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Monday, 4 March 2019

Chapter - 7

 ईश्वर उवाच
 शृणुध्वमृषयः सर्वे प्रभावं परमेष्ठिनः
 यं ज्ञात्वा पुरुषो मुक्तो संसारे पतेत् पुनः .१॥
Ishvara said: - You all are suppose to listen influence of Parmesthin, one who knows the glory of Supreme Lord gets liberated and doesn’t fall to samasra again.
 परात् परतरं ब्रह्म शाश्वतं निष्कलं परम्
नित्यानन्दं निर्विकल्पं तद्धाम परमं मम .२॥
Meaning: - That Paratpar Bramha, eternal, Niskala, eternally blissful, non-alternative that is my ultimate abode.
 अहं ब्रह्मविदां ब्रह्मा स्वयंभूर्विश्वतोमुखः
मायाविनामहं देवः पुराणो हरिरव्ययः .३॥
Meaning: - Among the knower of Brahman know me to be self – begotten Bramha, having faces in all directions, among all the mayavi know me to be Purana Deva – hari.

 योगिनामस्म्यहं शंभुः स्त्रीणां देवी गिरीन्द्रजा
आदित्यानामहं विष्णुर्वसूनामस्मि पावकः .४॥
Meaning: - Among the yogis know me to be the Sambhu, among all the women perceive me as goddess Parvati daughter of King of Mountains, among all the Aadityas know me to be Vishnu and among the vasus I am Paavak.

 रुद्राणां शंकरश्चाहं गरुडः पततामहम्
 ऐरावतो गजेन्द्राणां रामः शस्त्रप्रभृतामहम् .५॥
Meaning: - Among eleven rudras of Mahadeva know me to be Shankara, I am Garuda among all the birds, know me to be Airavata among elephants, Among the holder of weapons Know me to be Parshurama.

 ऋषीणां वसिष्ठोऽहं देवानां शतक्रतुः
शिल्पिनां विश्वकर्माऽहं प्रह्लादोऽस्म्यमरद्विषाम् .६॥
Meaning: - Among the Rshis know me to be Vasistha, I am Sakra among all the deities, among the artisans know me to be Viswakarman and know me to be Prahalad among the resenter of deities.

 मुनीनामप्यहं व्यासो गणानां विनायकः
वीराणां वीरभद्रोऽहं सिद्धानां कपिलो मुनिः .७॥
Meaning: - Among all the saints Vyasa I am, Vinayaka (not to confuse with son of Mahadeva-Parvati i.e. Ganesha) among the Shiva-Ganas. Among the braves Veerbhadra I am and among the proven (bonafide sage) know me to be Kapila-Muni.

 पर्वतानामहं मेरुर्नक्षत्राणां चन्द्रमाः
वज्रं प्रहरणानां व्रतानां सत्यमस्म्यहम् .८॥
Meaning: - Among the mountains Know me to be Meru, among the constallations I am king of all constallaions – Moon, among myriad weapons know me to be thunder-bolt, among all the vows know me to be satyavrata.

 अनन्तो भोगिनां देवः सेनानीनां पावकिः
 आश्रमाणां गृहस्थोऽहमीश्वराणां महेश्वरः .९॥
Meaning: -Among the serpants know me to be Sesha, among the commander of army know me to be Skandha, among various form of ashram (stages of life) know me to be Grushta-ashram (householder), among the Lords I am Supreme Lord.   

 महाकल्पश्च कल्पानां युगानां कृतमस्म्यहम्
 कुबेरः सर्वयक्षाणां गणेशानां वीरुकः .१०॥
Meaning: - Among the various Kapla know me as Maha-Kalpa, among the yugas I am satya-yuga. Among all the yakshas I am Kubera, among all the Ganesa know me to be viruka.

