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Thursday, 23 May 2019

Maheshwara - An Universal Archer

Which weapon exist in Universe, which Shiva is not master of? Vedas says that myriad weapons are owned by Mahadeva and he is the master of all of them. 

सहस्राणि सहस्रधा बाहुवोस्तव हेतयः ।   
तासामीशानो भगवः पराचीना मुखा कृधि ॥ (Taittiriya Samhita 4:5:10.5 of Yajurveda)  
Meaning: - O Bhagawaan Rudra! There exist thousand (infinite) weapons of myriad types and you happen to be master over all those weapons. Deign to faces of those weapons away from us.

This, is what Vedas prays to Lord Shiva.  Mahadeva is the creator of all deities and conferrer of their powers. All the powers that we see in the other divinities are bestowed to them by grace of uma-pati Maheshwar. And this is verily supported by both type of Scriptures (i.e. Shruti and Smriti)

यो देवानां प्रभवश्चोद्भवश्च विश्वाधिपो रुद्रो महर्षिः । 
हिरण्यगर्भं जनयामास पूर्वंस नो बुद्ध्या शुभया संयुनक्तु ॥ (Svetasvatara Upanishad 3:04)  
Meaning: - May that Rudra - creator of (all) deities and conferrer of their respective power - he (Rudra) is support of universe, conferrer of bliss and wisdom on devotees, annihilating their sins and sorrows, also punishing the one who breach his laws - may that Rudra bestow us the clear intellect.
Now the very same thing is said in the itihAsa (Mahabharata) too.

(Mahabharat : Drona Parva:)

ईदृशः स महादेवॊ भूयश च भगवान अजःन हि सर्वे मया शक्या वक्तुं भगवतॊ गुणाःसर्वैर गरहैर गृहीतान वै सर्वपापसमन्वितानस मॊचयति सुप्रीतः शरण्यः शरणागतानआयुर आरॊग्यम ऐश्वर्यं वित्तं कामांश च पुष्कलान स ददाति मनुष्येभ्यः स चैवाक्षिपते पुनः सेन्द्रादिषु च देवेषु तस्य चैश्वर्यम उच्यते स चैव वयाहृते लॊके मनुष्याणां शुभाशुभे
"Whatever is highly mysterious in the several branches of the Vedas, in the Upanishads, in the Puranas, and in those sciences that deal with the soul, is that God, viz., Maheswara, Mahadeva is even such. That God is, again, without birth. All the attributes of that God are not capable of being enumerated by me even if, O son of Pandu, I were to recite them continually for a thousand years. Even unto those that are afflicted by all the evil planets, even unto those that are stained with every sin, that great protector, if they seek him, becomes gratified with them and granteth them salvation. He granteth, and taketh away life and health and prosperity and wealth and diverse kinds of objects of desire. The prosperity is his that is seen in Indra and other gods. He is ever engaged in the good and evil of men in this world"

[Source of Translation: - ]

Here from the above reference from Mahabharat we come to learn that all the prosperity which Indra and other deity has, is bestowed by Lord Shiva. So, it should be now clear that all the power, prosperity, potential that exist in universe belong to Shiva-Shakti Only.

Let's switch to our main topic now. Lord Shiva is not only eulogized as foremost among all divinities in the shruti but also the best and foremost archer among all the archers of universe that existed till the date and foremost archer to those who shall ever born.

Now let us see from the Shruti portion were Lord Shiva is eulogized as Best Archer. We had already seen in the beginning of the Article were Veda(s) prays or appeals  Mahadeva to turn away his weapons.

Let's see it in more details.

अर्हन बिभर्षि सायकानि धन्वार्हन निष्कं यजतं विश्वरूपम | अर्हन्निदं दयसे विश्वमभ्वं न वा ओजीयो रुद्र तवदस्ति |(Rig - Veda 2:33:10) "Worthy, thou carriest thy bow and arrows, worthy, thy manyhued and honoured necklace. Worthy, thou cuttest here each fiend to pieces: a mightier than thou there is not, Rudra." 

Further, it Veda says as mentioned below. 

परि णो हेती रुद्रस्य वर्ज्याः परि तवेषस्य दुर्मतिर्महीगात | अव सथिरा मघवद्भ्यस्तनुष्व मीढ्वस्तोकाय तनयाय मर्ळ || (Rig - Veda 2:33:14)"May Rudra's missile turn aside and spare us, the great wrath of the impetuous One avoid us. Turn, Bounteous God, thy strong bow from our princes, and be thou gracious to our seed and offspring."

