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In this article we are going to analyse “Sitopanishat” on the basis of Various Shruti Text. It’s really wonderful to realize that Vedic Sita is Wife of Shiva and not Popularly Historical Sita who was Daughter of King Janaka, and Consort of Sri Ramchandra.
So Let’s Start Analysis on the basis of Various Upanishad.
Let’s begin this Mysterious Secret with the Following Verse.
सर्वयन्त्रसर्वतन्त्रसर्वपल्लवस्वरूपायेति ॐ नमः
शिवायेत्युपनिषत् ॥
“Sarva Mantra Sarva Yantra Sarva Tantra Sarva Pallava Svaruupaya Iti Om Namah Shivaya
Om!” (Dattatreya Upanishad)
Now Let’s Analyse Sita-Upanishad.
1. The gods, indeed, said to Prajapati: who is Sita ? What is Her form ? Then Prajapati replied: She is Sita:
2. Being the first cause Sita is known as Prakriti; of Pranava, too, She is cause And so is named Prakriti.
Here Prajapati Clearly Says
➢ that Sita is First Cause.
➢ Prakriti of Pranava(OM).
➢ Sita is Prakriti.
Now we will see and analyse from various Shruti about the above mentioned points.
The Goddess was indeed One in the Beginning, That Devi was Maha-Tripura-Sundari who is Also called Mool-Prakriti and She is the Consort of Shiva(Shambhu)
(Bahvricha Upanishad 1) “The Goddess was indeed one in the beginning. Alone she emitted the world-egg. (She) is knownas Love’s Part (IM). (She) is known as the half-syllabic instant after OM”.Here it is Said that ONLY THAT SUPREME DEVI IS THERE IN THE BEGINNING.
(Bahvricha Upanishad 3) “She, here, is the Power supreme. She, here, is the science(prakriti) of Sambhu(Pranav-OM), either as the science beginning with ka, or as the science beginning with ha, or as the science beginning with sa. This is the secret Om grounded in the word Om”.
Here it says that devi is known as OM and She is Consort of Shiva. In Vedas Lord Shiva is Only depicted as Pranava. Infact One of Jyotirling name is Also “OMKARESHWAR”. One can even See Naturally OM depicted at Kailash Mountain. In Sri Rudram Lord Shiva is Said to be Pranava(OM).
“prostration to Him(Shiva) who is embodied in Om(Pranava).” (Sri Rudram from Yajurveda)
Same is Confirmed in the Upanishads.
“tasyottarataH shiro dakShiNataH pAdau ya uttarataH sa o~NkAraH ya o~NkAraH sa praNavaH yaH | praNavaH sa sarvavyApI yaHsarvavyApI so.anantaH | yo.anantastattAra.n yattAra.n tatsUkShma.n tachChukla.n | yachChukla.n tadvaidyuta.n yadvaidyuta.n tatparaMbrahma yatparaM | brahma sa ekaH ya ekaH sa rudraH ya rudraH yo rudraH sa IshAnaH ya | IshAnaH sa bhagavAn.h maheshvaraH |”(Atharvasiras Upanishad 3:6)“The head of “the sound of Om” is on your left side. Its feet are on your right side. That “Sound of Om” is the Pranava (primeval sound).That Pranava is spread everywhere. That which is everywhere is the greatest. That which is limitless, shines like a white star. That whichis also called Shuklam (seminal fluid- the basic unit of life) is very very minute. That which is minute is like a lightning power. That whichis like lightning power is the ultimate Brahman (parabrahman). That Brahman is one and only one. That one and only one is Rudra, it isalso called Eeshana, it is also the ultimate God (BHAGAWAN) and it is also the lord of all things”.
“sarvakaraNAni manasi saMpratiShThApya dhyAna.n viShNuH prANaM manasi saha karaNaiH saMpratiShThApya dhyAtA rudraHprANaM manasi sahakaraNairnAdAnte paramAtmani saMpratiShThApya dhyAyIteshAnaM pradhyAyitavya.n sarvamidaM |” (AtharvashikaUpanishad 2:1) “The pranava (the sound of Om) makes all the souls to bow before it. It is the one and only one which has to be meditated upon as the four Vedas and the birth place of all devas. One who meditates like that goes away from all sorrows and fears and gets the power to protect all others who approach him. It is because of this meditation only that Lord Vishnu who is spread every where, wins over allothers. It is because Lord Brahma controlled all his organs and meditated upon it, he attained the position of the creator. Even Lord Vishnu , parks his mind in the sound (Om) of the place of Paramathma (ultimate soul) and meditates upon Eeshana, who is most proper to be worshipped. All this is only proper in case of Eeshana”.
So, Lord Shiva is Pranava and Sita is said to be Prakriti of Pranava(Shiva). Therefore, Vedic Sita is none other than Consort of Lord Shiva.
Now Shruti Reveals who is that Only and Only Goddess which Manifested as Many.
(Bahvricha Upanishad 4)“Pervading the three cities, the three bodies, illuminating within and without, She, the Consciousness within, becomes the Maha-Tripura-Sundari, being associated with space, time and objects”.
Here it is Clearly mentioned that Intially Only Maha-Tripura-Sundari(Shiva’s Consort) was there. She Manifested as Different forms and Accomplishes the different tasks. So all Devi(s) are manifestaion of MahaTripuraSundari Devi who is Primordial Goddess.
So ONLY Maha-Tripura-Sundari was there in the beginning who Manifested as Different Goddess. Further Shruti Says the FollowingAnd that Consort of Shiva Only is Known as Science of “Sri” as per Scripture.
(Bahvricha Upanishad 8)“She who is contemplated as ‘That which I am’ or ‘I am He’ or ‘What He is that I am’, is the Sodasi, the Science of Sri, the fifteen-syllabled (science), the sacred Maha-Tripura-Sundari, the Virgin, the Mother, Bagala, the Matangi, the auspicious one who chooses her own Partner, the Mistress of the world, Chamunda, Chanda, the Power of the Boar, She who veils, the royal Matangi, dark like a parrot, light dark, mounted on a horse; opposed to Angiras; smoke-bannered; Power of Savitur, Sarasvati, Gayatri, part of Brahmic bliss”.
Here Various Manifestation of Godess is Given. Now let analyse Some more Upanishad.
Now Sita is Called Prakriti. Let’s see who is Mool-Prakriti.
“athaasya yaa sahajaastyavidyaa muulaprakR^itirmaayaa lohitashuklakR^ishhNaa |tayaa sahaayavaan devaH kR^ishhNapi~Ngalo maheshvara iishhTe |” (Shandilya Upanishad 3:01)“Maheshvara (the great Lord) who is black and yellow rules with Avidya, Mula-Prakriti or Maya that is red, white and black and that is coexistent With him”.
“maayaa.n tu prakR^iti.n vidyaanmaayina.n cha maheshvaram.h |tasyavayavabhuutaistu vyaapta.n sarvamida.n jagat.h |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:10)“Know, then, that prakriti is maya and that Maheshwara is the Lord of maya. The whole universe is filled with objects which are parts of His being”.
Here it Clearly Says that Maheshwar is Lord of Prakriti(MAYA) and Sita is refered as Prakriti which Clearly indicates that Sita in Vedas and Upanishad is Lord Shiva’s Consort Lalita Ambika Only.
“All the gods waited upon the Goddess (and asked): ‘Great Goddess, who art Thou ?’ (Devi-Upanishad 1)“She(Maha-Tripura-Sundari) replied: I am essentially Brahman. From Me (has proceeded) the world comprising Prakriti and Purusha, the void and the Plenum. I am (all forms of) bliss and nonbliss. Knowledge and ignorance are Myself. Brahman and non-Brahman are tobe known–says the scripture of the Atharvans.”(Devi-Upanishad-2)
Conclusion:- Thus Sita of the Upanishad is Lalita-Ambjka devi Only.
3. Maya in very essence, Is Sita, of three letters formed. Called Vishnu, the world-seed, And Maya, too, is the letter i.
➢ Here Vishnu is called World-Seed
➢ Sita is called Maya again.
MoreOver Scriptue Also Says that
“rudraatpravartate biijaM biijayonirjanaardanaH |” (Rudra Hridayopanishad 8)“Rudra is the generator of the seed. Vishnu is the embryo of the seed”.
Vishnu is None Other then Uma Herself. Now Let’s analyse from Shruti
Rudra-Hridayo Upanishad Clearly Says that Uma herself is in the form of Vishnu.
“yaa umaa saa svaya.n vishhNuh |” (Rudra Hridayopanishad 1:05)“Uma Herself is in the form of Vishnu”.
Even Purana Reveal the Secret that Lalita(Adi-Shakti) in her male form is Vishnu.
“sahastramūrdhānamanantaśaktiṃ |sahastrabāhuṃ puruṣaṃ purāṇam |śayānamantaḥ salile tathaiva |nārāyaṇākhyaṃ praṇato ‘smi rūpam ||” (kUrma PuraNa 1:11:245)“I salute thy form called Narayana, O Lalita, which has a thousand heads, which is of infiniteenergy, having a thousand arms, the ancient Person, reclining on the waters”.
Lalita Sahasranama Stotram mentions clearly that Lalitambika assumes the form of Vishnu and protects the worlds as stated below.
Same is mentioned in Lalita Sahasranama Stotram.
“goptri govindarupini |” (Lalita Sahasranama Stotram 1:63)“[Lalitambika] assumes the form of Govinda for the task of protection”.“vishnurupini |” (Lalita Sahasranama Stotram 1:166)“Who is herself in the form of Vishnu”.
