Due to this reason Lord Shiva is also called "hari-vallabh".

Lord Vishnu is Dear Devotee of Lord Mahakaal as per Itihasa.

The Itihasa are also treated as 5th Veda. And thus Itihasa is considered as much important Scriptures. Regarding this, Mahabharata confirms that Sri Krishna is great Devotee of Lord Sada-Shiva.

The below verse has been spoken by Veda-Vyasa in Mahabharata.

“sa eṣa rudra bhaktaś ca keśavo rudra saṃbhavaḥ | sarvabhūtabhavaṃ jñātvā liṅge ‘rcayati yaḥ prabhum | tasminn abhyadhikāṃ prītiṃ karoti vṛṣabhadhvajaḥ |” (MBH 7:172:89-90)
“Kesava is that devoted worshipper of Rudra who has sprung from Rudra himself. Kesava always worships the Lord Siva, regarding his Linga emblem to be the origin of the universe. The God having the bull for his mark cherisheth greater regard for Kesava”.

Thus, Ved-Vyasa confirms that Sri Krishna is Great Devotee of Lord Pashupati.

The below verses has been spoken by Bheeshma in Mahabharata.

“rudrabhaktyā tu kṛṣṇena jagadvyāptaṃ mahātmanātaṃ prasādya tadā devaṃ badaryāṃ kila bhārata 10arthātpriyataratvaṃ ca sarvalokeṣu vai tadāprāptavāneva rājendra suvarṇākṣānmaheśvarāt(MBH 13:14:10-11) 
It is in consequence of the devotion of the high-souled Krishna to the illustrious Rudra whom he gratified. O Bharata, in the retreat of Vadari, by penances, that he (Krishna) has succeeded in pervading the entire universe. O king of kings, it is through Maheswara of celestial vision that Vasudeva has obtained the attribute of universal agreeableness,–an agreeableness that is much greater than what is possessed by all articles included under the name of wealth“.
 “yuge yuge tu kṛṣṇena toṣito vai maheśvaraḥbhaktyā paramayā caiva prītaścaiva mahātmanaḥ(MBH 13:14:13) 
“In every new Yuga has Krishna (by such penances) gratified Mahadeva. In every Yuga has Mahadeva been gratified with the great devotion of the high-souled Krishna“.

Here Bheeshma-Pitamah too agrees that Sri Krishna is Great Devotee of Lord Trayambak(Shiva).
Not Only this he also says that In every new Yuga Lord Shiva is adored by Sri Krishna. And we already know that In every yuga Incarnation of Sri Hari Vishnu worships Mahadeva.

Lord Vishnu and his most of his incarnation worships Lord Shiva, thus in Mahabharata Bheesma said it and Ved-Vyasa recorded this.

Vishnu worships Mahadeva sincerely, with Pure Devotion, and utmost Faith due to which Lord Omkareshwar(Sada-Shiva) also declares Lord Sri Vishnu as the Greatest Shaiva and this is recorded in the Mahabharata and even in Puranas. 

The following are the verse spoken by Lord Shiva himself

“satyaśaucārjava tyāgais tapasā niyamena ca | kṣāntyā bhaktyā ca dhṛtyā ca buddhyā ca vacasā tathā | yathāvad aham ārāddhaḥ kṛṣṇenākliṣṭakarmaṇā | tasmād iṣṭatamaḥ kṛṣṇād anyo mama na vidyate |” (MBH 10:7:60-61)

With truth, purity, sincerity, resignation, ascetic austerities, vows, forgiveness, devotion, patience, thought, and word, I have been duly adored by Krishna of pure deeds. For this there is none dearer to me than Krishna”. 
Thus even Itihasa and Veda-Vyasa too Consider Lord Vishnu as the best Shaiva ever in the History and even no one can replace Devotion of Lord Vishnu towards lotus-feet of Maheswar.

Not only this, Lord Krishna also undertook Pashupat Diksha(Initiation) and is recorded in the Mahabharata.
The detailed information is Shared on this Link.