Again, Rig eulogize Parvati - Pati as the best warrior and archer. Let's see how cheerfully Rig has eulogized Parmeshwara (Parvati - Pati) as best archer. 

तिग्मायुधौ तिग्महेती सुशेवौ सोमारुद्राविह सु मर्ळतं नः | पर नो मुञ्चतं वरुणस्य पाशाद गोपायतं नः सुमनस्यमाना || (Rig - Veda 6:74:4)"Armed with keen shafts and weapons, kind and loving, be gracious unto us, Soma and Rudra. Release us from the noose of Varuṇa; keep us from sorrow, in your tender loving-kindness."
Not only this, Veda glorifies Parvati-Pati as the Ultimate Archer, Let's have further look.

या ते दिद्युदवस्र्ष्टा दिवस परि कष्मया चरति परि साव्र्णक्तु नः | सहस्रं ते सवपिवात भेषजा मा नस्तोकेषुतनयेषु रीरिषह || (Rig - Veda 7:46:3)"May thy bright arrow which, shot down by thee from heaven, flieth upon the earth, pass us uninjured by. Thou, very gracious God, hast thousand medicines: inflict no evil on our sons or progeny."

मा नो वधी रुद्र मा परा दा मा ते भूम परसितौ हीळितस्य | आ नो भज बर्हिषि जीवशंसे यूयं पात ... |(Rig - Veda 7:46:4)"Slay us not, nor abandon us, O Rudra let not thy noose, when thou art angry, seize us. Give us trimmed grass and fame among the living. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings"

There is no scope where Veda(s) fails to eulogize archer skill and warrior skill of Maheshwara. 
सहस्राणि सहस्रधा बाहुवोस्तव हेतयः ।   
तासामीशानो भगवः पराचीना मुखा कृधि ॥ (Taittiriya Samhita 4:5:10.5 of Yajurveda)  
Meaning: - O Bhagawaan Rudra! There exist thousand (infinite) weapons of myriad types and you happen to be master over all those weapons. Deign to faces of those weapons away from us.
सहस्राणि सहस्रशो ये रुद्रा अधि भूम्याम्।तेषासहस्रयोजनेऽवधन्वानि तन्मसि ॥ (Taittiriya Samhita 4:5:11.1 of Yajurveda) 
Meaning: - O Rudra! Unstring your bow(s) of different types of infinite rudras - who rage over entire earth and keep it (your infinite bows) thousands of yojana (traditional scale to measure distance) away from us.

Can you sense the fear the Vedic Seer(s) hold while describing the Lord Shiva in his रुद्र  form. This is one of the way Lord Shiva's Archery Skill and his mastery in the all the weapons is been described in the Vedas. It is worthy to mention that very first mantra of Sri  Rudraprasna begins as follow:

नमस्ते रुद्रमन्यव उतोत इषवे नमः । 
नमस्ते अस्तु धन्वने बाहुभ्या-मुत ते नमः ॥ (Taittiriya Samhita 4:5:1.1 of Yajurveda) 
Meaning: - O Rudra! Prostration to your wrath and your arrows. Prostration to your strong arms and mighty bow.
Here, Rudra is invoked with offering Salutation to his anger and bow which clearly indicates the Lordship of Mahadeva in archery.

प्रमुंच धन्वनस्त्व-मुभयो-रार्त्नियो-र्ज्याम् । 
याश्च ते हस्त इषवः परा ता भगवो वप ॥ (Taittiriya Samhita 4:5:1.3 of Yajurveda)
Meaning: - O Rudra Bhagawaan! Remove the string from both the side of your bow and put your arrows away from us.  
Vedas are requesting to Lord Rudra to put away his weapons (bow and arrows) away from the devotees. This is the peak of fear vedic seers exhibit when it comes to describe the fierce form of Rudra - Mahaakaal.

अवतत्य धनुस्त्व सहस्राक्ष शतेषुधे । 
निशीर्य शल्यानां मुखा शिवो नः सुमना भव ॥ (Taittiriya Samhita 4:5:1.4 of Yajurveda) 
Meaning: - O thousand (infinite) eyed one! You are having hundreds (infinite) of quivers. Keep your bow down and remove fittings of your sharp arrows, become (come to us in ) auspicious to us with charming intention to bless us. 

विज्यं धनुः कपर्दिनो विशल्यो बाणवा उत । 
अनेशन्नस्येषव आभुरस्य निषंगथिः ॥ (Taittiriya Samhita 4:5:1.4 of Yajurveda) 
Meaning: - May Vijayaa bow of Lord Shiva gets unstrung, and his quivers without sharp ends of arrows, may his arrows become incapable and his bow become just a support for arrows but incapable of shooting the arrows through it.

