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Sunday, 31 March 2019

Chapter - 10


ईश्वर उवाच
अलिङ्गमेकमव्यक्तं लिङ्गं ब्रह्मेति निश्चितम्
 स्वयंज्योतिः परं तत्त्वं परे व्योम्नि व्यवस्थितम् १०.१॥
Isvara (Shiva) Said: -
Devoid of any sign, One and Unmanifested, Brahman with Linga (Symbol), is self-illuminating, supreme principle located at Divine Abode.
अव्यक्तं कारणं यत्तदक्षरं परमं पदम्
निर्गुणं सिद्धि विज्ञानं तद् वै पश्यन्ति सूरयः १०.२॥
Meaning: - That which is called Avyakt (Unmanifest) cause, that undecaying and Ultimate Station (परमं पदम्) is science of Nirguna Siddhi which only learned people can able to visualise.  
तन्निष्ठ स्वान्तसंकल्पा नित्यं तद्भावभाविताः
पश्यन्ति तत् परं ब्रह्म यत्तल्लिङ्गमिति श्रुतिः १०.३॥
Meaning: - That which is called as ‘Lingam’ by shruti, that supreme Brahman can be visualize to only those whose heart are determined, established and remain unchanged with same feelings (of Brahman).
 अन्यथा नहि मां द्रष्टुं शक्यं वै मुनिपुंगवाः
 नहि तद् विद्यते ज्ञानं यतस्तज्ज्ञायते परम् १०.४॥
Meaning: - O foremost sages! Except those none can able to behold me in my true form. There is no Knowledge (in universe) through which one can know mine true form of Supreme Brahman.
 एतत्तत्परमं ज्ञानं केवलं कवयो विदुः
 अज्ञानमितरं ज्ञानं यस्मान्मायामयं जगत् १०.५॥
Meaning: - Only Enlightened ones are aware of this foremost knowledge. Whatever knowledge is there except this, should be considered as temporary.
(NOTE: - Here it should be understood that the Knowledge which is Pure, Spotless, Devoid of Alternative and Devoid of any vikAra is the personification of Mahadeva (Brahman). And that Knowledge is only revered as ‘Complete Knowledge’ by those who are well-versed in the scripture.)
 यज्ज्ञानं निर्मलं शुद्धं निर्विकल्पं निरञ्जनम् 
 ममात्माऽसौ तदेवेमिति प्राहुर्विपश्चितः १०.६॥
Meaning: - That Knowledge which happens to be pure, spotless, without any alternative is form of my own self. This is perceived by enlightened ones.
 येऽप्यनेकं प्रपश्यन्ति तत्परं परमं पदं 
 आश्रिताः परमां निष्ठां बुद्ध्वैकं तत्त्वमव्ययम् १०.७॥
Meaning: - Those learned ones, foremost loyal, visualise the Param Padam through infinite forms, they are too dependent on the sole unavoidable principle.
 ये पुनः परमं तत्त्वमेकं वानेकमीश्वरम्
 भक्त्या मां सम्प्रपश्यन्ति विज्ञेयास्ते तदात्मकाः १०.८॥
Meaning: - Anyone who visualize the Ultimate Principle in one or many forms through pure devotion, know them to be the form of that (Brahman or Ultimate Principle). 
 साक्षादेव प्रपश्यन्ति स्वात्मानं परमेश्वरम्
 नित्यानन्दं निर्विकल्पं सत्यरूपमिति स्थितिः १०.९॥
Meaning: - (Because) those too visualise Parmeshvara in the form of their own self. The attributes of that principle are eternal, blissful, non-alternative and in the form of truth. 
 भजन्ते परमानन्दं सर्वगं जगदात्मकम्
स्वात्मन्यवस्थिताः शान्ताः परऽव्यक्ते परस्य तु १०.१०॥
 एषा विमुक्तिः परमा मम सायुज्यमुत्तमम्
 निर्वाणं ब्रह्मणा चैक्यं कैवल्यं कवयो विदुः १०.११॥
Meaning: - Other people, worship the Ultimate Unmanifested (Brahman) in the form of supreme bliss, omnipresent and soul of universe, who is situated in the form of self of all. Know this to be the Foremost Liberation. Learned person acknowledge it as my Sayujya (सायुज्य), Union (of jIvA) with Brahman and Kaivalya liberation. 
 तस्मादनादिमध्यान्तं वस्त्वेकं परमं शिवम्
  ईश्वरो महादेवस्तं विज्ञाय प्रमुच्यते १०.१२॥
Meaning: - Due to liberation from begin, midst, end, the entity is called Param Shiva (Supreme Shiva). Verily Shiva is called Ishwara- Mahadeva and by Knowing him, one attains liberation. 
