If an observer observes carefully, can easily view that this "eco - system", the functions of prominent as well as subtle elements of Nature like three main seasons consisting of six sub-seasons {namely Spring (वसंत ऋतू ), Summer (ग्रीष्म ऋतू ), Monsoon (वर्षा ऋतू ), Autumn (शरद ऋतू ), Pre - Winter (हेमन्त ऋतू ) and Winter (शिशिर ऋतू).}, days and nights, Movement of Sun and entire Solar System, the constellations etc. perform certain cyclic rotation(s). But on whose command does everything performs? Who rules the Nature? Whose command is followed and performed by Mother Nature?
Our Scriptures both श्रुति and स्मृति carries the answer. It is none other than Lord Shiva alone, who governs the functions of entire Creation. Lord Shiva is called Mahadeva (महादेव ) for the reason that he is overlord of entire existence including every deities, demons, गन्धर्वा, Humans & other living beings and Overlord of Nature (प्रकृति) yet identical to DEVI (देवी) or (मूल-प्रकृति).
Mahadeva or Maheshwara is the Ultimate Universal Ruler as declared in our Scriptures initiating from Puraanaas to itihaas and from itihas to Vedas, The imperishable rulership of Lord Îsâna is observed in every scripture.
Let's see why Lord Shiva is known as Îsâna or Ruler and what this name "Îsâna(ईशान)" actually mean, from the श्रुति itself.
Thus, Îsâna means the Ruler, here in the Shatapatha Brahmana eight-fold forms of Lord Shiva is mentioned otherwise known as अष्ट-मूर्ति form of Lord Sada-Shiva. The Sun is the form of Lord Shiva only as quoted above from shatapatha brahmana. So, we have seen that Lord Shiva is called Îsâna for his rulership or lordship over entire creation.
Now let's see further to discover how Vedas eulogize the Lord Shiva as Îsâna - An Universal Ruler.
In the above quoted verse from the Rig-Veda it is clear that Rudra - as ruler has been eulogized in the Vedas itself. Lord Shiva is overlord of multiple aspect and the aspect through which Maheshwara rules an entire creation is regarded as Îsâna aspect. The Vedas proclaims that Lord of Parvati (पार्वती - पति) is the Supreme Ruler of all the myriad sort of Knowledge, Ruler of all beings and that ultimate reality (Shiva) is denoted through Pranava (ॐ). In this context the vedas (Atharva Veda 15:1:4-5) eulogize Supreme Lord (परमेश्वर) as quoted below.
In the above verse from taittiriya aranyaka Mahadeva is clearly eulogized as RULER of all the different sort of Knowledge - revealing that Lord Shiva is Omniscient. It also reveals that Lord Shiva is controller (ruler) of all created beings and preserver of the sacred Veda(s). Lord Shiva is the personification of absolute reality which is denoted through Pranava(ॐ).
There is Ishvar Gita (consist of 11 chapter) in the Kurma - Puraana where Lord Shiva is preacher of the Ishvar Gita and he himself reveals his true nature in the Ishvar Gita. One who had not read the Ishvar Gita and interested to read that Gita of Lord Shiva may read it on this blog itself.
The below verse from Ishvar Gita is spoken by Lord Shiva himself.
Lord Shiva himself reveals that he is Îsâna (Ruler) in the above verse of Ishvar Gita. Thus, from Vedas to Puraanas (Gita) Rulership of Shiva is being eulogized.
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Lord Shiva is the Greatest God, is source or root-cause of all the causes, all the worlds are contained within him. Just as King or Ruler when call for any important meetings all the ministers and prominent authorities are there in the courtroom, similarly entire creation is present in Shiva just as beads are strung on thread.
[Source of Translation: - Atharvasira Upanishad]
This, reveals that None in the entire creation is equal to Rudra - Mahadeva, so anything being greater than him is out of question. It also reveal that all the worlds are present in Mahadeva just as beads are strung on the thread.
Moreover, the same upanishad provide reason why Lord Shiva is known as Îsâna. The same is being quoted below.