नमस्ते अस्त्वायुधायानातताय धृष्णवे ।उभाभ्यामुत ते नमो बाहुभ्यां तव धन्वने ॥परि ते धन्वनो हेति-रस्मान्व्रुणक्तु विश्वतः ।अथो य इषुधिस्तवारे अस्मन्निधेहि तम् ॥ (Taittiriya Samhita 4:5:1.4 of Yajurveda) 
Meaning: - Prostration to your weapon (arrows) which are yet to be extended on your mighty bow. Prostration to your mighty bow and your arms. May we would excluded in every aspects and keep your quivers infinite miles away from us.

Thus, in Taittiriya Samhita of Yajurveda Lord Shiva is prayed to give up his fierce form and to manifest in auspicious & calm - Shiva form. Vedas (Vedic seers) Prays to Lord Shiva not to target them and take away arrows pointed towards them. From this we can surely say that in Vedas if anything is most feared of, than it is none other than Rudra  Bhagawaan! In such an heroic way Lord Shiva is described in the Vedas. 

Now let's see what Atharava-Veda want to say about the Rudra and his Archery. 

In the Atharva-Veda KANDA 15 SUKTA 05 ;there is an wonderful description of various murthis of Lord Shiva, as an archer present in all the directions.  The below are the reference of the Book 15 Hymn 05 of atharva-veda. 


 तस्मै॒ प्राच्या॑ दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शाद् भ॒वमि॑ष्वा॒सम॑नुष्ठा॒तार॑मकुर्वन्॥१॥भ॒व ए॑नमिष्वा॒सः प्राच्या॑ दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शाद॑नुष्ठा॒तानु॑ तिष्ठति॒ नैनं॑ श॒र्वो न भ॒वो नेशा॑नः॥२॥नास्य॑ प॒शून् न स॑मा॒नान् हि॑नस्ति॒ य ए॒वं वेद॑ ॥३॥Translation: - For him they made the Archer Bhava a deliverer from the intermediate space of the eastern region. Bhava the Archer, a deliverer, delivers him from the intermediate space of the eastern region. Neither Sarva nor Bhava nor Isāna slays him who possesses this knowledge, or his cattle, or his kinsmen.


तस्मै॒ दक्षि॑णाया दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शाच्छ॒र्वमि॑ष्वा॒सम॑नुष्ठा॒तार॑मकुर्वन्॥४॥श॒र्व ए॑नमिश्वा॒सो दक्षि॑णाया दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शाद॑नुष्ठा॒तानु॑ तिष्ठति॒ नैनं॑ श॒र्वो न भ॒वो नेशा॑नः॥५॥नास्य॑ प॒शून् न स॑मा॒नान् हि॑नस्ति॒ य ए॒वं वेद॑॥६॥Translation: - They made Sarva the Archer his deliverer from the intermediatespace of the southern region, Sarva the Archer, a deliverer, delivers him from the intermediate space of the southern region. Neither Sarva nor Bhava nor Isāna slays him who possesses this knowledge, or his cattle, or his kinsmen.


तस्मै॑ प्र॒तीच्या॑ दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शात् प॑शु॒पति॑मिष्वा॒सम॑नुष्ठा॒तार॑मकुर्वन्॥७॥प॒शु॒पति॑रेनमिष्वा॒सः प्र॒तीच्या॑ दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शाद॑नुष्ठा॒तानु॑ तिष्ठति॒ नैनं॑ श॒र्वो न भ॒वो नेशा॑नः॥८॥नास्य॑ प॒शून् न स॑मा॒नान् हि॑नस्ति॒ य ए॒वं वेद॑ ॥९॥Translation: - They made Pasupati the Archer his deliverer from the intermediate space of the western region,  Pasupati the Archer, a deliverer, delivers him from the intermediate space of the western region. Neither Sarva nor Bhava nor Isāna slays him who possesses this knowledge, or his cattle, or his kinsmen.