Lord Vishnu says to Virabhadra in Brahmanda Purana.
“ekaiva shaktiH parameshvarasya | bhinnA chaturdhA viniyogakAle | bhoge bhavAnI samareShu durgA | kopeShu kALI puruSheshu viShNuH |”“The ancient Sakti of the Lord (Parameshwara )appears in four forms; that Sakti becomes Bhavani in her bhoga form, in battle she takes the form of Durga; in anger that of Kali; and she is present in her male form as me (Vishnu).”
Thus it is Shiva’s Consort who is present as Vishnu in a Male-Form.
Sita is Reffered as Maya.
“athaasya yaa sahajaastyavidyaa muulaprakR^itirmaayaa lohitashuklakR^ishhNaa | tayaa sahaayavaan devaH kR^ishhNapi~Ngalo mameshvara iishhTe |” (Shandilya Upanishad 3:01)
“Maheshvara (the great Lord) who is black and yellow rules with Avidya, Mula-Prakriti or Maya that is red, white and black and that is co-existent with him”.
“maayaa.n tu prakR^iti.n vidyaanmaayina.n cha maheshvaram.h |tasyavayavabhuutaistu vyaapta.n sarvamida.n jagat.h |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:10 )
“Know, then, that prakriti is maya and that Maheshwara is the Lord of maya. The whole universe is filled with objects which are parts of His being”.
Now Vedic Scriptures Glorifies Adi-Shakti Lalita as World-Seed. (Viz Cause of All)
Let’s Analyse.
“Seed all-powerful of the Goddess’ mantra, Is sky, conjoined with ‘i’ and fire, With crescent moon adorned.(Devi-Upanishad-20)
“The holy Teacher is the Power (Para-Sakti Lalita Ambika) that is the cause of all. (Bhavana Upanishad-1)
Here the Same Para-Shakti called Tripura-Sundari is being Talked About.
Absolute awareness, verily, is Kameshvara(Shiva). ( Bhavana Upanishad-26)
The Supreme divinity, Lalita, is one’s own blissful Self.(Bhavana Upanishad-27)
Here in the above Verse it is Clearly Said that Supreme Divinity is Lalita-Ambika Devi.
Conclusion:- SO, Once again it is Clear that Sita in the Vedas and Upanishad is Lalita-Ambika Only.
4.The letter sa denotes truth immortal; Achievement; Siva with his consort. Ta denotes the Queen of Speech United with Brahman, the Deliverer.
This Verse is Clearly Saying that it Denotes Shiva with his Consort and thus Sita of Upanishad is Consort of Mahadev. From this very Verse it can be Easily undesrstand that Vedic Sita is none other then Consort of Shiva.
Yet Let us Analyse from VEDIC Scriptures.
➢ It says She is Letter “Sa” denotes eternal Truth.
➢ She is Consort of Lord Shiva.
➢ “Ta” denotes the Queen of Speech United with Brahman.
It is to be noted that all these are the Attributes of Single Goddess and Not Multiple Goddesses.
(Bahvricha Upanishad 3)“She, here, is the Power supreme. She, here, is the science of Sambhu, either as the science beginning with ka, or as the science beginning with ha, or as the science beginning with sa. This is the secret Om grounded in the word Om”.
Here it is Clear that “Sa” denotes Only the Consort of Shambhu. Further Sita Upanishad Clearly Says that Vedic “Sita” is the Wife of Lord Shiva Only. (Note that Science beginning with “ha” and Science beginning with “Sa” itself his Great Yogic Secret but it’s not related to Current Topic.) Now Verse of Sita Upanishad Says that it Denotes the Queen of Speech. United with Brahman(Shiva). Queen of Speech is Just epithet to say Foremost among all type of Speeches.
“ The gods engendered divine Speech; Her, beasts of all forms speak; The cow that yields sweet fruits and vigour – To us may lauded Speech appear.” (Devi Upanishad-10)
Remember here Devi Maha-Tripura-Sundari is Compared with Cow, Shruti doesn’t mention anything without Reason. And that Reason we will Discuss Later on. (at Verse 12)
“ Fashioned by speech; born of Brahman; the sixth With face equipped; the sun; the left ear where The point is; the eighth and the third conjoint.” (Devi Upanishad-22)
Now Devi is United with Brahman. Brahman is Also Dennoted by OM. And Lord Shiva is BRAHMAN, since Verse Says that “Siva with his Consort” and Queen of Speech United with Brahman And hence Brahman and Shiva both are Identical.
(Bahvricha Upanishad 1)“The Goddess was indeed one in the beginning. Alone she emitted the world-egg. (She) is known as Love’s Part (IM). (She) is known as the half-syllabic instant after OM”.
“athaasya yaa sahajaastyavidyaa muulaprakR^itirmaayaa lohitashuklakR^ishhNaa | tayaa sahaayavaan devaH kR^ishhNapi~Ngalo mameshvara iishhTe |” (Shandilya Upanishad 3:01)“Maheshvara (the great Lord) who is black and yellow rules with Avidya, Mula-Prakriti or Maya that is red, white and black and that is coexistent With him”.
Very Same Concept is being Repeated by Other Upanishads.
“maayaa.n tu prakR^iti.n vidyaanmaayina.n cha maheshvaram.h |tasyavayavabhuutaistu vyaapta.n sarvamida.n jagat.h |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:10)“Know, then, that prakriti is maya and that Maheshwara is the Lord of maya. The whole universe is filled with objects which are parts of His being”.
Conclusion:- The Sita Upanishad is Upanishad Glorifying Aadhya-Shakti Only and Vedic Sita is none other than Tripura-Sundari-Devi.
5. The Goddess who is the great Illusion, whose form is unmanifest, and who is denoted by ‘i’ becomes manifest, beauteous as the moon, faultless of limb, decked with ornamental garlands, pearls and other adornments.
This Verse is Clearly Proving Vedic Sita as Identical with Maha-Tripura-Sundari.
Here it Says
➢ She is Great Illusion
➢ Whose form is Unmanifest; Yet Manifested.
➢ Beateous as the Moon.
➢ Decked with Ornamental Garlands Pearls and other Adorements.
“raamaabhiraamaa.n saundaryasiimaa.n somaavata.nsikaam.hpaashaa~NkushadhanurbaaNadharaa.n dhyaayettrilochanaam.h ” (Rama Rahasya Upanishad Ch-2, Verse 33)“I worship the three eyed one, Who is Abhirama, the pinnacle of beauty, Who wears the crescent as ear ring, And who holds the noose, the goad, the bow and the arrow”.
The Same is described for Consort of Maha-Rudra.
“She alone is Atman. Other than Her is untruth, non-self. Hence is She Brahman-Consciousness, free from (even) a tinge of being and non-being. She is the Science of Consciousness, non-dual Brahman Consciousness, a wave of Being-Consciousness-Bliss. The Beauty of the three-great-cities, penetrating without and within, is resplendent, non-dual, self-subsisting. What is, is pure Being; what shines is pure Consciousness; what is dear is Bliss. So here is the Maha-Tripura-Sundari who assumes all forms. You and I and all the world and all divinities and all besides are the Maha-Tripura-Sundari. The sole Truth is the thing named ‘the Beautiful’. It is the non-dual, integral, supreme Brahman. (Brahavicha Upanishad-5)
It clearly shows Sita (Abhirama) as the Goddess LALITA TRIPURA SUNDARI the consort of Sadashiva. The name ‘Tripurasundari’ is ascribed to only Goddess Uma (Lalita) because there is none who is more beautiful than her. And in above verse sita is called as‘pinnacle of beauty’ which is a direct comparison with Uma. Sita is called as the one holding noose (pasha), Goad (Ankusha),
bow(Dhanush), Arrow (Baanam). W hat can be a greater proof of Sita being equated with Lalita better than this verse? Here are the Dhyana
Slokas of Lalita Devi from lalita Sahasranama Stotram.
“Arunam karuna tarangi takshim dreta pashan kusha pushpa bana chapam, Animadibi ravrutam mayuke ra mityeva vibavaye bavanim”. (Lalita Shasranama Stotram) “I meditate on the Mother whose eyes are smiling a little, who has in Her hands the arrow, the bow, the noose and goad”.
“eshhaatmashaktiH | eshhaa vishvamohinii paashaaN^kushadhanurbaaNadharaa | eshhaashriimahaavidyaa | ” (Devi Upanishad 1:15)“This is the power of Self, enchanting all, armed with the noose, the hook, the bow and the arrow. This is the great and holy Science”.
“hR^itpuNDariikamadhyasthaaM praataHsuuryasamaprabhaam.h |paashaaN^kushadharaa.n saumyaa.n varadaabhayahastakaam.h |trinetraa.n raktavasanaaM bhaktakaamadughaaM bhaje |” (Devi Upanishad 1:24)“Seated in the lotus-heart, Resplendent as the morning sun, Goddess, bearing noose and hook, With gesture granting boons, dissolving fears;Tender, three-eyed, red-robed, granting devotees Their hearts’ desires, Thee I adore”.
Here is a beautiful picture of the beautiful benevolent mother Lalitambika having these attributes. So, from these verses it becomes crystal clear that goddess Sita has been given an upraised status as Lalitambika and Lord Rama has been given an upraised status as Lord Shiva.