The very next verse eulogize Mahadeva as Îsâna.
Our Scriptures both श्रुति and स्मृति carries the answer. It is none other than Lord Shiva alone, who governs the functions of entire Creation. Lord Shiva is called Mahadeva (महादेव ) for the reason that he is overlord of entire existence including every deities, demons, गन्धर्वा, Humans & other living beings and Overlord of Nature (प्रकृति) yet identical to DEVI (देवी) or (मूल-प्रकृति).
Mahadeva or Maheshwara is the Ultimate Universal Ruler as declared in our Scriptures initiating from Puraanaas to itihaas and from itihas to Vedas, The imperishable rulership of Lord Îsâna is observed in every scripture.
Let's see why Lord Shiva is known as Îsâna or Ruler and what this name "Îsâna(ईशान)" actually mean, from the श्रुति itself.
"tamabravīdīśāno 'sīti | tadyadasya tannāmākarodādityastadrūpamabhavadādityo vāīśāna ādityo hyasya sarvasyeṣṭe so 'bravīdetāvānvā asmi mā metaḥ paro nāma dhā iti" (Shatapatha Brahmana 6:1:3.17)
Translation: - "He said to him, 'Thou art Îsâna (the Ruler).' And because he gave him that name, the Sun became suchlike, for Îsâna is the Sun, since the Sun rules over this All. He said, 'So great indeed I am: give me no other name after that!'[Source of Translation: - Shatapatha Brahmana]
Thus, Îsâna means the Ruler, here in the Shatapatha Brahmana eight-fold forms of Lord Shiva is mentioned otherwise known as अष्ट-मूर्ति form of Lord Sada-Shiva. The Sun is the form of Lord Shiva only as quoted above from shatapatha brahmana. So, we have seen that Lord Shiva is called Îsâna for his rulership or lordship over entire creation.
Now let's see further to discover how Vedas eulogize the Lord Shiva as Îsâna - An Universal Ruler.
स हि कषयेण कषम्यस्य जन्मनः साम्राज्येन दिव्यस्य चेतति |अवन्नवन्तीरुप नो दुरश्चरानमीवो रुद्र जासु नो भव || (Rig-Veda 7:46:2)
Translation: - “He (Rudra) through his lordship rules on beings of the earth, on heavenly beings (gods) through his high imperial sway (controlling influence or power). Come willingly to our doors that gladly welcome thee, and heal all sickness, Rudra. in our families”.[Source of Translation: - Rig-Veda]
In the above quoted verse from the Rig-Veda it is clear that Rudra - as ruler has been eulogized in the Vedas itself. Lord Shiva is overlord of multiple aspect and the aspect through which Maheshwara rules an entire creation is regarded as Îsâna aspect. The Vedas proclaims that Lord of Parvati (पार्वती - पति) is the Supreme Ruler of all the myriad sort of Knowledge, Ruler of all beings and that ultimate reality (Shiva) is denoted through Pranava (ॐ). In this context the vedas (Atharva Veda 15:1:4-5) eulogize Supreme Lord (परमेश्वर) as quoted below.
ईशान सर्वविद्यानां ईश्वरः सर्वभूतानां ब्रह्माधिपति ब्रह्मणोऽधिपति ब्रह्मा शिवो मे अस्तु सदाशिवोम् || ( Taittiriya Aranyaka 10-21-1)
Meaning: - “May the Supreme who is the ruler of all knowledge, controller of all created beings, the preserver of the Vedas and the one overlord of Hiranyagarbha, be benign to me. I am the Sadasiva described thus and denoted by Pranava”
In the above verse from taittiriya aranyaka Mahadeva is clearly eulogized as RULER of all the different sort of Knowledge - revealing that Lord Shiva is Omniscient. It also reveals that Lord Shiva is controller (ruler) of all created beings and preserver of the sacred Veda(s). Lord Shiva is the personification of absolute reality which is denoted through Pranava(ॐ).
