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Monday, 4 March 2019


ईश्वर उवाच
अव्यक्तादभवत् कालः प्रधानं पुरुषः परः
तेभ्यः सर्वमिदं जातं तस्माद् ब्रह्ममयं जगत् .१॥
Meaning: -
Ishwara Said: - Time, Pradhana (Prakriti or Maya) and Purusha (Individual Soul) sprung from Unmanifest. Since this world emerges from Brahman it is therefore appropriate to perceive world as not different from Brahman.
 सर्वतः पाणिपादान्तं सर्वतोऽक्षिशिरोमुखम्
 सर्वतः श्रुतिमल्लोके सर्वमावृत्य तिष्ठति .२॥

Meaning: - It has hand and feet on all sides, eyes, head, and mouth in all directions, and ears all around for it stands pervading all in Universe.
 सर्वेन्द्रियगुणाभासं सर्वेन्द्रियविवर्जितम्
 सर्वाधारं सदानन्दमव्यक्तं द्वैतवर्जितम् .३॥

Meaning: - “Though perceiving all sense-objects, it is devoid of all senses. It is base of all, is always blissful, unmanifested and without duality.
 सर्वोपमानरहितं प्रमाणातीतगोचरम्
निर्वकल्पं निराभासं सर्वावासं परामृतम् .४॥
अभिन्नं भिन्नसंस्थानं शाश्वतं ध्रुवमव्ययम्
 निर्गुणं परमं व्योम तज्ज्ञानं सूरयो विदुः .५॥
Meaning: - It is devoid of all analogy, and beyond the reach of senses, without any likeness (प्रमाणातीतगोचरम्) and alternative, omnipresent, form like foremost nectar, situated indifferently at different places, eternal, illuminous, free from attributes, form of supreme sky, sun like radiant. Only wise men, knows about it.   

आत्मा सर्वभूतानां बाह्याभ्यन्तरः परः
 सोऽहं सर्वत्रगः शान्तो ज्ञानात्मा परमेश्वरः .६॥

Meaning: - It is the soul of all beings, who dwells inside as well as outside. I am that all pervading, calm and soul of knowledge, Supreme Lord (Parmeshwar).

 मया ततमिदं विश्वं जगदव्यक्तमूर्तिना
मत्स्थानि सर्वभूतानि यस्तं वेद वेदवित् .७॥
Meaning: - From mine unmanifest aspect only extention of worlds take place. Know that every being is situated in me and one who knows it, is aware of reality.
 प्रधानं पुरुषं चैव तद्वस्तु समुदाहृतम्
 तयोरनादिरुद्दिष्टः कालः संयोगजः परः .८॥
Meaning: - Purusha and Pradhana (Prakriti) are the cause of the creation. By union of these (Purusha-Prakriti) Kala manifest.
 त्रयमेतदनाद्यन्तमव्यक्ते समवस्थितम्
 तदात्मकं तदन्यत् स्यात् तद्रूपं मामकं विदुः .९॥
महदाद्यं विशेषान्तं सम्प्रसूतेऽखिलं जगत्
 या सा प्रकृतिरुद्दिष्टा मोहिनी सर्वदेहिनाम् .१०॥
विकारः प्रकृतेर्महानिति कथ्यते
Meaning: - Know that all these three components (Purusha-Prakriti-Kala) are devoid of origin or end and is pervaded by Brahman. Hence, they shouldn’t be seen as different from Brahman. That Brahman is none other than me, and enlightened beings has realised this fact.
पुरुषः प्रकृतिस्थो हि भुङ्क्तेयः प्राकृतान् गुणान् 
अहंकारविमुक्तत्वात् प्रोच्यते पञ्चविंशकः  .११॥
 Meaning: - Purusha situated in prakriti, desires to enjoy (three) gunas of prakriti, after getting free from ego, know it to be twenty-fifth principle.