“kaamaruupaaya raamaaya namo maayaamayaaya chanamo vedaadiruupaaya o~Nkaaraaya namo namaH ” (Rama Tapini Umanishad 1: 9,10,11,12)“Our salutations to you (Sita-Rama), who is personification of passion and illusion and also a god primeval to Vedas.” (verse 4 of chapter 1)
Here it calls Rama as ‘Passion’ and Sita as ‘Illusion’. This is nothing but again a symbolic
representation and indirect glorification ofShiva-Shakti. Lord Shiva is called as KAMESHWARA (the primordial god of love from whom the creation originated due to his Kama/desire. Shiva Maha-Purana and Devi Bhagvatam Clearly Says Goddess Ambika wearing many Ornaments. So I m not Mentioning it over here. At Last One quote from Devi-Upanishad
“ Brahma and others know not Her essence; so is she called the Unknowable. She has no end; so is she called the Endless. She is not grasped and so is she called the Incomprehensible. Her birth is not known and so is she called the Unborn. She alone is present everywhere, and so is she called the One. She alone wears all forms, and so is she called the Many. For these reasons is she called the Unknowable, the Endless, the Incomprehensible, the Unknown, the One and the Many”. (Devi-Upanishad 26)
Conclusion:- Sita of Sita Upanishad is none other then Lalita-Ambika, Consort of Shiva.
6. At first, at the time of Vedic studies, She is essentially the clear Vedic speech. Secondly, on earth, at the tip of the plough She springs up, who, as the bliss of Brahman-realization, is ever present. Thirdly, as denoted by ‘i’ She becomes unmanifest. So is She Sita. Thus they explain in the text of the Saunakas.
➢ She is Vedic Speech
➢ She is Bliss of Brahman-Realization
➢ She becomes Unmanifest.
Now this is again attributes of Ma Parvati Only. Let’s Find it out from VEDIC Scriptures.
“ The gods engendered divine Speech; Her(Durga’s), beasts of all forms speak; The cow that yields sweet fruits and vigour – To us may lauded Speech appear.”(Devi Upanishad-10)“ Fashioned by speech; born of Brahman; the sixth With face equipped; the sun; the left ear where The point is; the eighth and the third conjoint.”(Devi Upanishad-22)“yo.ahamasmIti vA sohamasmIti vA yo.asau so.ahamasmIti vAyA bhAvyate saiShA ShoDashI shrIvidyA pa~nchadashAkSharIshrImahAtripurasundarI bAlAMbiketi bagaleti vA mAta.ngItisvayaMvarakalyANIti bhuvaneshvarIti chAmuNDeti chaNDetivArAhIti tiraskariNIti rAjamAta.ngIti vA shukashyAmaleti vAlaghushyAmaleti vA ashvArUDheti vA pratya.ngirA dhUmAvatIsAvitrI gAyatrI sarasvatI brahmAnandakaleti |” (Bahvricha Upanishad 8)“She who is contemplated as ‘That which I am’ or ‘I am He’ or ‘W hat He is that I am’, is the Sodasi, the Science of Sri, the fifteensyllabled (science), The sacred Maha-Tripura-Sundari, The Virgin,The Mother, Bagala, The Matangi, The auspicious one who chooses her own Partner, The Mistress Ofthe world, Chamunda, Chanda, The Power Of the Boar, She Who veils, the royal Matangi, Dark like a parrot, light dark, mounted on a horse; opposed to Angiras; smoke-bannered; Power Of Savitur, Sarasvati, Gayatri, Part of Brahmic bliss”.
Now it should be Clear from the Above Verses that Vedic Speech is None other than Ambika Devi Consort of Shiva.
Now Shakti is Always Idenified with Shiva. And Hence Taittirya Aranyaka Says
“R^itam satyaM paraM brahma purushha.n kR^ishhNapi~Ngalam.h |uurdhvareta.n viruupaaksha.n vishvaruupaaya vai namo namaH |” (Taittiriya Aranyaka 10.23.1)“Supreme Brahman, the Absolute Reality (Righteousness and Truth), is the androgynous Person the Umamaheshvara (or Ardhanareeshwara), dark blue and reddish brown in hue, absolutely chaste and possessing uncommon eyes. Salutations to Him alone who is the Soul of the universe or whose form is the universe”.
Shruti further says that All Vedic Knowlegde, Science, Medical and Astronomical Knowledge is proceeded from UNION of Shiva-Shakti.
“tatra lokaa vedaaH shaastraaNi puraaNaani dharmaaNi vai chikitsitaani jyotii.nshhi shivashaktiyogaadityeva.n ghaTanaa vyaapaThyate |” (Tripuratapini Upanishad 1:6)“It is recorded that the worlds, the Vedas, the sciences, legends, codes, medical works and astronomical treatises have all proceeded from the union of Siva and Sakti”.“satyamekaM lalitAkhyaM vastu tadadvitIyamakhaNDArthaM paraM brahma |” (Bahvricha Upanishad-5 from Rig Veda)“The sole Truth is the thing named ‘Lalita (the Beautiful)’. It is the non-dual, integral, supreme Brahman”.
Conclusion:- This Verse also glorifies Shiva’s Consort Durga under the name “sita”.
7. By Srirama’s (light of total liberation) presence enabled The universe She sustains; All embodied beings She brings forth, sustains and withdraws.
➢ By Rama’s presence enabled the Universe She Sustains;
➢ All embodied She brings forth, Sustain and Withdrawl.
Well, we Already see that in Verse 4 directly refer “Sita” as Wife of Shiva. So here Rama is None other than Lord Shiva himself. The Same Fact is Said by the Shruti itself. Let’s See
“raama.n trinetra.n somaardhadhaariNa.n shuulinaM param.hbhasmoddhuulitasarvaa~Nga.n kapardinamupaasmahe ” (Rama Rahasya Upanishad Ch 2, Verse 32)“I worship that Rama, Who has three eyes, Who wears the crescent, Who holds the trident, Who is anointed all over by ash, And who is with matted hair”.
So “Rama” is Ephithet to Address Lord Shiva Only.
And it is Rightly Said in the Upanishad that “Sarva Mantra Sarva Yantra Sarva Tantra Sarva Pallava Svaruupaya Iti Om Namah Shivaya Om!” (Dattatreya Upanishad)
So again Lord Shiva is Only Addressed as Rama Overhere. Now Rama(Shiva’s) Presence enabled the Universe She Sustain is other way to say that Universe came into Existence due to Union of Shiva and Shakti. Now Vedas Recognise Lord Shiva as “Bhuvansya-Pitram” And Lalita-Ambika who is Consort of Shiva is Called “Jagat-Mata” i.e. Mother of Universe.
Soma (Sa+Uma=Shiva) lays his germ (seed) upon his consort Aditi (Uma the Mula-Prakriti) and she produces this world. Means she brings the existence into picture. Therefore she is the mother of universe.
“arāvīdaṃśuḥ sacamāna ūrmiṇā devāvyaṃ manuṣe pinvatitvacam |dadhāti gharbhamaditerupastha ā yena tokaṃ ca tanayaṃ ca dhāmahe |” (Rig-Veda 9:74:5)“The Soma(SHIVA)-stalk hath roared, following with the wave: he swells with sap for man the skin which Gods enjoy. Upon the lap (womb) of Aditi(Adi-Shakti) he lays the germ, by means whereof we gain children and progeny”.
Only Maha-Tripura-Sundari is Called Aditi in Vedas.
“aditirdyauraditirantarikṣamaditirmātā sa pitā sa putraḥ |viśve devā aditiḥ pañca janā aditirjātamaditirjanitvam |” (Rig Veda 1:89:10)“Aditi is the heaven, Aditi is mid-air, Aditi is the Mother and the Sire and Son. Aditi is all Gods, Aditi five-classed men, Aditi all that hath been born and shall be born”
Now Hope it is Understood that Rama(Shiva)’s Presence Enabled the Universe.
Now Again it is Ma Durga Who Create Sustain And Withdraw Entire Creation.
“devI hyekAgra evAsIt.h | saiva jagadaNDamasR^ijat.h |kAmakaleti vij~nAyate | shrR^i.ngArakaleti vij~nAyate |” (Bahvricha Upanishad 1)“The Goddess was indeed one in the beginning. Alone she emitted the world-egg. (She) is known as Love’s Part (IM). (She) is known as the half-syllabic instant after OM”.
The very next verse itself clarifies the following.
“tasyA eva brahmA ajIjanat.h | viShNurajIjanat.h |rudro.ajIjanat.h | sarve marud.hgaNA ajIjanat.h |gandharvApsarasaH kinnarA vAditravAdinaH samantAdajIjanat.h |bhogyamajIjanat.h| sarvamajIjanat.h | sarvaM shAktamajIjanat.h |aNDajaM svedajamudbhijjaM jarAyujam.h yatkiMchaitat.h prANisthAvaraja.ngamaM manuShyamajIjanat.h |” (Bahvricha Upanishad 2)“Of Her was Brahma born; was Vishnu born; was Rudra (the destroyer deity) born. All wind-gods were born, celestial minstrels, nymphs, semi-human beings playing on instruments, were born (of Her), all around. W hat is enjoyed was born; everything was born (of Her). Everything of Power was born (of Her). The egg-born, the sweat-born, the seed-born, the womb-born, whatever breathes here, the stationary as well as the moving, and man were born (of Her).”
Do Not confuse Rudra with Shiva. The Next Verse itself Clarify all the Mis-conception.
“saiShA parA shaktiH | saiShA shAMbhavIvidyAkAdividyeti vA hAdividyeti vA sAdividyeti vA |rahasyamomoM vAchi pratiShThA |” (Bahvricha Upanishad 3)“She, here, is the Power supreme. She, here, is the science(Potential Energy or Consort) of Sambhu, either as the science beginning with ka, or as the science beginning with ha, or as the science beginning with sa. This is the secret Om grounded in the word Om”.