There is Ishvar Gita (consist of 11 chapter) in the Kurma - Puraana where Lord Shiva is preacher of the Ishvar Gita and he himself reveals his true nature in the Ishvar Gita. One who had not read the Ishvar Gita and interested to read that Gita of Lord Shiva may read it on this blog itself.
The below verse from Ishvar Gita is spoken by Lord Shiva himself.
अहं हि भगवानीशः स्वयं ज्योतिः सनातनः । परमात्मार परं ब्रह्म मत्तो ह्यन्यो न विद्यते ॥ ६.५१॥ (Ishvar Gita 6:51)
Meaning: - Know me(Shiva) to be the only Lord Îsâ, and I am Self-illlumining. Know me to be sanAtan (eternal). I am Parmatma and Param-Bramha, and there exist nothing which is not identical to me.
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Îsâna (Shiva) as Greatest or Supreme Divinity from Upanishads.
Lord Shiva is the Greatest God, is source or root-cause of all the causes, all the worlds are contained within him. Just as King or Ruler when call for any important meetings all the ministers and prominent authorities are there in the courtroom, similarly entire creation is present in Shiva just as beads are strung on thread.
यस्मिन्निदं सर्वमोतप्रोतं तस्मादन्यन्न परं किञ्चनास्ति ।न तस्मात्पूर्वं न परं तदस्ति न भूतं नोत भव्यं यदासीत् । (Atharvasiras Upanishad 5:5)
“There is none greater than Rudra, on whom all the worlds are strung like beads. Over ages, nothing so far in the past was ever greater than him and nothing is going to be greater than him in future”.
[Source of Translation: - Atharvasira Upanishad]
This, reveals that None in the entire creation is equal to Rudra - Mahadeva, so anything being greater than him is out of question. It also reveal that all the worlds are present in Mahadeva just as beads are strung on the thread.
Moreover, the same upanishad provide reason why Lord Shiva is known as Îsâna. The same is being quoted below.
अथ कस्मादुच्यते ईशानः यः सर्वान्देवानीशते
ईशानीभिर्जननीभिश्च परमशक्तिभिः । (Atharvashira Upanishad 4)
He is “Eeshana” because by his power for creation and upkeep and also because he rules over all devas (gods).
The very next verse eulogize Mahadeva as Îsâna.
अमित्वा शूर णो नुमो दुग्धा इव धेनवः । ईशानमस्य जगतःस्वर्दृशमीशानमिन्द्र तस्थिष इति तस्मादुच्यते ईशानः ।(Atharvashira Upanishad 4)
Like approaching a cow for getting milk, we come to you. You are 'Îsâna' because Veda points you out as one who shows the heaven and one who rules over other Gods.
[Source of Translation: -Atharvashira Upanishad]
Thus, Îsâna aspect of Lord Shiva is hailed in the Upanishad(s). Now Lord Shiva is having no beginning (birth) or ending and the upanishad use to eulogize Lord Shiva regarding the same reason. Let's see what Upanishad has to say regarding origin of Supreme Ruler Shiva.
न तस्य कार्यं करणं च विद्यतेन तत्समश्चाभ्यधिकश्च दृश्यते ।परास्य शक्तिर्विविधैव श्रूयतेस्वाभाविकी ज्ञानबलक्रिया च ॥(Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:8)
“There is no effect and no cause known of him, no one is seen like unto him or better; his high power is revealed as manifold, as inherent, acting as force and knowledge”.
It further says
न तस्य कश्चित् पतिरस्ति लोकेन चेशिता नैव च तस्य लिङ्गम् ।स कारणं करणाधिपाधिपोन चास्य कश्चिज्जनिता न चाधिपः ॥(Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9)He has no master in this world, no ruler, nor is there any symbol for Him. He is the cause, the cause of all the causes. He has no father or controller above Him.
[Source of Translation: - Svetasvatara Upanishad]
The Supremacy of Lord Shiva remains unchallenged and the shruti eulogize Mahadeva as following.
