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Friday, 12 July 2019

Lord Shiva - Ultimate Universal Physician

Mahadeva is also called as वैद्यनाथ्. In fact, there is जयोतिर्लिङ्ग्  of beloved Maheshwara called वैद्यनाथ्. Now this title is not dedicated to Mahadeva by his devotees, but verily our scriptures acknowledges पार्वती - पति  as Foremost among all the Physician.   

In Vedas, Lord Shiva is eulogized as first (foremost) physician of all beings. The Taittiriya Samhita of Krsna Yajurveda says regarding पार्वती - पति as 

अध्यवोचदधि वक्ता प्रथमो दैव्यो भिषक् ।अहीश्च सर्वाञ्जंभयन्त्सर्वाश्च यातुधान्यः ॥ (Taittiriya Samhita 4:5:1.6) 
Meaning: -  May that foremost divine Physician, First among gods, exalt me in His all-redeeming Transcendent Being, having cut off all evil, whether in the form of poisonous creatures and wild beasts, or the demoniacal natures in creation. 

[Source of Translation: - Expounded By: - Late Swami Krishnananda ji, Divine Life Society, Rishikesh ]

Thus, Lord Shiva is eulogized as foremost among the Physician. Mahadeva is the one who heals every wounds of living beings. In Vedas, majorly two aspects of Lord Shiva have been revealed. One is terrific aspect and another one is calm and auspicious aspects. In the above quoted reference vedas are praying to Lord Shiva to give up his terrific aspect and appear to them (Vedic Seers) in his calm aspect in the form of Physician. 

In Veda(s), Lord Shiva is addressed as Physician or bestower of medicines and good health. The very first mandala of Rig addresses  पार्वती - पति for balmy medicines, good health & strength. Also in the beginning itself, पार्वती - पति is also eulogized as Lord of all Sacrifice. 

गाथपतिं मेधपतिं रुद्रं जलाषभेषजम |  तच्छंयोः सुम्नमीमहे  || (Rig-Veda 1:43:4) 
Translation: - "To Rudra Lord of sacrifice, of hymns and balmy medicines,We pray for joy and health and strength."

Same Hymn further pray to पार्वती - पति for bestowing Health. 

शं नः करत्यर्वते सुगं मेषाय मेष्ये |  नर्भ्यो नारिभ्यो गवे || (Rig-Veda 1:43:6) 
Translation: -May he(Rudra) grant health into our steeds, wellbeing to our rams and ewes, To men, to women, and to kine.
And why  Vedas wouldn't pray to the Foremost of all Physician as described in Taittiriya Samhita 4:5:1.6. Maheshwara is ultimate universal physician and there is no wounds or cuts (sorrow or misery) which he cannot heal (bring solution to misery). 

इमा रुद्राय तवसे कपर्दिने कषयद्वीराय पर भरामहे मतीः | यथा शमसद दविपदे चतुष्पदे विश्वं पुष्टंग्रामे अस्मिन्ननातुरम || (Rig-Veda 1:114:1) 
Translation: -"To the strong Rudra bring we these our songs of praise, to him the Lord of Heroes with the braided hair, That it be well with all our cattle and our men, that in this village all be healthy and well-fed."

Here, Lord Shiva is prayed to bestow health and food to all the living beings. And in the very same hymn husband of Adi-Para-Shakti is also prayed for protection and to provide security to living-beings. 

दिवो वराहमरुषं कपर्दिनं तवेषं रूपं नमसा निह्वयामहे | हस्ते बिभ्रद भेषजा वार्याणि शर्म वर्म छर्दिरस्मभ्यं यंसत ||  (Rig-Veda 1:114:5) 
Translation: -"Him with the braided hair we call with reverence down, the wild-boar of the sky, the red, the dazzling shape. May he(Rudra), his hand filled full of sovran medicines, grant us protection, shelter, and a home secure."

Vedas, continuously prays to Lord Shiva for blessings of Good Health & Protection and Long-Life. Again it is Vedas who prays to Mahadeva to bestow hundreds of years healthy life one can live with the grace (blessings and medicines) of Maha-Rudra. 

तवादत्तेभी रुद्र शन्तमेभिः शतं हिमा अशीय भेषजेभिः | वयस्मद दवेषो वितरं वयंहो वयमीवाश्चातयस्वा विषूचीः || (Rig-Veda 2:33:2) 
Translation: -"With the most saving medicines which thou givest, Rudra, may I attain a hundred winters. Far from us banish enmity and hatred, and to all quarters maladies and trouble.”

Vedas performing prayer to Shiva, Simultaneously, they (veda) are well aware of wrath of Maha-Kaaleshwara, hence even while praising the calm and auspicious aspect of Shiva as physician, Veda pleads to Maheshwara for not to get angry. 

