There are many Popular Singer who has Sunged this Devotional Hymns describing Niskal and Sakal Aspect of Para-Bramh Shiva.
Shiv Mahimn Stotram is Very Devotional Stotram Composed by King of Gandharva, Pushpadanta. Pushpadanta was one of the pious Devotee of Maheshwar.
The Shiva Mahimna Stotra is very popular among the devotees of Lord
Shiva and is considered one of the best among all Stotras (or Stutis)
offered to Lord Shiva. The scriptures , or the performance of ceremonial sacrifice.” (Text 36)Shivmahimna Stotra has 43 verses in Sanskrit.
‖ atha śrī śivamahimnastotram ‖
mahimnaḥ pāraṁ te paramaviduṣo yadyasadṛśī
stutirbrahmādīnāmapi tadavasannāstvayi giraḥ |
athā'vācyaḥ sarvaḥ svamatiparimāṇāvadhi gṛṇan
mamāpyeṣa stotre hara nirapavādaḥ parikaraḥ || 1 ||
stutirbrahmādīnāmapi tadavasannāstvayi giraḥ |
athā'vācyaḥ sarvaḥ svamatiparimāṇāvadhi gṛṇan
mamāpyeṣa stotre hara nirapavādaḥ parikaraḥ || 1 ||
(Sri Pushpadanta said:)
If it is inappropriate to sung glories(praises) of your greatness when not knowing completely(about your divinity), then praises of other deities including Brahma too are inappropriate. If Singing your Praises according to one's own intellectual cannot be blammed, then my attempt to compose a hymn(of yours) cannot be inappropriate. (1)
Here, Devotee Pushpadanta says that his heart want to sung praises of Supreme Personality of Godhead, and if it is not appropriate to praise Lord without Knowing Supreme Lord Completely then praises and hymns sunged other deity and even Praises of Prajapati Bramha is not appropriate. Because no deities know completly about Maheshwar who is Source of all Deities and from whom Vedas were born so Supreme Lord Shiva is higher then Virat and he is beyond Hiranyagarbh. Pushpadanta says that people with their limited knowledge try to Praise Divine infinity of Lord. Here the innocent devotion of Devotee is reflected.
atītaḥ paṁthānaṁ tava ca mahimā vāṅmanasayoḥ
atadvyāvṛttyā yaṁ cakitamabhidhatte śrutirapi |
sa kasya stotavyaḥ katividhaguṇaḥ kasya viṣayaḥ
pade tvarvācīne patati na manaḥ kasya na vacaḥ || 2 ||
atadvyāvṛttyā yaṁ cakitamabhidhatte śrutirapi |
sa kasya stotavyaḥ katividhaguṇaḥ kasya viṣayaḥ
pade tvarvācīne patati na manaḥ kasya na vacaḥ || 2 ||
O Supreme Lord! Verily Your greatness is beyond the reach of mind and speech. Who can properly praise that which even the Vedas describe with trepidation, by means of'
'neti-neti / not this, not this'? How many qualities does He possess? By
whom can He be perceived? Yet whose mind and speech do not turn to
the form later taken by Him (saguna) (2)
The Supreme Lord is beyond everything, beyond from our mind and speech, He is even beyond the Vedas- Vedas doesnot know him Completly. That' why Vedas admitted that
There is Hymn in Atharva-Veda called "Skambha-Sukta" which Praises the infinite Agni-Lingam form of Lord Shiva.
“yátra skambháḥ prajanáyan purāṇáṃ vyávartayat | ékaṃ tád áṅgaṃ skambhásya purāṇám anusáṃviduḥ |” (Atharva Veda 10:7:26)“Where Skambha (Agni-Linga) generating gave the Ancient World its shape and form, They recognized that single part of Skambha(Linga) as the Ancient World.”
Same thing is Mentioned in other Vedas and Vedanta.