 प्रजापतीनां दक्षोऽहं निरृतिः सर्वरक्षसाम्
 वायुर्बलवतामस्मि द्वीपानां पुष्करोऽस्म्यहम् .११॥
Meaning: - Among the Prajapati know me to be Daksha, among all the demons know me to be Nirrti, among the mightier know me to be wind and among all the islands know me to be Puskara.

 मृगेन्द्राणां सिंहोऽहं यन्त्राणां धनुरेव
 वेदानां सामवेदोऽहं यजुषां शतरुद्रियम् .१२॥
Meaning: - Among the animals know me to be the lion, among all the yantras know me to be ‘bow’. Among all the Veda(s) know me to be the Sama-Veda and among various hymns of Yajurveda know me to be Sata-rudriya.
 सावित्री सर्वजप्यानां गुह्यानां प्रणवोऽस्म्यहम्
 सूक्तानां पौरुषं सूक्तं ज्येष्ठसाम सामसु .१३॥
Meaning: - Among all the Japa (chantings) know me to be Savitri Mantra, among the confidential (elements) know me to be Pranava (Omkara). Among suktas (of Veda) know me to be Purush Sukta, among Sama (Veda) know me to ne Jyesth sAman.

 सर्ववेदार्थविदुषां मनुः स्वायंभुवोऽस्म्यहम्
ब्रह्मावर्त्तस्तु देशानां क्षेत्राणामविमुक्तकम् .१४॥
Meaning: - Among the knower of Veda(s) know me to be self-born Manu, I am bhArata among all the countries of the earth and among all the regions know me to be avimukta (kAshi).  

विद्यानामात्मविद्याऽहं ज्ञानानामैश्वरं परम्
 भूतानामस्म्यहं व्योम सत्त्वानां मृत्युरेव .१५॥
Meaning: - Among all the Vidhya(s) know me to be Atmavidhya (Bramha-Vidhya), among the knowledge know me to be ultimate knowledge leads to Ishvara, among the (natural) entites know me to be sky and among the tattva know me to be death.

पाशानामस्म्यहं माया कालः कलयतामहम्
गतीनां मुक्तिरेवाहं परेषां परमेश्वरः .१६॥
Meaning: - Among the nooses know me to be Maya, among the calculator know me to be kAla (time). Among the destination know me to be Liberation and among all the excellent ones know me to be Parmeshwara (Supreme Lord).

 यच्चान्यदपि लोकेऽस्मिन् सत्त्वं तेजोबलाधिकम्
 तत्सर्वं प्रतिजानीध्वं मम तेजोविजृम्भितम् .१७॥
Meaning: -    Whatever being highly glorius and strength, know that it has been glorified by my own radiant.

 आत्मानः पशवः प्रोक्ताः सर्वे संसारवर्त्तिनः
तेषां पतिरहं देवः स्मृतः पशुपतिर्बुधैः .१८॥
 मायापाशेन बध्नामि पशूनेतान् स्वलीलया
 मामेव मोचकं प्राहुः पशूनां वेदवादिनः .१९॥
मायापाशेन बद्धानां मोचकोऽन्यो विद्यते
मामृते परमात्मानं भूताधिपतिमव्ययम् .२०॥
Meaning: - Living beings (including humans) are considered as animals (pasus) and know me as Lord of all pasus. Due to this very reason, learned people call me Pashupati. I bind all the animals (living beings including humans) through my noose of illusion. Knower of Veda(s) are aware that I make them (pasus) free from bondages of illusion (maya). There is none able to get pasus free from noose of illusion besides me -the supreme soul and overlord of all beings.  

 चतुर्विशतितत्त्वानि माया कर्म गुणा इति
 एते पाशाः पशुपतेः क्लेशाश्च पशुबन्धनाः .२१॥
Meaning: - Twenty-four principles, Maya, Action, Attributes/Modes are the nooses of Pashupati and annoyance makes all living beings bind.   