प्रभुं वरेण्यं पितरं महेशं यो ब्रह्माणं विदधाति तस्मै ।वेदांश्च सर्वान्प्रहिणोति चाग्र्यं तं वै प्रभुं पितरं देवतानाम् ॥ २॥ममापि विष्णोर्जनकं देवमीड्यं योऽन्तकाले सर्वलोकान्संजहार ॥ ३॥(Sharabha Upanishad 2-3)
“I am salutingthat primeval God who is the Lord, who is the best, who is the father of theworld, who is the greatest among gods, who has created Brahma, who gave allVedas to Brahma in the beginning, who is the father of Vishnu and other devas,who merits praise, and who at the time of deluge destroys the world. He is the only one who is greater than
every body, who is the best and who rules over others”. every body, who is the best and who rules over others”.
Thus,the Upanishad-s eulogize and reveals the imperishable rulership of Mahadeva.
Îsâna (Shiva) as ONLY Ultimate Ruler and ONLY Reality of Existence.
Now we will see the shruti portion-s (few only as entire shruti eulogize Shiva-Shakti) where the actual position of Lord Shiva is eulogized and Shiva alone is prayed as highest realm of reality. Entire Veda-s with its different branches glorify ONE and ONLY - SADA-SHIVA. Regarding this the celebrated hymn Sata-Rudriya (शतरुद्रिय) glorifies Mahadeva as गिरिशन्तः and the girishant has many meaning (like who resides on Kailasha) and one of the meaning is as follow:
गिरौ- वेदेितष्ठन्नथणरूपेण शां तनोति - One who resides in Vedas as their meaning and grants joy to all.
Saying this let's see how beautifully the shruti has adored and eulogized Sri Parmeshwara (Supreme Lord).
Here, shruti clearly declare RUDRA who is lord of umA as "SOLE SUPREME LORD." There is none in the entire creation or cosmos who can be euated with Maheshwar. The name MAheshwar itself convey that he is overlord of all other deities.
Further, the same shruti reveal the real nature and form of Shiva. Lord is actually the personification and form of Transcendental Pranava (ॐ). That Pranava (ॐ) is verily the form of Lord Rudra - Mahakaal. That Pranava (ॐ) is Brahman (ब्रह्म) and that as confirmed in Brahmsutra is Only One without the second. This One without second is none other than Îsâna (Shiva) as per the Veda.
Here, Lord Shiva's actual position of being Supreme Ruler of all living beings, deities, demons including the chief of all gods have no say in the decision of Ultimate Ruler Îsâna. The Maheshwara in his Pranava (ॐ) is the origin or source from where all the deva and Veda comes into existence. Again it is that Pranava (ॐ) who bestows the celestial power to very gods and make them prominent. The Svetasvatara Upanishad clearly recognize Rudra as Bestower of power to gods. The same ting is mentioned in the below quoted shruti from another upanishad which reveal us the same thing.
Thus, even the upanishads too procalim the sovereignty of Our Îsâna. Liberation can only be achived through the grace of that Supreme Lord who rules overall.
Creation is not different from Creator / Subject is not different from its Ruler.
The Subject is non-different to its Ruler. The Conditional Soul (जीव), Object of enjoyment and the Ruler (Îsâna) are nothing but same Brahman (Shiva). This is clearly mention in the Upanishads.
Not only this, Taittiriya Aranyaka of Yajurveda too, reveals the same truth. It says that entire universe with the mobile and immobile creatures is Rudra alone. Also, whatever creation in the past, present and even which are yet to be created all creation is RUDRA alone.
Îsâna (Ruler) manifested his rules ( by manifesting Vedas)
Entire Universe functions as per the norms and standards established in the VEDA(S). The deities too perform their respective functions by relying on Vedas. The Vedas not only contains various hymns to praise divinity but also includes various instruction on how to enhance our life from all the fronts.
And this "set of instruction" is nothing but the Rules set by an Ruler Îsâna on his subject. All this "set of instruction" i.e. Vedas are manifested from Îsâna (Shiva/Mahakaal).