“saiva puratrayaM sharIratrayaM vyApya bahirantaravabhAsayantIdeshakAlavastvantarasa.ngAnmahAtripurasundarI vai pratyak.hchitiH |” (Bahvricha Upanishad 4)“Pervading the three cities, the three bodies, illuminating within and without, She, the Consciousness within, becomes the Maha-TripuraSundari, Being associated with space, time and objects”.
Conclusion:- Once again it is Proved that “Vedic Sita” is None other than Lord Shiva’s Consort.
8. Sita must be known; She is the first cause; As Om is She that cause, Declare the Brahman-knowers.
Here the Same thing is being Repeated Again But Yet Analyse it.
➢ Sita(Ambika) is the First Cause
➢ She is Identical to OM
“devI hyekAgra evAsIt.h | saiva jagadaNDamasR^ijat.h |kAmakaleti vij~nAyate | shrR^i.ngArakaleti vij~nAyate |” (Bahvricha Upanishad 1)“The Goddess was indeed one in the beginning. Alone she(Maha-Tripura-Sundari) emitted the world-egg. (She) is known as Love’s Part (IM). (She) is known as the half-syllabic instant after OM”.
This itself is Evident that DURGA Mata is the First Cause. And Vedic Sita is Ephithet to Call Adi-ParaShakti-Durga.
(Note:- Before Some People Says That Bahvricha Upanishad Glorifies Lakshmi Devi or Sita, we would Like to Say that The Upanishad itself Declare that Devi as “Consort of Shiva” and even her name is “Maha-Tripura-Sundari”)
Conclusion:- “Sita” of Sita Upanishad And Vedas is Shiva’s Consort Beyond Doubt.
9. Now,therefore, inquiry into Brahman.
10. She here is all the Vedas; all the gods; all the worlds; all renown; all virtue; all ground, effect and cause; the great Beauty of the Lord of gods. She has a form which is different and yet the same. She is the essence of the intelligent and the inert. She is all, from Brahma to stocks and stones. She is embodied, owing to distinctions of attributes and activities. She assumes the forms of gods, sages, men and Gandharvas; of demons, fiends, spirits, ghosts, goblins, etc.; and of the elements, senseorgans, mind and the vital breaths.
Here Again Only Shiva’s Consort is Glorified.
➢ She here is all the Vedas; all the gods; all the worlds; all renown; all virtue; all ground, effect and cause;
➢ the great Beauty of the Lord of gods.
➢ She has a form which is different and yet the same. She is the essence of the intelligent and the inert. She is all, from Brahma to stocks and stones. She is embodied, owing to
distinctions of attributes and activities. She assumes the forms of gods, sages, men and
Gandharvas; of demons, fiends, spirits, ghosts, goblins, etc.; and of the elements, senseorgans, mind and the vital breaths.
Here Again Goddess ShivA is Glorified.
“I am the five elements as also what is different from them. I am the entire world. I am the Veda as well as what is different from it. I am the unborn; I am the born. Below and above and around am I”. (Devi Upanishad-3)
“She, here, is the eight Vasus, the eleven Rudras, the twelve Adityas, She is the all-gods, (those) who drink Soma and (those) who do not; she is the goblins, the demons, the evil beings, the ghosts; she also, beings super-human, the semi-divine. She is Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. She is Prajapati, Indra and Manu. She is the planets, stars and luminous spheres. She is the divisions of time, and the form of primeval Time. I salute Her ever:” (Devi Upanishad- 18)“aditirdyauraditirantarikṣamaditirmātā sa pitā sa putraḥ |viśve devā aditiḥ pañca janā aditirjātamaditirjanitvam |” (Rig Veda 1:89:10)“Aditi is the heaven, Aditi is mid-air, Aditi is the Mother and the Sire and Son. Aditi is all Gods, Aditi five-classed men, Aditi all that hath been born and shall be born”
Mother of the creation is Aditi (Gauri), and Shiva is the indwelling Atman which makes the creation alive. Vedas say that Gauri (Uma) has become all this creation.
“gaurīrmimāya salilāni takṣatyekapadī dvipadī sā catuṣpadī |aṣṭāpadī navapadī babhūvuṣī sahasrākṣarā parame vyoman |” (Rig-Veda 1.164.41)“Forming the water-floods, the buffalo (cow) hath lowed, one-footed or two-footed or fourfooted, she, Gauri,Whohath become eightfooted Or hath got nine feet, the thousandsyllabled in the sublimest heaven”.“tasyāḥ samudrā adhi vi kṣaranti tena jīvanti pradiśaścatasraḥ |tataḥ kṣaratyakṣaraṃ tad viśvamupa jīvati |” (Rig-Veda 1.164.42)“From her (Gauri) descend in streams the seas of water; thereby the world’s four regions have their being, Thence flows the imperishable flood and thence the universe hath life”.
In Shata-Rudriya hymn Wonderful Description is given of How Lord Shiva Manifested From Highest Brahman to Even fallen Soul. Since Shiva and Shakti are Identical all Glories Goes to Uma-Maheshwar.
Conclusion:- It is Shiva’s Consort who is Glorified in the Sita Upanishad.
11. That divine Being is threefold through Her power, namely the power of desire, the power of
action, and the power of knowledge.
12. The power of desire is threefold: Sri, Bhumi and Nila. Auspiciousness is the form (of Sri); the power (of holiness) is the form (of Bhumi); the sun, the moon, and the fire are the forms (of Nila).
Here Only Shiva’s Consort is been Glorified.
➢ She is “Sri”, “Bhumi” and “Nila”
➢ Auspiciousness is the form (of Sri); the power (of holiness) is the form (of Bhumi); the sun, the moon, and the fire are the forms (of Nila).
We Already have Seen that Vedas Says that There was Only One Supreme Goddess who Manifested as Many. Again in the Same Upanishad (Verse 4) “Sita” is Said to be the Wife of Shiva.
“yo.ahamasmIti vA sohamasmIti vA yo.asau so.ahamasmIti vAyA bhAvyate saiShA ShoDashI shrIvidyA pa~nchadashAkSharIshrImahAtripurasundarI bAlAMbiketi bagaleti vA mAta.ngItisvayaMvarakalyANIti bhuvaneshvarIti chAmuNDeti chaNDetivArAhIti tiraskariNIti rAjamAta.ngIti vA shukashyAmaleti vAlaghushyAmaleti vA ashvArUDheti vA pratya.ngirA dhUmAvatIsAvitrI gAyatrI sarasvatI brahmAnandakaleti |” (Bahvricha Upanishad 8)“She who is contemplated as ‘That which I am’ or ‘I am He’ or ‘What He is that I am’, is the Sodasi, the Science of Sri, the fifteensyllabled (science), The sacred Maha-Tripura-Sundari, The Virgin,The Mother, Bagala, The Matangi, The auspicious one who chooses her own Partner, The Mistress Of the world, Chamunda, Chanda, The Power Of the Boar, She Who veils, the royal Matangi, Dark like a parrot, light dark, mounted on a horse; opposed to Angiras; smoke-bannered; Power Of Savitur, Sarasvati, Gayatri, Part of Brahmic bliss”.
Here it is Clearly Said that Maha-Tripura-Sundari Herself is the Science of “Sri”.
‘Eternal bliss, independent (‘hrim’), renowned, with streaming stresses (‘sauh’), the ruler of the world (‘srim’), Mahalakshmi, (at once) desire (‘klim’), fulfilment, and humanity, is the divine Annapurna. ‘I begged of Her, using the celebrated and quintessential incantation of 27 syllables, cultivated by hosts of female ascetics, ‘Namely, aim, hrim, sauh, srim, klim, aum namo bhagavatyannapurne mamabhilashitam annam dehi Svaha. [Salutation, O divine Annapurna, vouchsafe the food I desire]: ‘Thus have I been instructed by my father. From then on have I established myself in (this) discipline, persisting in the activities of my station (in life) and have given myself up to the daily practice of this incantation. (AnnaPurna Upanishad Ch-1 Verse 5-8)
Thus Vedic Scripture Reveal us that AnnaPurna or Maha-Tripura-Sundari Who is Consort of Lord Shiva is the Only Ruling Deity of “Hreem”, “Sreem” and “Kleem”.
Bhumi is Another manifestation of Lakshmi Devi(Wife of Lord Vishnu) but Uma herself is Lakshmi and Rudra himself is the Vishnu as per Upanishads.
“Rudra is Vishnu. Uma is Lakshmi. Prostrations to Him and Her.” (Rudra-Hridayopanishat)
So Again It is Only Shiv-Shakti Dwelling as Vishnu-Lakshmi. Vedas Says that Lord Shiva Himself Manifested as Vishnu. Now we will Understand meaning of “Sri” “Bhumi” and “Nila” in Accordance of Description provided in the Same Verse(of Sita Upanishad).
Auspiciousness is the form (of Sri); Here Sri is Said to be in the form of Auspiciousness.
“Those gods Said: Salutation to the Goddess, the Great Goddess! To Siva, the Auspicious, Salutation For ever more. To blessed Prakriti, Salutation! Ever to Her we bow.” (Devi Upanishad -8)
Prakriti is None other than Consort of Lord Shiva.