Thus Only "portion" of Supreme Personality of Godhead Shiva manifested as entire creation, and hence Vedas Knows only "portion" of Supreme Lord Shiva.“ardhéna víśvaṃ bhúvanaṃ jajā ́ na yád asyārdháṃ katamáḥ sá ketúḥ” (Atharvaveda X:8.13)
“He with one half engendered all Creation (bhuvanam). What sign is there to tell us of the other?”
Same thing is Confirmed in Rig-Veda too.
Even Upanishads confirms the Same.“tripādūrdhva udait puruṣaḥ pādo.asyehābhavat punaḥ | tato viṣvaṃ vyakrāmat sāśanānaśane abhi |” (Rig Veda 10:90:4)
“Three quarters of his(Shiva) are beyond all this; all of this creation is but from one quarter of him. Again and again, all that eats, and that eatsnot appeared from this one quarter of His.”
Shiva is the Para- brahman above whom there is nothing superior.“ekaakshara.n tvakshare.atraasti some sushhumnaayaa.n cheha dR^iDhii sa ekaH | tva.n vishvabhuurbhuutapatiH puraaNaH parjanya eko bhuvanasya goptaa |” (Ekakshara Upanishad 1)
“praaNaH prasuutirbhuvanasya yonirvyaapta.n tvayaa ekapadena vishvam.h |tva.n vishvabhuuryonipaaraH svagarbhe kumaara eko vishikhaH sudhanvaa |” (Ekakshara Upanishad 3)“Thou art the one Imperishable in the Imperishable, conjoint with Uma. As known by means of Susumna, here (on the empirical plane),the one firm (Principle art Thou). Thou art the ancient source of the world, the Lord of beings; Thou the Parjanya (the Principle of life giving water), the Protector of the world. Thou art the Principle of life; Thou the manifestation (the manifested world); Thou the source of the world; by a quarter hast Thou pervaded this world. Thou art the world’s birth, the cause, the life supreme, and the child in the womb armed with the excellent bow and arrow”.
“yasmaat.h para.n naaparamasti ki.nchidyasmaannaNiiyo na jyaayo.asti kashchit.h |Thus Pushpadanta, Truly admitted that even Vedas doesn't know Lord Shiva Completely. So when Vedas themselves are unable to Know about Supreme Personality of Godhead how can people or Scholar can understand "Shiv-Tattwam". Even very Gods doesn't know Completely about Lord Maheshwar(Supreme Ishwar of all gods).
vR^ixa iva stabdho divi tishhThatyekastenedaM puurNaM purushheNa sarvam.h |”(Svetaswatara Upanishad 3:09)
“The whole universe is filled by the Purusha (Rudra), to whom there is nothing superior, from whom there is nothing different, than whom there is nothing either smaller or greater; who stands alone, motionless as a tree, established in His own glory”.
madhusphītā vācaḥ paramamṛtaṁ nirmitavataḥ
tava brahman kiṁ vāgapi suragurorvismayapadam |
mama tvetāṁ vāṇīṁ guṇakathanapuṇyena bhavataḥ
punāmītyarthe'smin puramathana buddhirvyavasitā || 3 ||
tava brahman kiṁ vāgapi suragurorvismayapadam |
mama tvetāṁ vāṇīṁ guṇakathanapuṇyena bhavataḥ
punāmītyarthe'smin puramathana buddhirvyavasitā || 3 ||
O Brahman! Do even Brihaspati's praises cause wonder to You, the author
of the nectar like sweet Vedas? O destroyer of the three cities, I undertake this work, thinking that by praising your Glories I shall purify my Speech.(3)
Here Pushpadanta address Lord Shiva as Brahman which is same said by our Shruti.
“eko rudro na dvitIyAya tasmai ya imA.nllokAnIshata IshanIbhiH |Lord Shiva is the only Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is Only Brahman of Upanishads.
pratya~NjanAstiShThati sa.nchukochAntakAle sa.nsR^ijya vishvA bhuvanAni goptA | (Svetaswatara Upanishad 3.02 & Atharvasiras Upanishad 5.2)
“Rudra is truly one. For the knowers of Brahman do not admit the existence of a second. He rules all worlds by his power. He dwells as the inner Self (Atman) of every living being. After having created all the worlds, He, their Protector, takes them back into Himself at the end of time”.