In regard to the same there is hymn on Kaala aspect of Lord Shiva in the Vedas. It clearly says that from Kaala (Shiva) Vedas took its birth.
Atharva Veda reveals the same truth about Lord Shiva in the Book 15, let's have a look into it.
Now switching to Upanishads, ekakshara Upanishad clearly reveals that Vedas were originated from Lord Shiva.
Thus, all the rules and standards were created by the Ruler Îsâna.
Again, it is Lord Îsâna on whose command entire Universe functions. No one can try to go against instruction of Îsâna. As matter of fact, Îsâna controlls each and every entities and hence on the fear of Îsâna everthing fuctions.
This clearly reveals that because of fear of Rudra everthing here functions properly. Again the same fact is been revealed by Lord Shiva himself.
The above quote from Upanishad make it clear that it is Îsâna who reules all over the creation and also Îsâna is thus eulogised as an Universal Ruler.
Îsâna (Shiva) as ONLY Ultimate Ruler and ONLY Reality of Existence.
Now we will see the shruti portion-s (few only as entire shruti eulogize Shiva-Shakti) where the actual position of Lord Shiva is eulogized and Shiva alone is prayed as highest realm of reality. Entire Veda-s with its different branches glorify ONE and ONLY - SADA-SHIVA. Regarding this the celebrated hymn Sata-Rudriya (शतरुद्रिय) glorifies Mahadeva as गिरिशन्तः and the girishant has many meaning (like who resides on Kailasha) and one of the meaning is as follow:
गिरौ- वेदेितष्ठन्नथणरूपेण शां तनोति - One who resides in Vedas as their meaning and grants joy to all.
Saying this let's see how beautifully the shruti has adored and eulogized Sri Parmeshwara (Supreme Lord).
यो वै रुद्रः स भगवान्यच्च तेजस्तस्मै वै नमोनमः ॥ (Atharvasiras Upanishad 2:19)
“He who is Rudra, he alone is Supreme god (Bhagawan). He is the Supreme Light and we salute him again and again”.
Here, shruti clearly declare RUDRA who is lord of umA as "SOLE SUPREME LORD." There is none in the entire creation or cosmos who can be euated with Maheshwar. The name MAheshwar itself convey that he is overlord of all other deities.
Further, the same shruti reveal the real nature and form of Shiva. Lord is actually the personification and form of Transcendental Pranava (ॐ). That Pranava (ॐ) is verily the form of Lord Rudra - Mahakaal. That Pranava (ॐ) is Brahman (ब्रह्म) and that as confirmed in Brahmsutra is Only One without the second. This One without second is none other than Îsâna (Shiva) as per the Veda.
तस्योत्तरतः शिरो दक्षिणतः पादौ य उत्तरतः स ओङ्कारः य ओङ्कारः स प्रणवः यः प्रणवः स सर्वव्यापी यः सर्वव्यापी सोऽनन्तः योऽनन्तस्तत्तारं यत्तारं तत्सूक्ष्मं तच्छुक्लं यच्छुक्लं तद्वैद्युतं यद्वैद्युतं तत्परं ब्रह्म यत्परं ब्रह्म स एकः य एकः स रुद्रः य रुद्रः यो रुद्रः स ईशानः य ईशानः स भगवान् महेश्वरः ॥(Atharvasiras Upanishad 3:6)
“The head of “the sound of Om” is on your left side. Its feet are on your right side. That “Sound of Om” is the Pranava (primeval sound). That Pranava is spread everywhere. That which is everywhere is the greatest. That which is limitless, shines like a white star. That which is also called Shuklam (seminal fluid- the basic unit of life) is very very minute. That which is minute is like a lightning power. That which is like lightning power is the ultimate Brahman (parabrahman). That Brahman is one and only one. That one and only one is Rudra, it is also
called Îsâna, it is also the ultimate God (BHAGAWAN) and it is also the lord of all things”.