आद्यो  विज्ञातृशक्तिर्विज्ञानात् ह्यहंकारस्तदुत्थितः .१२॥
एक एव महानात्मा सोऽहंकारोऽभिधीयते
  जीवः सोऽन्तरात्मेति गीयते तत्त्वचिन्तकैः .१३॥
Meaning: - The first vikara (disorder or negative attribute) of Prakriti is known as “Mahat”. From that energy (विज्ञातृशक्ति), vignata (ego) takes birth. Only that great soul is entitled as ego. Philosophical people treat it as “Jiva” (Individual Soul) and “Antar-atma” (inner self).
 तेन वेदयते सर्वं सुखं दुः खं जन्मसु
  विज्ञानात्मकस्तस्य मनः स्यादुपकारकम् .१४॥
Meaning: - One experience joy and misery in various spieces through that (Soul) only. It is form of Specialized Knowledge and mind is benefactor.
 तेनापि तन्मयस्तस्मात् संसारः पुरुषस्य तु
  चाविवेकः प्रकृतौ सङ्गात् कालेन सोऽभवत् .१५॥
Meaning: - By union of Prakriti and Kala, Indecision come into existence. From that Indecision the world of purusha is established/created.
 कालः सृजति भूतानि कालः संहरति प्रजाः
 सर्वे कालस्य वशगा कालः कस्यचिद् वशे .१६॥
Meaning: - Kala (Time) only creates all and Kala (Time) destroys all. Everyone is subjugated to Kala (Time) but Kala (Time) is subjugated to none. 
(NOTE: - The same thing is said in Sri Rudram of Yajurveda.
namo bhavāya ca rudrāya ca nama śarvāya ca
pa śupataye ca (Salutaion to creator and destroyer of worlds, salutation to remover of sins and protector of the world)

 सोऽन्तरा सर्वमेवेदं नियच्छति सनातनः
 प्रोच्यते भगवान् प्राणः सर्वज्ञः पुरुषोत्तमः .१७॥
Meaning: - That Kala regulate the world by entering into inner self. That Kala is known as Bhagavaan, Prana, Omniscient and Purushottam.
 सर्वेन्द्रियेभ्यः परमं मन आहुर्मनीषिणः
 मनसश्चाप्यहंकारमहंकारान्महान् परः .१८॥
महतः परमव्यक्तमव्यक्तात् पुरुषः परः
 पुरुषाद् भगवान् प्राणस्तस्य सर्वमिदं जगत् .१९॥
Meaning: - Foremost Sages thinks mind to be chief, Ahamkara (Ego) overpasses the mind. Mahat exceeds Ahamkara. Avyakta is superior to Mahat and Purusha is beyond Avyakta. Prana is superior to Purusha, universe is there due to it (Prana).
प्राणात् परतरं व्योम व्योमातीतोऽग्निरीश्वरः
सोऽहं ब्रह्माव्ययः शान्तो ज्ञानात्मा परमेश्वरः
नास्ति मत्तः परं भूतं मां विज्ञाय मुच्यते .२०॥
Meaning: - Superior to Prana there is Vyom (Sky) and Lord Agni overpass the Sky. Know me to be that Omnipresent, peaceful, Omniscient Supreme Lord. There is no truth superior to me. By knowing (realising) me, one gets salvation (Moksha).
 नित्यं हि नास्ति जगति भूतं स्थावरजङ्गमम्
 ऋते मामेकमव्यक्तं व्योमरूपं महेश्वरम् .२१॥
Meaning: - Except me – unmanifested and in form of sky as Maheshwar nothing here in this world either mobile or immobile is permanent.
 सोऽहं सृजामि सकलं संहरामि सदा जगत्
 मायी मायामयो देवः कालेन सह सङ्गतः .२२॥
मत्सन्निधावेष कालः करोति सकलं जगत्
नियोजयत्यनन्तात्मा ह्येतद् वेदानुशासनम् .२३॥
Meaning: - Know me as Creator and Destroyer of the Universe, Lord of Maya as well as identical to Maya, I am also united with Kala. The same Kala is to be known as creator as confirmed by the veda(s) that soul regulates it.

 इति श्रीकूर्मपुराणे षट्साहस्त्र्यां संहितायामुपरिविभागे (ईश्वरगीतासु) तृतीयोऽध्यायः ३॥

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