ऋषय ऊचुः ।
निष्कलो निर्मलो नित्यो निष्क्रियः परमेश्वरः ।
तन्नो वद महादेव विश्वरूपः कथं भवान् ॥ ९.१॥
inquired: - O Mahadeva! Nevertheless you happen to be the Supreme Immaculate
Lord, Pure, Eternal, devoid of action than how you happen to be the form of
universe at the same time?
ईश्वर उवाच ।
नाहं विश्वो न विश्वं च मामृते विद्यते द्विजाः ।
मायानिमित्तमत्रास्ति सा चात्मनि मया श्रिता ॥ ९.२॥
(Shiva) said: -
Dvija (sages)! Know that I’m not the world and beyond me there is no world.
Everything is fixed up by the mAyA. And
this mAyA is dependent on Atma (Identical to Shiva as Shiva himself manifest as
self of all).
(NOTE: - Here mAyA doesn’t mean Pradhana Prakriti rather it is
Mool-Prakriti. This is because in the very next verse the same mAyA is considered
as eternal. Pradhana’s role gets over when jiva realize its Ultimate Reality.
But Mool-Prakriti is Identical to Ved-Purusha and hence it is eternal.)
अनादिनिधना शक्तिर्मायाऽव्यक्तसमाश्रया ।
तन्निमित्तः प्रपञ्चोऽयमव्यक्तादभवत् खलु ॥ ९.३॥
- Know that mAyA to be devoid of any beginning or end, is identical to Sakti
(Adi-Shakti), and that Sakti is dependent on Avyakta (Unmanifest). Verily this
world emerges from the same.
World emerges from the Unmanifest as said earlier in Chapter 2 Verse 4-5).
अव्यक्तं कारणं प्राहुरानन्दं ज्योतिरक्षरम् ।
अहमेव परं ब्रह्म मत्तो ह्यन्यन्न विद्यते ॥ ९.४॥
- Know me to be Supreme Brahman, bissful and supreme light. There exists
nothing except me.
तस्मान्मे विश्वरूपत्वं निश्चितं ब्रह्मवादिभिः ।
एकत्वे च पृथक्त्वं च प्रोक्तमेतन्निदर्शनम् ॥ ९.५॥
- Due to this very reason, My Universal Form was conceived to those who are
knower of Brahman. I happen to be ‘ONE’ and ‘MANY’ at the same time.
- This Verse may sound confusing, that how can परं ब्रह्म (Supreme
Brahman) Sada-Shiva is One yet said to be many. Actually, there is no confusion
regarding the same. As
the Root Cause There is Only Brahman. But in the form of actions that ‘ONE’ is
seen as ‘MANY’.)
अकारणं द्विजाः प्रोक्तो न दोषो ह्यात्मनस्तथा ॥ ९.६॥
- O Sages! Know me to be the Supreme Brahman, Supreme Soul and eternal. Know me
to be the devoid of any cause and hence I’m devoid of any flaws.
अनन्ता शक्तयोऽव्यक्ता मायया संस्थिता ध्रुवाः ।
तस्मिन् दिवि स्थितं नित्यमव्यक्तं भाति केवलम् ॥ ९.७॥
- Various potencies are lodged in mAyA and mAyA is lodged in Avyakta
(Unmanifest) and that Unmanifest alone pervaded in the region of sky,
illuminates eternally.
अभिन्रं वक्ष्यते भिन्रं ब्रह्माव्यक्तं सनातनम् ।
एकया मायया युक्तमनादि निधनं ध्रुवम् ॥ ९.८॥
- The eternal Brahman (Sada-Shiva) is devoid of any beginning or end,
unmanifested, is contained (युक्तम) with mAyA hence seems to be divided and
different although it is Undivided and non-dual.
पुंसोऽन्याभूद्यथा भूतिरन्यया न तिरोहितम् ।
अनादिमध्यं तिष्ठन्तं चेष्टतेऽविद्यया किल ॥ ९.९॥
- Manifestation of Purusha’s one potency is not conealed by another potency (of
Purusha). By means of knowledge purusha put efforts (which are) devoid of
beginning, midst and end.
तदेतत् परमं व्यक्तं प्रभामण्डलमण्डितम् ।
तदक्षरं परं ज्योतिस्तद् विष्णोः परमं पदम् ॥ ९.१०॥
- That is adorned with lustre, unmanifested, ultimate, eternal, in the form of
ultimate flames and that is called supreme abode of Vishnu.