Here, Lord Shiva's actual position of being Supreme Ruler of all living beings, deities, demons including the chief of all gods have no say in the decision of Ultimate Ruler Îsâna. The Maheshwara in his Pranava (ॐ) is the origin or source from where all the deva and Veda comes into existence. Again it is that Pranava (ॐ) who bestows the celestial power to very gods and make them prominent. The Svetasvatara Upanishad clearly recognize Rudra as Bestower of power to gods. The same ting is mentioned in the below quoted shruti from another upanishad which reveal us the same thing.
सर्वकरणानि मनसि सम्प्रतिष्ठाप्य ध्यानं विष्णुः प्राणं मनसि सह करणैः सम्प्रतिष्ठाप्य ध्याता रुद्रः प्राणं मनसि सहकरणैर्नादान्ते परमात्मनि सम्प्रतिष्ठाप्य ध्यायीतेशानं प्रध्यायितव्यं सर्वमिदं |(Atharvashika Upanishad 2:1)
“The pranava (the sound of Om) makes all the souls to bow before it. It is the one and only one which has to be meditated upon as the four Vedas and the birth place of all devas. One who meditates like that goes away from all sorrows and fears and gets the power to protect all others who approach him. It is because of this meditation only that Lord Vishnu who is spread every where, wins over all others. It is because Lord Brahma controlled all his organs and meditated upon it, he attained the position of the creator. Even Lord Vishnu , parks his mind in the sound (Om) of the place of Paramathma (ultimate soul) and meditates upon Îsâna. , who is most proper to be worshipped. All this is only proper in case of Îsâna. ”.
The above quote from upanishad itself clears all the doubts (if any) regarding Imperishable Rulership of Îsâna. Every single entity or creation is completely dependent on Îsâna. The Universal Rulership of Îsâna remains unchallenged in any of the situation.
As mentioned earlier ONLY Shiva being an Omniscient, an omnipresent and ancient is Ultimate Universal Ruler who rules/governs each and every being. Undoubtedly it is also declared in the shruti.
एको हि रुद्रो न द्वितीयाय तस्थुर्य इमाँल्लोकानीशत ईशनीभिः।प्रत्यङ् जनास्तिष्ठति सञ्चुकोचान्तकालेसंसृज्य विश्वा भुवनानि गोपाः॥ (Svet. Upa 3.02 and Atharvasiras Upanishad 5.2)
“Rudra is truly one. For the knowers of Brahman do not admit the existence of a second. He rules all worlds by his power. He dwells as the inner Self (Atman) of every living being. After having created all the worlds, He, their Protector, takes them back into Himself at the end of time”.
Thus, Îsâna - Shiva is One without the Second. Only this Îsâna exist in reality. To put the same thing in different words except Îsâna - Shiva, there exists none who can be considered second in existence. Again this Îsâna - Shiva assumes myriad forms and Creator himself manifest as Creation. Thus there is no difference between creator and its creation. We would discuss this point further in the later part of this article itself.
Lord Îsâna and his sovereignty in attaining liberation (Moksha).
Grace of Lord Îsâna (Shiva) becomes mandatory in order to atttain liberation. Whenever it comes to ask for liberation Vedas (entire shruti) prays for the same to three-eyed Rudra - Mahadeva only.
In the Rig-Veda itself there exist the most celebrated Mantra known as Maha - Mrityunjay Mantra. Here is the reference for the same.
Lord Îsâna and his sovereignty in attaining liberation (Moksha).
Grace of Lord Îsâna (Shiva) becomes mandatory in order to atttain liberation. Whenever it comes to ask for liberation Vedas (entire shruti) prays for the same to three-eyed Rudra - Mahadeva only.
In the Rig-Veda itself there exist the most celebrated Mantra known as Maha - Mrityunjay Mantra. Here is the reference for the same.
त्र्य॑म्बकं यजामहे सु॒गन्धिं॑ पुष्टि॒वर्ध॑नम् ।उ॒र्वा॒रु॒कमि॑व॒ बन्ध॑नान्मृ॒त्योर्मु॑क्षीय॒ मामृता॑त् ॥(Rig-Veda:7:59:12)
Meaning: - Three eyed one, we worship, sweet augmenter of prosperity. As from its stem the cucumber, so may I be released from death, not reft of immortality.