तस्मा॒ उदी॑च्या दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शाद॒ग्रं दे॒वमि॑ष्वा॒सम॑नुष्ठा॒तार॑मकुर्वन्॥१०॥

उ॒ग्र ए॑नं दे॒व इ॑ष्वा॒स उदी॑च्या दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शाद॑नुष्ठा॒तानु॑ तिष्ठति॒ नैनं॑ श॒र्वो न भ॒वो नेशा॑न॥११॥
नास्य॑ प॒शून् न स॑मा॒नान् हि॑नस्ति॒ य ए॒वं वेद॑ ॥१२॥
Translation: - They made the Awful God, the Archer, his deliverer from the
intermediate space of the northern region, Aweful God, the Archer, a deliverer, delivers him from the intermediate space of the northern region. Neither Sarva nor Bhava nor Isāna slays him who possesses this knowledge, or his cattle, or his kinsmen.


तस्मै॑ ध्रु॒वाया॑ दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शाद् रु॒द्रमि॑ष्वा॒सम॑नुष्ठा॒तार॑मकुर्वन्॥१३॥रु॒द्र ए॑नमिष्वा॒सो ध्रु॒वाया॑ दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शादनु॑ष्ठा॒तानु॑ तिष्ठति॒ नैनं॑ श॒र्वो न भ॒वो नेशा॑नः॥१४॥नास्य॑ प॒शून् न स॑मा॒नान् हि॑नस्ति॒ य ए॒वं वेद॑ ॥१५॥Translation: - They made Rudra the Archer his deliverer from the intermediatespace of the region of the nadir, Rudra, the Archer, a deliverer, delivers him from the intermediate space of the region of the nadir. Neither Sarva nor Bhava nor Isāna slays him who possesses this knowledge, or his cattle, or his kinsmen.


तस्मा॑ ऊ॒र्ध्वाया॑ दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शान्म॑हादे॒वमि॑ष्वा॒सम॑नुष्ठा॒तार॑मकुर्वन्॥१६॥म॒हा॒दे॒व ए॑नमिष्वा॒स ऊ॒र्ध्वाया॑ दि॒शो अ॑न्तर्दे॒शाद॑नुष्ठा॒तानु॑ तिष्ठति॒ नैनं॑ श॒र्वो न भ॒वो नेशा॑नः॥१७॥नास्य॑ प॒शून् न स॑मा॒नान् हि॑नस्ति॒ य ए॒वं वेद॑ ॥१८॥Translation: - They made Mahādeva his deliverer from the intermediate spaceof the region of the zenith, Mahādeva, the Archer, a deliverer, delivers him from the intermediate space of the region of the zenith. Neither Sarva nor Bhava nor Isāna slays him who possesses this knowledge, or his cattle, or his kinsmen.


तस्मै॒ सर्वे॑भ्यो अन्तर्दे॒शेभ्य॒ ईशा॑नमिष्वा॒सम॑नुष्ठा॒तार॑मकुर्वन्॥१९॥ईशा॑न एनमिष्वा॒सः सर्वे॑भ्यो अन्तर्दे॒शेभ्यो॑ऽनुष्ठा॒तानु॑ तिष्ठति॒ नैनं॑ श॒र्वो न भ॒वो नेशा॑नः॥२०॥नास्य॑ प॒शून् न स॑मा॒नान् हि॑नस्ति॒ य ए॒वं वेद॑ ॥२१॥Translation: - They made Isana the Archer his deliverer from all the intermediate regions. Isāna the Archer, a deliverer, delivers him from all the intermediate regions. Neither Sarva nor Bhava, nor Isana slays him who possesses this knowledge, or his cattle, or his kinsmen.


From the above Hymn we can see that in all the different directions Lord Shiva is existing as an Archer. Now we can understand why in Taittiriya Samhita Lord Shiva is prayed to withdraw his bow and arrows and bless us.  Lord Shiva is called as "Veda-Purusha" by the Vedas. 

Not only this, Glory of Lord Shiva is Unfading and his one more aspect as an Universal Archer  is recorded in Vedas. The heroic deeds of "पार्वती - पति " as the "त्रिपुरारी" is been recorded in the Taittiriya Samhita of Yajurveda. 

In Taittiriya Samhita KANDA: 6 PRAPATHAKA: 2.3  there is an episode of Destruction of Tripura by Rudra in  (addressed as overlord of pashus) esoteric way here is the reference.