तत्र सर्वमिदं प्रोतमोतं चैवाखिलं जगत् ।
तदेव च जगत् कृत्स्नं तद् विज्ञाय विमुच्यते ॥ ९.११॥
- Just as weft of cloth fabricated by weaving from all sides Similiarly, entire
creation is lodged in it (Shiva or Brahman). One who knows it gets redeemed
from the world.
यतो वाचो निवर्त्तन्ते अप्राप्य मनसा सह ।
आनन्दं ब्रह्मणो विद्वान् विभेति न कुतश्चन ॥ ९.१२॥
- Speech fails to reach there alongwith mind and gets withdraw, by knowing that
blissful Brahman, one overcomes fear of world.
वेदाहमेतं पुरुषं महान्त- मादित्यवर्णं तमसः परस्तात् ।
तद् विज्ञाय परिमुच्येत विद्वान् नित्यानन्दी भवति ब्रह्मभूतः ॥ ९.१३॥
- I know that great Purusha having sun like lustre and is beyond darkness, by
knowing him (Purusha) enlightened one gets redeemed (from cycle of birth and
death) and becomes eternally blissful by becoming one with Brahman.
अस्मात् परं नापरमस्ति किञ्चित् यज्ज्योतिषां ज्योतिरेकं दिविस्थम् ।
तदेवात्मानं मन्यमानोऽथ विद्वानात्मनन्दी भवति ब्रह्मभूतः ॥ ९.१४॥
- There is nothing beyond that Purusha (Brahman), that is situated in divine abode,
illuminous, (supreme) light of all (divine) lights, by knowing him, the
enlightened one becomes one with Brahman and hence become self-blissful.
तदप्ययं कलिलं गूढदेहं ब्रह्मानन्दममृतं विश्वधामा ।
वदन्त्येवं ब्राह्मणा ब्रह्मनिष्ठा यत्र गत्वा न निवर्त्तेत भूयः ॥ ९.१५॥
- Enlightened Brahmin loyal to Brahman perceive me as undecaying, subtle bodied,
incomprehensible, abode of Universe and blissful Brahman. By reaching there (realizing me or to attain
me) one doesn’t get to reborn.
हिरण्मये परमाकाशतत्त्वे यदर्चिषि प्रविभातीव तेजः ।
तद्विज्ञाने परिपश्यन्ति धीरा विभ्राजमानं विमलं व्योम धाम ॥ ९.१६॥
- That light is self-illuminating in the higher heaven is principle of ultimate
firament resembling the gold. Wise men visualise the same spotless (abode) by
the mean of Knowledge.
ततः परं परिपश्यन्ति धीरा आत्मन्यात्मानमनुभूय साक्षात् ।
स्वयंप्रभुः परमेष्ठी महीयान् ब्रह्मानन्दी भगवानीश एषः ॥ ९.१७॥
- Enlightened one visualizes the soul in self and realize the Lord Isa (Shiva)
who is Parmeshthin, the foremost one and who is bliss of Brahman.
एको देवः सर्वभूतेषु गूढः सर्वव्यापी सर्वभूतान्तरात्मा ।
तमेवैकं येऽनुपश्यन्ति धीरा- स्तेषां शान्तिः शाश्वतीनेतरेषाम् ॥ ९.१८॥
सर्वायनशिरोग्रीवः सर्वभूतगुहाशयः ।
सर्वव्यापी च भगवान् न तस्मादन्यदिष्यते ॥ ९.१९॥
- One Lord, all-pervading one, having face and neck in all directions, omnipresent,
situated as inner self of all beings, the wise beings, who sees (realize) him attains
the eternal peace while other beings fails to achieve the same.
इत्येतदैश्वरं ज्ञानमुक्तं वो मुनिपुंगवाः ।
गोपनीयं विशेषेण योगिनामपि दुर्लभम् ॥ ९.२०॥
- This knowledge is difficult to achieve by the foremost yogis, that
(Knowledge) had been narrated by me. O foremost Sages! That’s why this
knowledge is to be considered as the most confidential.
इति श्रीकूर्मपुराणे षट्साहस्त्र्यां संहितायामुपरिविभागे (ईश्वरगीतासु) नवमोऽध्यायः ॥ ९॥
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