The same mantra is again revealed in the most celebrated hymn Sata - Rudriya from Yajurveda. The Yajurveda's Taittiriya Samhita contains the gem of all vedic hymns known as Sata - Rudriyam or simply "Sri Rudram" where divine qualities is been eulogized. Quoting below from Sata-Rudriyam.
The Same thing is revealed in the Upanishad too.
त्र्य॑म्बकं यजामहे सु॒गन्धिं॑ पुष्टि॒वर्ध॑नम् ।उ॒र्वा॒रु॒कमि॑व॒ बन्ध॑नान्मृ॒त्योर्मु॑क्षीय॒ मामृता॑त् ॥(Taittiriya Samhita of Krsna Yajurveda)
Meaning: - Three eyed one, we worship, sweet augmenter of prosperity. As from its stem the cucumber, so may I be released from death, not reft of immortality.
The Same thing is revealed in the Upanishad too.
स एव सर्वं यद्भूतं यच्च भव्यं सनातनम् ।ज्ञात्वा तं मृत्युमत्येति नान्यः पन्था विमुक्तये ॥(Kaivalya Upanishad 9)
“Meditating on the highest Lord, allied to Uma, powerful, three-eyed, blue-necked, and tranquil, the holy man reaches Him (Shiva) who is the source of all, the witness of all and is beyond darkness (i.e. Avidya). He alone is all that was, and all that will be, the Eternal; knowing Him, one transcends death; there is no other way to freedom”.
The above quoted verse clearly declares that there is no other way to liberation except the grace of Mahadeva. Svetasvatara Upanishad as follow.
वेदाहमेतं पुरुषं महान्त-मादित्यवर्णं तमसः परस्तात्।तमेव विदित्वातिमृत्युमेतिनान्यः पन्था विद्यतेऽयनाय॥ (Svetasvatara Upanishad 3:08)
Meaning: - I know the great Purusha (Rudra), who is having sun like luster and is beyond darkness. Only by knowing him one overcomes death, there is no other way to supreme goal.
Thus, even the upanishads too procalim the sovereignty of Our Îsâna. Liberation can only be achived through the grace of that Supreme Lord who rules overall.
Creation is not different from Creator / Subject is not different from its Ruler.
The Subject is non-different to its Ruler. The Conditional Soul (जीव), Object of enjoyment and the Ruler (Îsâna) are nothing but same Brahman (Shiva). This is clearly mention in the Upanishads.
एतज्ज्ञेयं नित्यमेवात्मसंस्थंनातः परं वेदितव्यं हि किञ्चित् ।
भोक्ता भोग्यं प्रेरितारं च मत्वासर्वं प्रोक्तं त्रिविधं ब्रह्ममेतत् ॥(Svetasvatara Upanishad 1:12)Thus, from the above quote it make clear sense to every one that difference between identities exist only at initial level. At absolute level there is no existence of any duality.
“The enjoyer (jiva), the objects of enjoyment and the Ruler (Isvara)—the triad described by the knowers of Brahman—all this is nothing but Brahman (Rudra). This Brahman (Rudra) alone, which abides eternally within the self, should be known. Beyond it, truly, there is nothing else to be known”.
Not only this, Taittiriya Aranyaka of Yajurveda too, reveals the same truth. It says that entire universe with the mobile and immobile creatures is Rudra alone. Also, whatever creation in the past, present and even which are yet to be created all creation is RUDRA alone.
The whole universe, the created beings and whatever there is manifoldly and profusely created in the past and in the present in the form of the world, all that is indeed this Rudra. Salutations be to Rudra who is such. (Taittiriya Aranyaka 10:24:1)
The above quoted verse clearly reveals that entire creation (subject) is identical to its Creator (Îsâna). This eliminates all the doubts of duality, confirming the non-difference between Creation and Creator.