“athaasya yaa sahajaastyavidyaa muulaprakR^itirmaayaa lohitashuklakR^ishhNaa |tayaa sahaayavaan devaH kR^ishhNapi~Ngalo mameshvara iishhTe |” (Shandilya Upanishad 3:01)“Maheshvara (the great Lord) who is black and yellow rules with Avidya, Mula-Prakriti or Maya that is red, white and black and that is coexistent With him”.“maayaa.n tu prakR^iti.n vidyaanmaayina.n cha maheshvaram.h |tasyavayavabhuutaistu vyaapta.n sarvamida.n jagat.h |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:10)“Know, then, that prakriti is maya and that Maheshwara is the Lord of maya. The whole universe is filled with objects which are parts of His being”.
Thus Auspicious is the form of “Sri”. And “Sri” is None other than Shiva’s Consort as seen above So not repeated Again.
Now it is Said that the power (of holiness) is the form (of Bhumi); This is Also Attributes of MahaTripura-Sundari Devi (Shiva’s Consort) Only.
Now, in this sphere (of nescience), the Lord (Sadasiva), assuming the guises of Prajapati, Vishnu and Rudra, comes to be styled Goddess Tripura. By His primeval Power are fashioned the three abodes – the earth, the atmosphere and the heavens, or the heavens, the earth and the nether world. In the form of hrim, identical with the maya of Hara, the divine Hrillekha permeates, with Her terrible might, the terminus of the three peaks (above the junction of the two eyebrows), the seat of equilibrium of the three gunas, and the region where the world of objects is dissolved. This selfsame divinity is called Tripura. (Tripura-Tapini Upanishad Ch-1 Verse 1)
Here Many Secret are Revealed from Single Verse. Sada-Shiva(Who is beyond 3 Gunas- Nirgun) assuming the forms of all gods comes to be Styled Goddess Tripura[United or Identical with Supreme Goddess Tripura(Maha-Tripura-Sundari)]
Further Lord Sada-Shiva Says the following
The Lord (Sadasiva) said to all the gods: Having listened to the incantation (set forth by Me) and made it clear to yourself (‘I am Brahman’), know (there is nothing other than Brahman) and reduce (whatever appears besides) to Brahman. Enthrone the supreme vidya, the Divinity in the heart – the Divinity styled Kama, the Primeval One; whose form is the Fourth; who transcends the Fourth, who exceeds all; who occupies all seats consecrated with holy spells; who is surrounded on all sides by deities seated on the main and subordinate seats; who pervades all parts (from Prana, vital breath, to naman, name); the deity who is replete with delight; who is in union with the supreme Spirit; who is in the heart; whose gift is immortality; who is complete and who is possessed of senses; who, forever, is uprisen; who comprises three groups; has three abodes, and is the supreme and most excellent Maya; who is the supreme power of Vishnu(Vaishnavi- which means All Pervading Shakti). Enthrone in the pericarp of the heart’s lotus the supreme, sacred Lakshmi, the Maya ever uprisen; who controls the senses of Her devotees; who overwhelms the god of love; who is armed with bow and arrow; who inspires eloquence; who abides in the centre of the moon’s sphere, is adorned with the crescent, and assumes the guise of the seventeen Prajapatis. She is thegreat one, eternally present. Her hands holding a noose and a goad are charming. She, the three eyed one, shines like the rising sun. In the heart meditate on the goddess Maha-lakshmi (Consort of Shiva) comprehending all glories and possessed of all auspicious marks. Her own nature is Spirit. She is flawless. Her name is Trikuta. She has a smiling face, is beautiful, is the great Maya, and is extremely fascinating. She is adorned with great ear-rings. She rests on the threefold seat and abides in the nameless sacred abode, Sripitha. She is the great Bhairavi, the power of Spirit, the great Tripura. Meditate on Her through the great yoga of meditation. Whoso knows Her thus (fulfils his life). This is the great Upanishad. (Tripura-Tapini Upanishad Ch-1 Verse 39)
Here Lord Sada-Shiva Describes about Supreme Vidya. Except Adi-Shakti no Knowledge is Supreme.
(NOTE:- Vaishnavi means all Pervading Shakti but Alternative Translation is “Power of Vishnu”. It is better to interpret the meaning in both the ways, therefore here “Power of Vishnu” is mentioned in translating.)
Now let’s analyse further.
“She alone is Atman. Other than Her is untruth, non-self. Hence is She Brahman-Consciousness, free from (even) a tinge of being and non-being. She is the Science of Consciousness, non-dual Brahman Consciousness, a wave of Being-Consciousness-Bliss. The Beauty of the three-great-cities, penetrating without and within, is resplendent, non-dual, self-subsisting. What is, is pure Being; what shines is pure Consciousness; what is dear is Bliss. So here is the Maha-Tripura-Sundari who assumes all forms. You and I and all the world and all divinities and all besides are the MahaTripura-Sundari. The sole Truth is the thing named ‘the Beautiful’. It is the non-dual, integral, supreme Brahman. (Brahavicha Upanishad-5)
Kama is None other then Lord Shiva, Shiva is Also Called Kameshwar.
Then the Goddess is Described as Vaishnavi Which means all Pervading Shakti and not Wife of Vishnu(but if we consider it as Power of Vishnu then also Laksmi is just Manifestation of Adi-Shakti). We Shouldn’t get perplexed by it because it is Goddess Maha-Tripura-Sundari who gives Power to Vishnu.
“To holy Siva(Wife of Lord Shiv), to Daksha’s daughter, To Aditi and Sarasvati, To Skanda’s Mother, Vishnu’s Power, To Night of death by Brahma lauded,We render obeisance.” (Devi Upanishad-11)
Here it is Mata Parvati Only who is Described as Daksha’s Daughter, Skandha’s Mother and Vishnu’s Power(as form of Lakshmi). This is Sufficient to Say that Supreme Prakriti(Parvati Manifested as Lakshmi.
Rudra is Vishnu. Uma is Lakshmi. Prostrations to Him and Her. (Rudra-Hridayopanishat)
The same thing is Confirm by very Next Verse of Devi-Upanishad
Know we Great Lakshmi, Goddess of good Fortune; On all fulfilment do we meditate. May the Goddess inspire us !(Devi Upanishad-12)
Later Lord Sada-Shiva Describe About Maha-Lakshmi(His Consort) and Says that She is Bhairavi and She is also called Tripura(Maha-Tripura-Sundari).
Now the Last Portion of Verse 12 of Sita Upanishad says the sun, the moon, and the fire are the forms (of Nila).
Again it is Addressed to Maha-Tripura-Sundari Devi Only and not popularly known “Nila Devi” as Vishnu’s Consort. Note that Nila Devi is Described as “the Sun, the Moon, and the fire are the form of “Nila”
So It is Only Lalita-Ambika who is Called as “Nila” over here.
“I move with Rudras and Vasus, with Adityas and Visvedevas.Mitra and Varuna, Indra and Agni, I support, and the two Asvins.(Devi Upanishad-4)
“She, here, is the eight Vasus, the eleven Rudras, the twelve Adityas, She is the all-gods, (those) who drink Soma and (those) who do not; she is the goblins, the demons, the evil beings, the ghosts; she also, beings super-human, the semi-divine. She is Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. She is Prajapati, Indra and Manu. She is the planets, stars and luminous spheres. She is the divisions of time, and the form of primeval Time. I salute Her ever: (Devi Upanishad – 18)
Conclusion:-Thus it Clearly Evident that It is Shiva’s Consort who is Praised and Glorified as “Sita” in the Sita Upanishad.
13. As the moon (She) is the mistress of the herbs; She is the tree of plenty, flowers, fruits, creepers and bowers; the mistress of medicinal plants and physicians; She is the divine draught of immortality, yielding the fruit of massive splendour. She satisfies the gods with ambrosia and the animals with grass on which, respectively, the gods and the animals live.
“Siva is the Supreme God So (Brahman-knowers) say; Sakti is all that is born(Manifested); Sun and moon united are Hamsa – Brahman attributeless”.(Tripura-Tapini Upanishad Ch-1;Verse-18)
➢ She is As the moon (She) is the mistress of the herbs; She is the tree of plenty, flowers, fruits, creepers and bowers; the mistress of medicinal plants and physicians.
➢ She is Divine Draught of immortality.
➢ . She satisfies the gods with ambrosia and the animals with grass on which, respectively, the gods and the animals live.
“Refuge I seek in Her who is the colour of fire, Burning with ascetic ardour, Goddess resplendent, Delighting in actions’ fruits; O Thou, hard to reach, Dispel Thy gloom. (Devi Upanishad-9)“ The gods engendered divine Speech; Her, beasts of all forms speak; The cow that yields sweet fruits and vigour –To us may lauded Speech appear.” (Devi Upanishad-10)“Resolutions are the wish-granting trees; energy (of the mind) is the garden of the trees of plenty”.(Bhavana Upanishad-8)
Now Devi is Called Draught of Immortality. Once Again we Should Remember that Originally there was Only 1 Goddess. And that Goddess is Glorified in Various Shruti(s).
“ Brahma and others know not Her essence; so is she called the Unknowable. She has no end; so is she called the Endless. She is not grasped and so is she called the Incomprehensible. Her birth is not known and so is she called the Unborn. She alone is present everywhere, and so is she called the One.She alone wears all forms, and so is she called the Many. For these reasons is she called the Unknowable, the Endless, the Incomprehensible, the Unknown, the One and the Many.” (Devi Upanishad-26)
Again that Supreme Prakriti is Said to satisfy(Support) all gods by ambrosia. Again it is Praises of AdiShakti Lalita-Ambika.
“ I uphold Soma, Tvastir, Pusan and Bhaga, The wide-stepping Vishnu, Brahma, Prajapati.” (Devi Upanishad-5)
Even Shruti Indirectly says Uma As Moon.