मा तवा रुद्र चुक्रुधामा नमोभिर्मा दुष्टुती वर्षभ मासहूती | उन नो वीरानर्पय भेषजेभिर्भिषक्तमं तवा भिषजां शर्णोमि || (Rig-Veda 2:33:4) 
"Translation: - Let us not anger thee with worship, Rudra, ill praise, Strong God! or mingled invocation. Do thou with strengthening balms incite our heroes: I hear thee famed as best of all physicians.”

 Can anyone sense the fear Veda hold when it comes to describe about Rudra-Shiva? And why shouldn't Veda be afraid of Veda - Purusha Rudra (See Reference 10:24-1 of Taittiriya Aranyaka) while praising and describing him. Because there is none except Mahadeva who can completely comprehend Mahadeva. That's the reason that Veda (10:90:3-4 of Rig-Veda) says that entire creation is just one-fourth (quater) of him and rest (three quaters) are beyond the entire creation. 

Vedas (Vedic Seers) also requests Lord Shiva to remove sorrow or distress received from gods (other devaas) and look towards them with love and affection. 

कव सय ते रुद्र मर्ळयाकुर्हस्तो यो अस्ति भेषजो जलाषः | अपभर्ता रपसो दैव्यस्याभी नु मा वर्षभ चक्षमीथाः || (Rig-Veda 2:33:7) 
Translation: - "Where is that gracious hand of thine, O Rudra, the hand that giveth health and bringeth comfort, Remover of the woe that Gods have sent us? O Strong One, look thou on me with compassion."

This clearly shows supremacy of  पार्वती - पति over all the celestial deities, demons, गन्धर्व, humans and all the living beings. In the above quoted ऋचा, पार्वति - पति परमेश्वर is asked and prayed to remove distress given to beings by other deities as well. One can eliminates the task or punishment given by others deities only when he is superior to them (who is punishing the beings).  

The same hymn further esoterically, reveals that Lord Shiva is the Sire of Vedas and ask from him medicines (Knowledge) to get healed (liberated from संसार ). 

कुमारश्चित पितरं वन्दमानं परति नानाम रुद्रोपयन्तम |भूरेर्दातारं सत्पतिं गर्णीषे सतुतस्त्वं भेषजा रास्यस्मे || (Rig-Veda 2:33:12)
"I bend to thee as thou approachest, Rudra, even as a boy before the sire who greets him. I praise thee Bounteous Giver, Lord of heroes: give medicines to us as thou art lauded.”

Here, Lord Shiva is praised in esoteric way. No boy ever demands medicines from his father after greetings him unless he is sick and requires to get cure.

It is mentioned that Just as boy offer namaskaaram to his father, similarly I (Veda or Seer) greets you (Rudra) as our Father [- who gave birth to us (Vedas).] And further it says to provide "medicines to us". Here  Knowledge related to Brahman is esoterically called as medicines and giver of medicines again is Shiva. This, applies to the divine norms that those who knows Purusha becomes Purusha. 

So, the child  or boy (Vedic Seer) is sick under spell of mAyA(seeks knowledge of Brahman) and ask his Father (Rudra) to give medicines (Knowledge of Brahman leads to Liberation) after greeting/eulogizing  him. Once that child (Veda) gets medicines (attains knowledge of Brahman by grace of Brahman) he will be cured (comes out from spell of mAyA and becomes one with Brahman). 

(NOTE:- Veda itself means knowledge, but here it is conveyed that veda is seeking or praying to the Rudra for the knowledge of Brahman as only Brahman can bestow its knowledge in true form.)

Therefore, gist of the above verse is Veda here esoterically means that Rudra is sire of Veda(s). And Veda prays Rudra to bestow knowledge resulting to get united with Rudra. This is the beauty of Vedas, the way prayer is offered is highly esoteric most of the times. And hence direct meaning or surface meaning of श्रुति should not be taken.

Further, Veda continues to praise पार्वती - पति 

या वो भेषजा मरुतः शुचीनि या शन्तमा वर्षणो या मयोभु | यानि मनुरव्र्णीता पिता नस्ता शं च योश्चरुद्रस्य वश्मि |(Rig-Veda 2:33:13) 
Translation: - "Of your pure medicines, O potent Maruts, those that are wholesomest and health-bestowing, Those which our father Manu hath selected, I crave from. Rudra for our gain and welfare."

Here, too Veda praises Mahadeva for good health and welfare. Moreover there is hymn dedicated to Soma-Rudra (which means Rudra who is with Uma)

सोमारुद्रा युवमेतान्यस्मे विश्वा तनूषु भेषजानि धत्तम | अव सयतं मुञ्चतं यन नो अस्ति तनूषु बद्धं कर्तमेनो अस्मत || (Rig-Veda 6:74:3) 
Translation- "Provide, O Soma-Rudra, for our bodies all needful medicines to heal and cure us. Set free and draw away the sin committed which we have still inherent in our persons."
Thus, the best of physician is hailed and prayed in the shruti sciptures. 

I offer my humble prostration to lotus feet of Uma-Maheshwara __/\__

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