 मनो बुद्धिरहंकारः खानिलाग्निजलानि भूः
 एताः प्रकृतयस्त्वष्टौ विकाराश्च तथापरे .२२॥
Meaning: - Except eight-fold forms of Prakriti which are mind, intelligence, ego (ahamkara), sky, wind, fire, water and earth, remaining everything is Vikara (blemishes).  

 श्रोत्रं त्वक्चक्षुषी जिह्वा घ्राणं चैव तु पञ्चमम्
 पायूपस्थं करौ पादौ वाक् चैव दशमी मता .२३॥
 शब्दः स्पर्शश्च रूपं रसो गन्धस्तथैव
 त्रयोविंशतिरेतानि तत्त्वानि प्राकृतानि .२४॥
 Meaning: - Ears, Skin, Eyes, Tounge, nose, genitials, hands, feet, anus, sound, touch, form, Ras and Smell – these twenty-three elements are emerged from Prakriti.

 चतुर्विंशकमव्यक्तं प्रधानं गुणलक्षणम्
 अनादिमध्यनिधनं कारणं जगतः परम् .२५॥
Meaning: - The twenty fourth tattva consist of gunas of Pradhana (Prakriti), free from begin, midst and end, Latent and cause of the world.

 सत्त्वं रजस्तमश्चेति गुणत्रयमुदाहृतम्
साम्यावस्थितिमेतेषामव्यक्तं प्रकृतिं विदुः .२६॥
Meaning: - Three gunas are said as Satva(goodness), Rajas and Tamas(darkness). Eqvivalent composition of all three gunas is known as Latent Nature (अव्यक्त प्रकृति)

सत्त्वं ज्ञानं तमोऽज्ञानं रजो मिश्रमुदाहृतम्
 गुणानां बुद्धिवैषम्याद् वैषम्यं कवयो विदुः .२७॥
Meaning: - Satva is categorised in the form of Knowledge, Tamas is categorised in the form of ignorance and Rajas is combination of both (Satva and Tamas). Learned People hold opinion that difference between wisdom in livingbeings is due to difference between three gunas.

 धर्माधर्माविति प्रोक्तौ पाशौ द्वौ कर्मसंज्ञितौ
 मय्यर्पितानि कर्माणि नबन्धाय विमुक्तये .२८॥
Meaning: - With respect to Karma, there are two nooses called Dharma and Adharma. The Karma which are offered to me (by Karma-yogi) leads to liberation from the bondage.
 अविद्यामस्मितां रागं द्वेषं चाभिनिवेशकम्
 क्लेशाख्यांस्तान् स्वयं प्राह पाशानात्मनिबन्धनान् .२९॥
एतेषामेव पाशानां माया कारणमुच्यते
मूलप्रकृतिरव्यक्ता सा शक्तिर्मयि तिष्ठति .३०॥
Meaning: - The five elements which binds the Atman are Avidya, Ego, attachment, jealousy and abhinivesh, are called Noose. Maya is the cause of this noose. Mool-Prakriti is always situated in me.  

  एव मूलप्रकृतिः प्रधानं पुरुषोऽपि
 विकारा महदादीनि देवदेवः सनातनः .३१॥
Meaning: - Pradhana and Purusha are form of Mool-Prakriti. Mahat (arrogance or ego) and other are Vikaara and Lord of all lords (Shiva) is Sanatana.  

  एव बन्धः बन्धकर्त्तास एव पाशः पशुभृत्स एव
वेद सर्वं तस्य वेत्तातमाहुराद्यं पुरुषं पुराणम् .३२॥
Meaning: - Know that Lord (Shiva) as ancient Purusha, who leads one to constrain. That Lord himself is Constrain. He is noose and Pasu (Living beings).  He knows everything and every being but none know that Eternal Lord.

 इति श्रीकूर्मपुराणे षट्साहस्त्र्यां संहितायामुपरिविभागे (ईश्वरगीतासु) सप्तमोऽध्यायः ७॥

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