 Really the author of that Blog earned huge respect from bottom of my heart.

Lord Vishnu is best Shaiva as per Puranas.

Not Only Veda-Upanishad and Mahabharata but even Puranas celebrate the bhakti of Lord Vishnu as the Purest Form and Vishnu as foremost devotee of Lord Shiva. In above verse as per Mahabharata Shiva clearly says that due to extreme unconditional devotion and affection of Vishnu(Krishna) no one is dear to him other then Vishnu.

The Very same thing is narrated by Lord Shiva in Shiva Maha-Purana. Let's see.

“īśvara uvāca | vatsaprasanno ‘smi hare yatastvamīśatvamicchannapi satyavākyam | brūyāstataste bhavitā janeṣu sāmyaṃ mayā satkṛtirapyalapthāḥ ||31 itaḥ paraṃ te pṛthagātmanaśca kṣetrapratiṣṭhotsavapūjanaṃ ca ||” (Shiva Purana 1:7:31-32a) “[Ishwara said:] Hey dear son Vishnu! I am highly pleased with you because even though you were desirous of gaining lordship (superiority) you remained a speaker of truth (didn’t lie to achieve victory); for this reason you would gain the lordship on this universe and you would gain equality with me and even would be honoured by me. From this day separate idols of yours would get established in various shrines and you would receive worship”.

Now the same is mentioned by Lord Vishnu in the Padma-Purana. In Padma-Purana Lord Vishnu also says that he contemplating(meditating) on Lord Shiva. Thus in Padma-Purana Lord Vishnu says the following words to Mother Lakshmi-Devi. Note that the below words were spoken by Lord Vishnu himself to his dear consort in response to inquiry of Lakshmi-Mata.

“śrībhagavānuvāca |
nāhaṃ sumukhi nidrālurnijaṃ māheśvaraṃ vapuḥ |
dṛśā tatvānuvarttinyā paśyāmyaṃtarnimagnayā ||”
(Padma Purana:UK:175:7)
“[The lord said]: O you of beautiful face, I’m not sleeping, rather, by the vision which sees (follows) the truth, I am contemplating by being fixed (nimagna) in my true form of lord Maheshvara (lord Shiva)".
The Very same thing is confirmed in the (Atharvashika Upanishad 2:1) and same is being repeated by Lord Vishnu in Padma-Purana. Shiva-Purana too mentioned the same concept of Upanishad and Veda.

Infact, inside the Padma-Purana there is  a Great Gem(Scripture) in the form of Shiva-Gita. (The Shiv Gita is highly revered text in the Path of Sprituality. Moreover Exellent Commentary on Shiva-Gita is presented by Shankaracharya's Lineage Aacharya Sri Abhinava Nrisimha Bharati of Sringiri. The one who is interested to read Shiva-Gita can contact Sringiri Maththh.) 

Besides these even Valmiki Ramayan mentions about Rama Worshiping Lord Shiva.

Sri Rama himself says the following Verse in the Valmiki Ramayan.
Valmiki Ramayan, Yudhha Khanda, Sarga 123 Verse 19

एतत् कुक्षौ समुद्रस्य स्कन्धावारनिवेशनम् || ६-१२३-१९
अत्र पूर्वं महादेवः प्रसादमकरोत्प्रभुः |
"See this island, located in the middle of the ocean, where my troops were stationed. At this place, the lord Shiva (the supreme deity) formerly bestowed his grace on me."

Thus Devotion of Great Shiva-Devotee(Vishnu) is even glorified in Puranas.  Therefore Veda-Upanishads-Itihasa-Purana all Gloriously Celebrate and mention the Great and Unmatched Devotion of lord Vishnu towards Lord Vishwanath(Lord of Universe.)
 Lastly I submit my article to the lotus feet of Uma-Maheshwar .

                                                                                                ||  ||

                                                                                     || नमः  शिवाय  ||

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