Same Upanishad further explains that Shiva is the Ultimate Brahman and hence he is Supreme Personality of Godhead.“yo vai rudraH sa bhagavAnyachcha tejastasmai vai namonamaH |”(Atharvasiras Upanishad 2:19)
“He who is Rudra, he alone is Supreme god (Bhagawan). He is the Supreme Light and we salute him again and again”.
“tasyottarataH shiro dakShiNataH pAdau ya uttarataH sa o~NkAraH ya o~NkAraH sa praNavaH yaH | praNavaH sa sarvavyApI yaH sarvavyApI so.anantaH | yo.anantastattAra.n yattAra.n tatsUkShma.n tachChukla.n | yachChukla.n tadvaidyuta.n yadvaidyuta.n tatparaM brahma yatparaM | brahma sa ekaH ya ekaH sa rudraH ya rudraH yo rudraH sa IshAnaH ya | IshAnaH sa bhagavAn.h maheshvaraH |” (Atharvasiras Upanishad 3:6)
Further, Pushpadanta admitted that Supreme Pesonality of Godhead is the author of Vedas i.e. from whom Vedas emerges.“The head of “the sound of Om” is on your left side. Its feet are on your right side. That “Sound of Om” is the Pranava (primeval sound). That Pranava is spread everywhere. That which is everywhere is the greatest. That which is limitless, shines like a white star. That which is also called Shuklam (seminal fluid- the basic unit of life) is very very minute. That which is minute is like a lightning power. That which is like lightning power is the ultimate Brahman (parabrahman). That Brahman is one and only one. That one and only one is Rudra, it is also called Eeshana, it is also the ultimate God (BHAGAWAN) and it is also the lord of all things”.
Again it is Lord Shiva from whom Vedas Originated from. Vedas and Vedanta are authored by Rudra only. They proceeded from him only.
“R^icho yajuu.nshi prasavanti vaktraatsaamaani samraaDvasuvantariksham.h |
tva.n yaj~nanetaa hutabhugvibhushcha rudraastatha daityagaNaa vasushcha |” (Ekakshara Upanishat 7)“The Vedic verses, prose formulas and songs proceed from Thy mouth. Thou shinest best (as) the Vasus and the sky. Thou art theleader of the sacrifice; thou art the all-pervading fire and the Rudras. So also (art Thou) the hosts of demons and Vasus”.
It is again from Shiva only that the Riks, Yajus, Samans (Vedas) were born. In Atharvana Veda, Kala Sukta, A hymn to Maha Kala form of Lord Shiva, says :
Same is even confirmed in Svetaswatara Upanishad also.“kāló ha bhūtáṃ bhávyaṃ ca putró ajanayat purā́ |kālā́ d ŕ̥ caḥ sám abhavan yájuḥkālā́ d ajāyata |” ( Atharva Veda 19:54:3)“In Kala erst the text produced what is and what is yet to be.The Riks arose from Kala, the Yagus was born from Kala”.
Thus again lost in his Devoion for Supreme Personality of Godhead-Shiva, Pushpadanta sing glory of Maheshwar which is even praised in Vedas.“chhandaa.nsi yaGYaaH kratavo vrataani bhuutaM bhavya.n yachcha vedaa vadanti |
asmaan.h maayii sR^ijate vishvametattasmi.nshchaanyo maayayaa sanniruddhaH |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:09)“The sacred verses, the offerings (yajna), the sacrifices (kratu), the penances (vrata), the past, the future and all that the Vedas declare, have been produced from the imperishable Brahman. Brahman projects the universe through the power of Its maya. Again, in that universe Brahman as the jiva is entangled through maya”.