“On the left side(Of Shiva), there exist Sri Umadevi, and also Vishnu and Soma (moon). Uma Herself is the form of Vishnu. Vishnu Himself is the form of the moon.” (Rudra-Hridayopanishat)
Let’s See above Verse Carefully;
Uma = Vishnu = Moon……. (Therefore, Uma=Moon)
“I move with Rudras and Vasus, with Adityas and Visvedevas. Mitra and Varuna, Indra and Agni, I support, and the two Asvins. (Devi Upanishad -4)
Conclusion: - "Sita" in the Shruti Scripture is the Consort of Sada-Shiva.
14. She illumines all worlds, day and night, in the garb of the sun, etc. As determinations of time, such as the smallest moment, hour, day with its eight divisions, day of the week, and night, as also the fortnight, month, season, six months, and year and as the prescriber of the term of human life as a hundred years, She manifests herself and is known as Delay and Speed. Thus wheel-like, She revolves as the wheel of Time, the wheel of Universe, etc.; comprising (all dimensions of time) from the moment up to fifty years of Brahma’s life. All the luminous temporal divisions are the specific determinations of this very Time, the container of all.
This is Direct Evidence that Sita of Vedas is None other then Consort of Shiva.
“She, here, is the eight Vasus, the eleven Rudras, the twelve Adityas, She is the all-gods, (those) who drink Soma and (those) who do not; she is the goblins, the demons, the evil beings, the ghosts; she also, beings super-human, the semi-divine. She is Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. She is Prajapati, Indra and Manu. She is the planets, stars and luminous spheres. She is the divisions of time, and the form of primeval Time. I salute Her ever”: (Devi Upanishad-18)
This Verse itself Says that Lalita-Ambika is Division of Time and also Primeval Time. Since there is
Only 1 Goddess(At the beginning this verse is by default attributed to Goddess ShivA)
“The Goddess is the source of all mantras: Of all the words the knowledge is Her form. Her conscious Form transcends all cognitions; She is the witness of all emptiness.(Devi Upanishad-27)
Here She is witness of all emptiness itself States that She is Origin of All. And Hence She Alone is beyond Time.
“Pervading the three cities [tripura], the three bodies, illuminating within and without, She, the Consciousness within, becomes the Maha-Tripura-Sundari, being associated with space, time and objects.” (Bahvricha Upanishad-4)
Moreover wife of Shree Rama was incarnated as human so that Sita is not beyond time, However
Sita was None other then Lakshmi and Lakshmi is none Other then Manifestation of Shiva’s Consort.
Conclusion:- Once Again it is Proved that Vedic Deity Sita is Consort of Lord Mahakaal and she is not Puranic Sita.
15. As fire is the food and drink of living beings, their hunger and thirst. As regards the gods, She has the form of sacrifice. As regards the herbs in the forest, She is the coolness and the warmth. Both inside and outside the fuel She dwells, eternal and fleeting.
➢ She has the Form of Sacrifice.
➢ She dwells Inside and OutSide eternally.
Again Only Lalita-Ambika is Glorified in the above verse. Beyond Lalita-Ambika there is No Sacrifice, No Life, No Devas-Asuras-Human-Gandharva, Nothing Exist beyong Sole and Supreme Durga Mata. Entire Universe is Conained and Sustained by her Wish and Grace Only.
“Beyond Her is nothing; renowned is She As unapproachable; afeared of life, I bow to the inaccessible One, Bulwark against all sins; the Pilot who Steers me across the sea of worldly life.”(Devi Upanishad-28)
“To the zealous sacrificer offering oblation And pressing the Soma-juice do I grant wealth; I am the state, the Bringer of Wealth; Above it all, place I its protector”.(Devi-Upanishad-6)
Devi is Sacrifice and Also Protector of Sacrifice. The above Verse Clarifies it completely.
Now In Shruti Rudra is Called Sacrifice and Uma is Altar(Vedi).
Rudra is Yajna. Uma is Vedi Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Agni, Uma is Svaha. (RudraHridayopanishat)
We Should Remember forever that Shiva-Shakti are Always Inseprable.
Now Lalita-Ambika is Within and Without.
“Pervading the three cities [tripura], the three bodies, illuminating within and without, She, the Consciousness within, becomes the Maha-Tripura-Sundari, being associated with space, time and objects.”(Bahavricha Upanishad-4)
Conclusion:- It is Consort of Mahadev who is described as “Sita” in the Upanishad.
16. The Goddess Sri assumes a threefold form in conformity with the Lord’s will for the protection of the world. That She is styled Sri and Lakshmi is known.
➢ Goddess Sri assumes threefold Forms in Conformity with Lord’s Will
➢ That She is Styled and “Sri” and Lakshmi is Known.
Here it is One more Crystal-Clear Evidence of Vedic Sita being Wife of Lord Shiva and is MahaTripura-Sundari Only.
We Already Knows that it is Maha-Tripura-Sundari who is in the form of “Sri”.
She who is contemplated as ‘That which I am’ or ‘I am He’ or ‘What He is that I am’, is the Sodasi, the Science of Sri, the fifteen-syllabled (science), the sacred Maha-Tripura-Sundari, the Virgin,the Mother, Bagala, the Matangi, the auspicious one who chooses her own Partner, the Mistress of the world, Chamunda, Chanda, the Power of the Boar, She who veils, the royal Matangi, dark like a parrot, light dark, mounted on a horse; opposed to Angiras; smoke-bannered; Power of Savitur, Sarasvati, Gayatri, part of Brahmic bliss. (Bahvricha Upanishad-8)
From this it is Clear that Only Maha-Tripura-Sundari is Called as Sri. And ‘Science of Sri’ i.e. Science of Sri-Vidhya is Also Shiva’s Consort Only.
Now That Supreme Prakriti Manifest in threefold Forms is Maha-Kali, Maha-Lakshmi and MahaSaraswati and all are Consort of Shiva as Manifestation of Supreme Prakriti. The Same is Verified in the Scriptures.
“athaasya yaa sahajaastyavidyaa muulaprakR^itirmaayaa lohitashuklakR^ishhNaa |tayaa sahaayavaan devaH kR^ishhNapi~Ngalo mameshvara iishhTe |” (Shandilya Upanishad 3:01)“Maheshvara (the great Lord) who is black and yellow rules with Avidya, Mula-Prakriti or Mayathat is red(Maha-Lakshmi), white(Maha-Saraswati) and black(Maha-Kali) and that is coexistent With him”.
The above Verse from itself Clarifies that it is Only Maha-Tripura-Sundari who exist in threefold Form as Maha-Lakshmi, Maha-Saraswati and Maha-Kali.
“maayaa.n tu prakR^iti.n vidyaanmaayina.n cha maheshvaram.h |tasyavayavabhuutaistu vyaapta.n sarvamida.n jagat.h |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:10)“Know, then, that prakriti is maya and that Maheshwara is the Lord of maya. The whole universe is filled with objects which are parts of His being”.
Conclusion:- It’s Maha-Tripura-Sundari Devi Only who is described as “Sita” in the Vedas and Upanishads.
17. The Goddess Bhu is the Earth comprising the seven islands and the seas; the container and the contents of the fourteen worlds such as bhu, etc.; and her essence is Pranava.
➢ She is Fourteen Worlds(Entire Universe) including Earth comprising Seven Islands and Sea.
➢ Her essence is Pranava(OM).
This is also glory Of Same Supreme Goddess who is Consort of Shiva. If we Consider “Bhu” as Earth then Earth cannot became Fourteen Worlds. So this Verse is Esoterically describes about MahaTripura Sundari”
I am the five elements as also what is different from them. I am the entire world(Universe). I am the Veda as well as what is different from it. I am the unborn; I am the born. Below and above and around am I.(Devi Upanishad-3)“She alone is Atman. Other than Her is untruth, non-self. Hence is She Brahman-Consciousness, free from (even) a tinge of being and non-being. She is the Science of Consciousness, non-dual Brahman Consciousness, a wave of Being-Consciousness-Bliss. The Beauty of the three-great-cities, penetrating without and within, is resplendent, non-dual, self-subsisting. What is, is pure Being; what shines is pure Consciousness; what is dear is Bliss. So here is the Maha-Tripura-Sundari who assumes all forms. You and I and all the world and all divinities and all besides are the Maha-Tripura-Sundari. The sole Truth is the thing named ‘the Beautiful’. It is the non-dual, integral, supreme Brahman”. (Bahvricha Upanishad-5)
The following Verse Clearly Says that Goddess emitted World-egg Also called “Brahmaand” i.e.Universe. And She is Only Pranav.
“devI hyekAgra evAsIt.h | saiva jagadaNDamasR^ijat.h |kAmakaleti vij~nAyate | shrR^i.ngArakaleti vij~nAyate |” (Bahvricha Upanishad 1)“The Goddess was indeed one in the beginning. Alone she emitted the world-egg. (She) is known as Love’s Part (IM). (She) is known as the half-syllabic instant after OM”.
Conclusion:- This Verse too Glorifies Adi-Shakti Only.
18. Nila is festooned with lightnings. To nourish all herbs and living beings, She assumes all forms.
➢ “Nila is Festooned with Lightenings to nourish all herbs and living beings.
➢ She Assumes all forms.
This is Again Glorification of Lalita-Ambika Devi Only. Lightening, Nourishing all herbs and Living
Beings etc are Epithet to Prakriti. And Lalita-Ambika is Supreme Prakriti Called Mool-Prakriti.