Translation:- The Asuras had three citadels; the lowest was of iron, then there was one of silver, then one of gold. The gods could not conquer them; they sought to conquer them by siege; therefore they say--both those who know thus and those who do not--'By siege they conquer great citadels.' They made ready an arrow, Agni as the point, Soma as the socket, Visnu as the shaft. They said, 'Who shall shoot it?' [1] 'Rudra', they said, 'Rudra is cruel, let him shoot it.' He said, 'Let me choose a boon; let me be overlord of animals.' Therefore is Rudra overlord of animals. Rudra let it go; it cleft the three citadels and drove the Asuras away from these worlds. The observance of the Upasads is for the driving away of foes. One should not offer another libation in front; if be were to offer another libation in front [2],

[Source of Translation: - ]

Here, in Taittiriya Samhita 6:2:3 also, Tripura-Samhaara by Lord Shiva is mentioned in esoteric manner. (On a lighter note some people on Internet spraying hilarious propaganda that Shiva is not Vedic God and other similiar Non-Sensce stuffs, to all those people it is an sharp jolt).  So again, From the Vedas, we see that when it comes to exhibit Archery Skill to annihilate Tripurasura, again all deities requested Mahadeva to perform that task. 


Here two things requires to be clarified. 

(1) "Lord Shiva is seem to give boon to himself " - Well, this represent the Supremacy and Lordship of Maheshwar overall deities. There exist nothing in universe that can challenge the words of Lord Shiva, and the above incident were Mahadeva grants boon to himself is itself an evidence of the same. 

(2) "Lord Shiva took the help of other deities to annihilate tripura" - Again, that is the literal meaning of the incident. Vedas clearly says Lord Shiva as Self-Dependent (Rig-Veda), Father of Creation - "भूवनस्य  पितरम् " and in the beginning of this article itself we have seen that Vedas clearly says Lord Shiva as one who bestows power to other Gods. So, to conclude "त्रिपुर - संहार " is an esoteric incidents, requires to be understand on macrocosm as well as microcosm aspect. And Mahadeva utilizes his own potential to annihilate the Tripura. 


Now, switching again to main article, let's see the same incident from the Mahabharata.

In the Mahabharata (5th Veda)  too, the Tripura-Samhaar is described in breif. 

In the Drona-Parva Section of Mahabharata 

 Formerly, the valiant Asuras had, in heaven, three cities. Each of those cities was excellent and large. One was made of iron, another of silver, and the third of gold. The golden city belonged to Kamalaksha, the silver city to Tarakaksha, and the third, made of iron, had Vidyunmalin for its lord. With all his weapons, Maghavat (Indra) was unable to make any impression on those cities. Afflicted (by the Asuras), all the gods sought the protection of Rudra. Approaching him, all the gods with Vasava at their head, said, 'These terrible dwellers of the triple city have received boons from Brahma. Filled with pride in consequence of those boons, they are greatly afflicting the universe, O Lord of the gods, none, save thee, is competent to slay them. Therefore, O Mahadeva, slay these enemies of the gods: O Rudra, creatures slain in every sacrifice shall then be thine. Thus addressed by the gods, Mahadeva thus accepted their request, moved by the desire of benefiting them, and said, 'I will overthrow these Asuras. And Hara made the two mountains, viz., Gandhamadana and Vindhya, the two poles of his car. And Sankara made the earth with her oceans and forests his battle car. And the three-eyed deity made that prince of snakes, viz., Sesha, the Aksha, of that car. And that God of gods, the wielder of Pinaka, made the moon and the sun the two wheels of that vehicle. And the triple-eyed Lord made Elapatra and Pushpadanta, the two pins of the yoke. And the valiant Mahadeva made the Malaya mountains the yoke, and the great Takshaka the string for tying the yoke to the poles, and the creatures about him the traces of the steed. And Maheswara made the four Vedas his four steeds. And that lord of the three worlds made the supplementary Vedas the bridle-bits. And Mahadeva made Gayatri and Savitri the reins, the syllable Om the whip, and Brahma the driver. And making the Mandara mountains the bow, Vasuki the bowstring, Vishnu his excellent shaft, Agni the arrow-head, and Vayu the two wings of that shafts, Yama the feathers in its tail, lightning the whetting stone, and Meru the standard, Siva, riding on that excellent car which was composed of all the celestial forces, proceeded for the destruction of the triple city. Indeed, Sthanu, that foremost of smiter, that Destroyer of Asuras, that handsome warrior of immeasurable prowess, adored by the celestials, O Partha, and by Rishis possessing wealth of asceticism, caused an excellent and unrivalled array called after his own name, and stood immovable for a thousand years. When, however, the three cities came together in the firmament, the lord Mahadeva. pierced them with that terrible shaft of his, consisting of three knots. The Danavas were unable to gaze at that shafts inspired with Yuga-fire and composed of Vishnu and Soma. 

[Source of Translation: - ]

This is how Lord Shiva is adored as foremost archer among all the archers of Universe. 

I offer my humble prostration to lotus feet Uma-Maheshwara __/|\__

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