Îsâna (Ruler) manifested his rules ( by manifesting Vedas)
Entire Universe functions as per the norms and standards established in the VEDA(S). The deities too perform their respective functions by relying on Vedas. The Vedas not only contains various hymns to praise divinity but also includes various instruction on how to enhance our life from all the fronts.
And this "set of instruction" is nothing but the Rules set by an Ruler Îsâna on his subject. All this "set of instruction" i.e. Vedas are manifested from Îsâna (Shiva/Mahakaal).
In regard to the same there is hymn on Kaala aspect of Lord Shiva in the Vedas. It clearly says that from Kaala (Shiva) Vedas took its birth.
"In Kāla erst the text produced what is and what is yet to be. From Kāla sprang the Richas, and from Kāla was the Yajus born."(Atharva Veda 19:54:3)
Atharva Veda reveals the same truth about Lord Shiva in the Book 15, let's have a look into it.
"He went away to the last region. Richas, Sāmans Yajus formulas and Devotion followed him. He who possesses this knowledge becomes the dear home of Earth and Agni and herbs and trees and shrubs and plants."(Atharva Veda 15:6:3)
Now switching to Upanishads, ekakshara Upanishad clearly reveals that Vedas were originated from Lord Shiva.
ऋचो यजूंशि प्रसवन्ति वक्त्रात्सामानि सम्राड्वसुवन्तरिक्षम् ।त्वं यज्ञनेता हुतभुग्विभुश्च रुद्रास्तथ दैत्यगणा वसुश्च ॥(Ekakshar Upanishad 7)“The Vedic verses, prose formulas and songs proceed from Thy mouth. Thou shinest best (as) the Vasus and the sky. Thou art the leader of the sacrifice; thou art the all-pervading fire and the Rudras. So also (art Thou) the hosts of demons and Vasus”.
Thus, all the rules and standards were created by the Ruler Îsâna.
Lord Îsâna on whose command Universe functions
Again, it is Lord Îsâna on whose command entire Universe functions. No one can try to go against instruction of Îsâna. As matter of fact, Îsâna controlls each and every entities and hence on the fear of Îsâna everthing fuctions.
भयादस्याग्निस्तपति भयात्तपति सूर्यः ।भयादिन्द्रश्च वायुश्च मृत्युर्धावति पञ्चमः ॥(Kathopanishat 2:3:3)“For fear of Him, fire burns; For fear of Him, shines the sun; For fear of Him, Indra and Vayu function; For fear of Him, death,
the fifth, stalks on the earth
This clearly reveals that because of fear of Rudra everthing here functions properly. Again the same fact is been revealed by Lord Shiva himself.
सोऽहं सर्वाकारः । यतो वा इमानि भूतानि जायन्ते ।येन जातानि जीवन्ति । यत्प्रयन्त्यभिसंविशन्ति । तं मामेवविदित्वोपासीत । भूतेभिर्देवेभिरभिष्टुतोऽहमेव । भीषास्माद्वातःपवते । भीषोदेति सूर्यः ।भीषास्मादग्निश्चेन्द्रश्च । सोमोऽतएव योऽहं सर्वेषामधिष्ठाता सर्वेषां च भूतानांपालकः । सोऽहं पृथिवी । सोऽहमापः । सोऽहं तेजः । सोऽहं वायुः ।सोऽहं कालः । सोऽहं दिशः । सोऽहमात्मा । मयि सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम् ।ब्रह्मविदाप्नोति परम् । ब्रह्मा शिवो मे अस्तु सदाशिवोम् ।(Bhasmajabala Upanishad)
“I myself am that Great Lord Siva, God of all gods, and the
Supreme Controller of all the universes. I am that Brahman, I am Omkara; I am the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer of all. Through
My terror only, vayu blows, through my terror only Surya shines, through my terror only fire burns, Indra also function properly through my terror. I am this world and the five elements. I
am the Highest Truth that exists, the Brahman of the Upanishads”.
The above quote from Upanishad make it clear that it is Îsâna who reules all over the creation and also Îsâna is thus eulogised as an Universal Ruler.
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