“maayaa.n tu prakR^iti.n vidyaanmaayina.n cha maheshvaram.h |tasyavayavabhuutaistu vyaapta.n sarvamida.n jagat.h |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:10)“Know, then, that prakriti is maya and that Maheshwara is the Lord of maya. The whole universe is filled with objects which are parts of His being”.“athaasya yaa sahajaastyavidyaa muulaprakR^itirmaayaa lohitashuklakR^ishhNaa |tayaa sahaayavaan devaH kR^ishhNapi~Ngalo mameshvara iishhTe |” (Shandilya Upanishad 3:01)“Maheshvara (the great Lord) who is black and yellow rules with Avidya, Mula-Prakriti or Maya that is red, white and black and that is coexistent With him”.
The Supreme Praakriti is Source of All.
The Goddess is the source of all mantras: Of all the words the knowledge is Her form. Herconscious Form transcends all cognitions; She is the witness of all emptiness. (Devi Upanishad-27)The holy Teacher is the Power (Para-Sakti) that is the cause of all. (Bhavana Upanishad-1)
Maha-Tripura-Sundaridevi assumes all the forms is Verified in Vedic Scriptures.
"She, here, is the eight Vasus, the eleven Rudras, the twelve Adityas, She is the all-gods, (those) who drink Soma and (those) who do not; she is the goblins, the demons, the evil beings, theghosts; she also, beings super-human, the semi-divine. She is Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. She is Prajapati, Indra and Manu. She is the planets, stars and luminous spheres. She is the divisions of time, and the form of primeval Time. I salute Her ever:” (Devi Upanishad-18)
Conclusion:- Once Again it is Proved that Vedic Sita is indeed Maha-Tripura-Sundari.
19. At the root of all the worlds, She assumes the form of Water, being known as ‘consisting of frogs’ and supporting the worlds.
➢ She Root(Source) of all Worlds
➢ She Support All World and its Creatures.
Here She assumes the form of Water “Consisting of Frog” is esoteric. Here Frogs are “Jivaatma” and She assumes form of Water is another way to Say that She Sustain and Support Entire Universe or World.
“Whoso knows my essence in the water of the inner sea, Attains he the Goddess’s abode.Those gods said: Salutation to the Goddess, the great Goddess ! To Siva(Wife of Shiv), the auspicious, salutation, forever more. To blessed Prakriti, salutation ! Ever to Her we bow. (Devi Upanishad 7-8)
Here it Says whose know my essence in the water of inner Sea means Within our own Self and Not Abode of Vishnu is mean here.
She is Root of all the Worlds.
“devI hyekAgra evAsIt.h | saiva jagadaNDamasR^ijat.h |kAmakaleti vij~nAyate | shrR^i.ngArakaleti vij~nAyate |” (Bahvricha Upanishad 1)“The Goddess was indeed one in the beginning. Alone she emitted the world-egg. (She) is known as Love’s Part (IM). (She) is known as the half-syllabic instant after OM”.
She is Support of all Worlds, Including Very Gods.
“I move with Rudras and Vasus, with Adityas and Visvedevas. Mitra and Varuna, Indra and Agni, I support, and the two Asvins. (Devi Upanishad -4)
She Supports “Jiva” or the “Frog”
“ajaamekaa.n lohitashuklakR^ishhNaaM bahviiH prajaaH sR^ijamaanaa.n saruupaaH | ajo hyeko jushhamaaNo.anushete jahaatyenaa.n bhuktabhogaamajo.anyaH |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:05)“There is one unborn being (female), red, white, and black, uniform, but producing manifold offspring. There is one unborn being (male) who loves her and lies by her (Jiva); there is another (Eswara) who leaves her, while she is eating what has to be eaten”.
Conclusion:- Vedic Sita is the Wife of Lord Shiva Only.
20. The real form of the power of action (is as follows): From Hari’s mouth (proceeds) sound; from this sound ‘the drop’; thence, the syllable Om; from this syllable, distinctively proceeds the mount Rama, the abode of the Vaikhanasas. On that mount flourish manifold branches representing action and knowledge.
This Verse is Also Esoteric in Nature. This is to be noted that Hari is Just other way to Call Lord Shiva. Infact Lord Shiva Himself is in the form of Vishnu.“sá yád dhruvāṃ díśam ánu vyácalad víṣṇur bhūtvā́ nuvyàcalad virājam annādīṃ krtvā |” (Atharva Veda XV:14:5)“He, when he went away to the stedfast region, went away having become Vishnu and having made Virāj an eater of food”.“Namo bhavaya cha rudraya chanamah sharvaya cha pashupataye chanamo girishaya cha shipivishhtaya cha |” (Anuvaka 5 Sri Rudram)“Salutations to Him who is the source of all things. And to Him who is the destroyer of all ills. Salutations to the destroyer and to the protector of all beings in bondage. Salutations to Him who dwells on the mount and who is in the form of Shipivista (Vishnu)“.
Vishnu Cannot be Origin Of OM But Vishnu is dependent on "OM"
“sarvakaraNAni manasi saMpratiShThApya dhyAna.n viShNuH prANaM manasi saha karaNaiHsaMpratiShThApya dhyAtA rudraH prANaM manasi sahakaraNairnAdAnte paramAtmanisaMpratiShThApya dhyAyIteshAnaM pradhyAyitavya.n sarvamidaM |” (AtharvashikaUpanishad 2:1) “The pranava (the sound of Om) makes all the souls to bow before it. It is the one and only one which has to be meditated upon as the four Vedas and the birth place of all devas. One who meditates like that goes away from all sorrows and fears and gets the power to protect all others who approach him. It is because of this meditation only that Lord Vishnu who is spread every where, wins over all others. It is because Lord Brahma controlled all his organs and meditated upon it, he attained the position of the creator. Even Lord Vishnu , parks his mind in the sound (Om) of the place of Paramathma (ultimate soul) and meditates upon Eeshana, who is most proper to be worshipped. All this is only proper in case of Eeshana”.Morever Rama too is the form of Shiva Only.
“raama.n trinetra.n somaardhadhaariNa.n shuulinaM param.hbhasmoddhuulitasarvaa~Nga.n kapardinamupaasmahe ” (Rama Rahasya Upanishad Ch 2, Verse 32)“I worship that Rama, Who has three eyes, Who wears the crescent, Who holds the trident, Who is anointed all over by ash, And who is with matted hair”.
Conclusion:- Hari is None other then Lord Shiva and Vedas Says from Shiva’s Mouth Vedas
proceeds(but I m not mentioning Refrence over here)
21. The primal science of Vedas three, reveals all sense; They are the ‘three’, comprising Ric, Yajus and Saman.
22. Based on a fact, fourfold, they are called The Ric, Yajus, Saman, Atharvan.
23. The ‘three’ are so famed as they Concern the four priests, form texts Of triple sense, lingas, and\ much else. The Atharvan is, in essence, Ric, Yajus and Saman, too.
24. Yet separated it is, being In the main, of magic sense. The Rig-Veda does flourish In branches twenty-one.
25. The Yajus is well known In nine and hundred various schools. Saman has a thousand branches; The Atharvan but forty.
26. The Vaikhanasa philosophy With intuition is concerned; With Vaikhanasa it is that Sages ever engage themselves.
27. Rituals, Grammar, Phonetics, Etymology, Astronomy and Metre are the six limbs.
28. The minor limbs are Vedanta And Mimamsa, the treatise on Nyaya and Puranas upheld By the knowers of the Law; so also
29. Ethics, of the Vedic lore all branches,
Tradition, Law upheld by Rishis great;
History and legend – these the Upangas.Of meditation (upasana) the chapters;
30. The five minor Vedas are
Architecture and Archery,
Music, Medicine and Occult Thought (daivika).
31. The Discipline, the Rites, the Gloss, the Lore,
Conquest supreme of breath – these twenty-one
Are renowned as self-evident.
32. The word of Vishnu at first sprang forth From Vaikhanasa as the Vedas three.
Here it Says Vedas Proceed from word(Mouth) of Vishnu(Shiva).
It is again from Shiva only that the Riks, Yajus, Samans (Vedas) were born. In Atharvana Veda, Kala Sukta, A hymn to Maha Kala form of Lord Shiva, says :
“kāló ha bhūtáṃ bhávyaṃ ca putró ajanayat purā|kālād ŕcaḥ sám abhavan yájuḥ kālād ajāyata |” ( Atharva Veda 19:54:3)“In Kala erst the text produced what is and what is yet to be.The Riks arose from Kala, the Yagus was born from Kala”.
Same is even confirmed in Svetaswatara Upanishad also.
“chhandaa.nsi yaGYaaH kratavo vrataani bhuutaM bhavya.n yachcha vedaa vadanti |asmaan.h maayii sR^ijate vishvametattasmi.nshchaanyo maayayaa sanniruddhaH |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:09)“The sacred verses, the offerings (yajna), the sacrifices (kratu), the penances (vrata), the past, the future and all that the Vedas declare, have been produced from the imperishable Brahman. Brahman projects the universe through the power of Its maya. Again, in that universe Brahman as the jiva is entangled through maya”.“sá uttamāṃ díśam ánu vy àcalat |tám ŕcaś ca sā māni ca yájūṃṣi ca bráhma cānuvyàcalan | ŕ ṃ ca vái sá sāmnāṃ ca yájuṣāṃca bráhmaṇaś ca priyáṃ dhā ma bhavati yá eváṃ véda |” cā(Atharva Veda 15:6.3) “sá brhatī́ṃ díśam ánu vy àcalat |tám itihāsáś ca purāṇáṃ cagāthāś ca nārāśaṃsī́ś cānuvyàcalan |itihāsásya ca vái sá purāṇásya ca gāthānāṃ canārāśaṃsī́nāṃ ca priyáṃ dhā ma bhavati yá eváṃ véda |” (Atharva Veda 15:6.4)
“He went away to the last region. Richas, Sāmans Yajus formulas and Devotion followed him. He who possesses this knowledge becomes the dear home of Earth and Agni and herbs and trees and shrubs and plants. He went away to the great region. Itihāsa and Purāna and Gāthās and Nārāsansis followed him. He who possesses this knowledge becomes the dear home of Earth and Agni and herbs and trees and shrubs and plants”.