  तत्र सूर्यः प्रतिभातीह चन्द्रो नक्षत्राणां गणो नोत विद्युत्
 तद्भासितं ह्यखिलं भाति विश्वतीवभासममलं द्विभाति १०.१३॥
Meaning: - Sun doesn’t shine there, nor does the moon or constellations, lightening fails to reach there. When it (Brahman) shines entire cosmos gets illuminated.
(NOTE: -   Here Lord Shiva is conveying that Sun, Moon, Constellations, Lightening etc are not Self-illuminating. Indeed, when it (Brahman) shines everything else shines due to influence of Brahman. This verse actually in synchronize with Kenopanishat were Various deities strated to celebrate the victory which was actually achieved by Brahman. When the yaksha appeared in front of deities they fail to recognise the true identity of Brahman. Then daughter of King Himavat namely Uma appeared and reveal to all the deities that it was Brahman due to which you all deities are victorius. In the beginning of that Upanishat preceptor while imparting science of Brahman says to disciples that by Brahman’s order all the organs of body work.
In the Kathopanishat too, it is said that by his (Shiva/Brahman) command air, sun and other entities functions. And Now the very same thing is acknowledged by Supreme Lord Shiva that indeed it is by his command that everything functions).
 विश्वोदितं निष्कलं निर्विकल्पं शुद्धं बृहत्परमं यद्विभाति
 अत्रान्तरे ब्रह्मविदोऽथ नित्यं पश्यन्ति तत्त्वमचलं यत्स ईशः १०.१४॥
Meaning: - That principle by which the creation arises, know that (principle) to be Clean, Non-Alternative, Pure, illuminating as Brihat* and combining creation of universe alongwith principle (tattva) of consciousness together, that unmovable# principle visualizes by knower of Brahman, know that principle (tattva) as Isha (Shiva).
(NOTE: - * Here Lord has used the word Brihat to denote Brahman. Actually, word ‘Brahman’ is derived from Brihat itself. Taiitiriya Samhita of Krishna Yajurveda, Sata-Rudriyam hymn to eulogise the Shiva is there. In that Hymn too Lord Shiva is addressed as Brihat=Brahman. Here in this verse of Ishvara Gita too, lord shiva himself use the same word to reveal his real nature of Brahman.
# Here, in the verse the word चलं is there, which means one which is not moving. Lord Shiva is called ‘sthanu’ (स्थाणु) which means unmovable, since entire creation is lodge in Parvati-Pati, there remains no object which can move him hence he is addressed as ‘sthanu’ (स्थाणु). So, this verse (words) of Shiva is revealing his Supreme lordship over entire creation and creatures.)
 नित्यानन्दममृतं सत्यरूपं शुद्धं वदन्ति पुरुषं सर्ववेदाः
प्राणानिति प्रवेनेशितारं ध्यायन्ति वेदेेरिति निश्चितार्थाः १०.१५॥
भूमिरापो मनो वह्निः प्राणोऽनिलो गगनं नोत बुद्धिः
  चेतनोऽन्यत् परमाकाशमध्ये विभाति देवः शिव एव केवलः १०.१६॥
Meaning: - All the veda(s) which are eternally blissful, resembling nectar (for seeker of Brahman), truth is the form (of Vedas) and pure are eulogising the ‘Purusha’. Some meditate on Ishvara by mean of pranava (OM) as their vital breath. Thus, it is concluded that there is no earth, water, fire, air, space, intelligence, mind and consciousness. There is ONLY SHIVA who is self-illuminating in that Divine Space.  

 इत्येतदुक्तं परमं रहस्यं ज्ञानं चेदं सर्ववेदेषु गूढम्
जानाति योगी विजनेऽथ देशे युञ्जीत योगं प्रयतो ह्यजस्त्रम् १०.१७॥
Meaning: - Thus, the foremost confidential knowledge propunded in the Veda(s), have been imparted by me. Yogins can able to acquire the same only after concentrating his mind on yoga in solitary region.

इती श्रीकूर्मपुराणे षट्साहस्त्र्यां संहितायामुपरिविभागे (ईश्वरगीतासु) दशमोऽध्यायः १०॥

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