tavaiśvaryaṁ yattajjagadudayarakṣāpralayakṛt
trayīvastu vyastaṁ tisruṣu guṇabhinnāsu tanuṣu |
abhavyānāmasmin varada ramaṇīyāmaramaṇīṁ
vihantuṁ vyākrośīṁ vidadhata ihaike jaḍadhiyaḥ || 4 ||
trayīvastu vyastaṁ tisruṣu guṇabhinnāsu tanuṣu |
abhavyānāmasmin varada ramaṇīyāmaramaṇīṁ
vihantuṁ vyākrośīṁ vidadhata ihaike jaḍadhiyaḥ || 4 ||
O Boon Granting Supreme Lord! Your Divinity- that creates, preserves and destroy the world, which is divided into three bodies(form of Tridev) according to three gunas, and which is described in three vedas, is refuted by some Stupid and Ignorant People by producing arguements which may please ignorant but in fact hateful.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead is often Called "Aashutosh" which means he is easily pleased. Hence Scripture regards Shiva as "Aashutosh". It is to be noted that Lord Shiva is metioned to be manifested as Bramha-Vishnu-Mahesh. Which is totally in accordance with Vedic Text as mentioned below.
“kaarya.n vishhNuH kriyaa brahmaa kaaraNa.n tu maheshvaraH |
prayojanaartha.n rudreNa muurtirekaa tridhaa kR^itaa |” (Rudra Hridayopanishad 15)“The effect is Vishnu. The action is Brahma. The cause is Maheshwara. For the benefit of the worlds. Rudra has taken these three forms”.
Moreover, Lord Shiva manifested as Prajapati Bramha, as Vishnu and as Kaal-Agni Rudra. Let's see it from below verse. Shiva manifested as Prajapati
Shiva manifested as Vishnu.“sá yát prajāánu vyácalat prajāpatir bhūtvānuvyàcalat prāṇám annādáṃ krtvā|” (Atharva Veda XV:14:11)“He(Vratya=Shiva), when he went away to creatures, went away having become Prajāpati and having made vital breath an eater of food”.
Shiva manifested as Rudra (the deity responsible for destruction – kAlAgni rudrA):“sá yád dhruvāṃ díśam ánu vyácalad víṣṇur bhūtvānuvyàcalad virājam annādīṃ krtvā|” (Atharva Veda XV:14:5)“He(Vratya=Shiva), when he went away to the stedfast region, went away having become Vishnu and having made Virāj an eater of food”.
So entire Trinity is Just Manifestation of Lord Shiva Alone. Thus here it is very perfectly described Lord Shiva as the Supreme Personality of Godhead who manifested as Prajapati, Vishnu and Rudra. Infact entire Universe is Verily Rudra as confirmed in the Vedas.“sá yát paśūn ánu vyácalad rudró bhūtvānuvyàcalad óṣadhīr annādīḥ krtvā|” (Atharva Veda XV:14:6)“He(Vratya=Shiva), when he went away to animals, went away having become Rudra and having made herbs eaters of food”.
So Entire Universe is manifestation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead-SHIVA.“sarvo vai rudrastasmai rudraya namo astu |” (Taittiriya Aranyaka 10:24:1 of Yajurveda)“All this is verily Rudra. To Rudra we offer our salutations.”“vishvam bhutam bhuvanam citram bahudha jatam jayamanam cayat sarvo hyesha rudrastasmai rudraya namo astu |” (TaittiriyaAranyaka 10:24:1 of Yajurveda)“The whole universe, the created beings and whatever there is manifoldly and profusely created in the past and in the present in the formof the world, all that is indeed this Rudra. Salutations be to Rudra who is such”.