Conclusion:- It is Lord Shiva from Whom Vedas Originated.
33. As of old from sage Vaikhanasa The ‘three’ sprang forth –Hear all from me. The eternal Brahmic form is power to act.
34. The manifest power is but the memory of the Lord; its essence is manifestation and evolution,restriction and promotion, subsidence and upflaring. It is the cause of the patent and the latent,possessing all feet, limbs, faces, colours. It is at once different and non-different (from the Lord); theunfailing consort of the Lord, perpetually dependent on Him. She becomes patent and latent, and is called the manifest power because She is competent to bring about, through the (mere) closing and opening (of Her eye) creation, sustentation and retraction, suppression and promotion.
➢ Here She is Said as Consort of Lord.
➢ It is Different and Non Different From A Lord.
This is Again Glorification of Shiva’s Consort.
“maayaa.n tu prakR^iti.n vidyaanmaayina.n cha maheshvaram.h |tasyavayavabhuutaistu vyaapta.n sarvamida.n jagat.h |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:10)“Know, then, that prakriti is maya and that Maheshwara is the Lord of maya. The whole universe is filled with objects which are parts of His being”.“athaasya yaa sahajaastyavidyaa muulaprakR^itirmaayaa lohitashuklakR^ishhNaa |tayaa sahaayavaan devaH kR^ishhNapi~Ngalo mameshvara iishhTe |” (Shandilya Upanishad 3:01)“Maheshvara (the great Lord) who is black and yellow rules with Avidya, Mula-Prakriti or Maya that is red, white and black and that is coexistent With him”.
Thus She as Consort of Shiva Engage herself in Creation alongwith Her Consrt Shiva.
She is Different yet Non-Different from Lord.

Due to Shambhavi Maya Lord Appear as Different from His Mool-Prakriti. That’s Why we Regard Lord as Father and Mool-Prakriti as Mother of Entire Creation
“na śivēna vinā śaktirna śaktirahitaḥ śivaḥ |umāśankarayōraikyaṁ yaḥ paśyati sa paśyati ||” (sūta saṁhitā:04:13:30)“Neither Shakti exists without Shiva, nor does Shiva exist without Shakti. The one who sees Uma and Shankara as one and the same is the one who really sees (i.e., knows the truth)”.
Even Shiva Purana voices the same opinion as follows.
“yathā śivastathā dēvī yathā dēvī tathā śivaḥ |nānayōrantaraṁ vidyāchchandrachandrikayōriva ||” (Shiva Purana 7:2:4:9)“As is Shiva so is Devi, as is Devi so is Shiva. There exists no difference between them as like as moon and moonlight”.
Shiva-Shakti is never separeted from each other being Ardh-Nareshwar.
“R^itam satyaM paraM brahma purushha.n kR^ishhNapi~Ngalam.h |uurdhvareta.n viruupaaksha.n vishvaruupaaya vai namo namaH |” (Taittiriya Aranyaka 10.23.1)“Supreme Brahman, the Absolute Reality (Righteousness and Truth), is the androgynous Person the Umamaheshvara (or Ardhanareeshwara), dark blue and reddish brown in hue, absolutely chaste and possessing uncommon eyes. Salutations to Him alone who is the Soul of the universe or whose form is the universe”.

No Deities other than Shiv-Shakti is being Present as Ardhnareshwar Form so its Clear Evidence that
this Verse belongs to Only Adi_Purush Sada-Shiva and MKool-Prakriti Maha-Tripura-Sundari.
Conclusion:- This Verse Glorifies Divine Play of Shiv-Shakti & their Union Only.
35. The power of desire is threefold. At the time of retraction, for the sake of rest, when She rests on the right side of the Lord’s chest, in the shape of Srivatsa, She is the power of Yoga. the right side of the Lord’s chest, in the shape of Srivatsa, She is the power of Yoga.
Well. There is nothing Confusing in the Verse. One Supreme Goddess Manifested as Many Devis as Seen in Above Annalysis. Here Lakshmi Devi Resting on Lord Vishnu,s Chest is The way to Depict that Supreme Goddess Maha-Tripura-Sundari And Ved-Purush Sada-Shiva is Always United in any Manifestation Be it Mahadev-Parvati, Vishnu-Lakshmi, Ram-Sita Or Any Other. There was Only 1 Goddess in the beginning That Goddess Manifested As Many Form out of Which One form is of Lakshmi devi Similiarly Lord Shiva himself is in the form of Vishnu.
Conclusion:- Here Also Shiva-Shakti is Glori ied as Lakshmi and Vishnu.
36. The form of the Power of enjoyment is enjoyment. Associated with the Tree of Plenty, the wishgranting Cow, the wish-fulfilling Gem, and the nine Treasures such as the (precious) Conch and Lotus, She is impelled by the devotion of the worshipper, whether sought or unsought (to yield enjoyments) as a result of rites, compulsory or optional, like the Agnihotra; or as a result of (the eight ‘limbs’ of Yoga practice, namely) restraint, discipline, posture, control of breath, withdrawal, attention, meditation and contemplation; or as a result of worship of the Lord’s image in pinnacled temples; or as a result of ceremonial baths, etc.; or of the worship of manes, etc.; or as a result of
giving food, drink, etc., for pleasing the Lord. (All this) is done (through the Power of enjoyment).
37. Now the Power of heroism, four-armed, (is described). She indicates by her gestures fearlessness and (the granting of) boons; She bears the lotus; crowned and bedecked, She is surrounded by all the gods; is bathed, at the foot of the Tree of Plenty, by four elephants, in ambrosial waters from jewelled pots. All divinities, Brahma and others, render obeisance to Her. She is vested with the eight miraculous powers such as becoming atomic in proportion; She is lauded by the wishgranting
cow who is before Her; she is extolled by the Vedas, the Shastras,etc. Celestial nymphs like Jaya wait upon Her. The luminaries – the sun and the moon – shed splendour on Her.
Tumburu, Narada and others sing of Her glory. The full moon and new moon days hold an umbrella over Her; two delightful beings hold the whisks. Svaha and Svadha fan Her. Bhrigu and other supernatural beings adore Her. The Goddess Lakshmi is seated on a divine Lion-Throne in the lotus posture, effectuating all causes and effects. The steady (image of) the Lord’s idea of differentiation, She beautifies. With tranquil eyes, adored by all the gods, She is known as the Beauty of Heroism. This is the Secret.
This all Are the Attributes of Consort of Lord Sada-Shiva
The Lord (Sadasiva) said to all the gods: Having listened to the incantation (set forth by Me) and made it clear to yourself (‘I am Brahman’), know (there is nothing other than Brahman) and reduce (whatever appears besides) to Brahman. Enthrone the supreme vidya, the Divinity in the heart – the Divinity styled Kama, the Primeval One; whose form is the Fourth; who transcends the Fourth, who exceeds all; who occupies all seats consecrated with holy spells; who is surrounded on all sides by deities seated on the main and subordinate seats; who pervades all parts (from Prana, vital breath, to naman, name); the deity who is replete with delight; who is in union with the supreme Spirit; who is in the heart; whose gift is immortality; who is complete and who is possessed of senses; who, forever, is uprisen; who comprises three groups; has three abodes, and is the supreme and most excellent Maya; who is the supreme power of Vishnu. Enthrone in the pericarp of the heart’s lotus the supreme, sacred Lakshmi, the Maya ever uprisen; ho controls the senses of Her devotees; who overwhelms the god of love; who is armed with bow and arrow; who inspires eloquence; who abides in the centre of the moon’s sphere, is adorned with the crescent, and assumes the guise of the seventeen Prajapatis. She is the great one, eternally present. Her hands holding a noose and a goad are charming. She, the three-eyed one, shines like the risingsun. In the heart meditate on the goddess Mahalakshmi, comprehending all glories and possessed of all auspicious marks. Her own nature is Spirit. She is flawless. Her name is Trikuta. She has a smiling face, is beautiful, is the great Maya, and is extremely fascinating. She is adorned with great ear-rings. She rests on the threefold seat and abides in the nameless sacred abode, Sripitha. She is the great Bhairavi, the power of Spirit, the great Tripura. Meditate on Her through the great yoga of meditation. Whoso knows Her thus (fulfils his life). This is the great Upanishad. (TripuraTapini Upanishad Ch-1; Verse 39)
Coclusion:- In Entire Sita-Upanishad Only Consort of Lord Sada-Shiva is Glorified. Sita is None other then Consort of Lord SADA_SHIVA (As Vedic Sita is None other then Maha-Tripura-Sundari).
Let’s End our Article with few Verses.
“Sarva Mantra Sarva Yantra Sarva Tantra Sarva Pallava Svaruupaya Iti Om Namah Shivaya Om!” (Dattatreya Upanishad)
"The Goddess is the source of all mantras: Of all the words the knowledge is Her form. Her conscious Form transcends all cognitions; She is the witness of all emptiness." (Devi Upanishad –27)
Thus it is proved beyond doubt that Vedic "Sita" is none other then Consort of Lord Sada-Shiva.
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