kimīhaḥ kiṁkāyaḥ sa khalu kimupāyastribhuvanaṁ
kimādhāro dhātā sṛjati kimupādāna iti ca |
atarkyaiśvarye tvayyanavasara duḥstho hatadhiyaḥ
kutarko'yaṁ kāṁścit mukharayati mohāya jagataḥ || 5 ||
kimādhāro dhātā sṛjati kimupādāna iti ca |
atarkyaiśvarye tvayyanavasara duḥstho hatadhiyaḥ
kutarko'yaṁ kāṁścit mukharayati mohāya jagataḥ || 5 ||
O Supreme Lord! Futile Arguement like(-to fulfill which desire, by assuming what form, using which instruments, supports and matrial does you created the three worlds-) about your Supreme Divine Nature is beyond the reach of intellect, makes the perverted vociferous, and brings delusion to men. (5)
Here it is said that Baseless arguement about Divine Play of Supreme Personality of Godhead is of no benefit. And it create dilusion in our Journey towards Maheshwar who is Supreme Personality of Godhead. We shouldn't try to limit Lord Shiva-the Supreme Controller and Sole Ruler of entire Creation. None including very gods and Vedas too don't know Completely about Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva by getting united with his Mool-Prakriti(Adi-Shakti) Creation take place as Confirmed in the Vedas.
“arāvīdaṃśuḥ sacamāna ūrmiṇā devāvyaṃ manuṣe pinvatitvacam |dadhāti gharbhamaditerupastha ā yena tokaṃ ca tanayaṃ ca dhāmahe |” (Rig-Veda 9:74:5)“The Soma(Shiva)-stalk hath roared, following with the wave: he swells with sap for man the skin which Gods enjoy. Upon the lap (womb) of Aditi he lays the germ, by means whereof we gain children and progeny”.
Soma = Sa+Uma= Shiva, When Lord Shiva The Supreme Personality of Godhead laid his germ/seed(manifested) in the womb of Mool-Prakriti(Nature) Creation took place. Thus entire Creation emerges from the Supreme Personality of Godhead-Maheshwar.
Vedas regars Lord Shiva as father of Universe. and Mata Parvati is called Mother of enire Creation. Moreover Supreme Personality of Godhead Shiva is also regarded as "Bhuvanasya-Pitram" in Vedas.
Shiva is Called Father of all Gods including Vishnu in the Vedas and Upanishad.
“somaḥ pavate janitā matīnāṃ janitā divo janitā pṛthivyāḥ |janitāghnerjanitā sūryasya janitendrasya janitota viṣṇoḥ |” (Rig Veda.9.96.5)
Thus Lord Shiva is the root cause of all the causes.“Father of sacred chants, Soma (Shiva) flows onwards, the Father of the Earth, Father of the Celestial region: Father of Agni, the creator of Surya, the Father who gave birth to Indra and Vishnu”.
ajanmāno lokāḥ kimavayavavanto'pi jagatāṁ
adhiṣṭhātāraṁ kiṁ bhavavidhiranādṛtya bhavati | anīśo vā kuryād bhuvanajanane kaḥ parikaro
yato mandāstvāṁ pratyamaravara saṁśerata ime || 6 ||
adhiṣṭhātāraṁ kiṁ bhavavidhiranādṛtya bhavati | anīśo vā kuryād bhuvanajanane kaḥ parikaro
yato mandāstvāṁ pratyamaravara saṁśerata ime || 6 ||
O Lord of all lords! Because they(atheist) are fools they(atheist) raise
doubts about Your existence (they fails to understand that) Can the worlds be without origin, though they have bodies? Is their creation possible without a creator? Who else but God can initiate the creation of the worlds? (6)
The person deluded by the maya of SHIVA-Supreme Personality of Godhead question on existence of Supreme Lord Shiva. Shiva is Purusha of Vedas as Confirmed in the Taittirya Aranyaka(10:24;1) of Yajurveda. The deluded people who raise question on divine existence of Supreme Lord Sada-Shiva doesn't know that except Lord Shiva none exists.
So from this we learnt that except Lord Shiva no one else Exist.“eko rudro na dvitIyAya tasmai ya imA.nllokAnIshata IshanIbhiH |pratya~NjanAstiShThati sa.nchukochAntakAle sa.nsR^ijya vishvA bhuvanAni goptA | (Svetaswatara Upanishad 3.02 & Atharvasiras Upanishad 5.2)“Rudra is truly one. For the knowers of Brahman do not admit the existence of a second. He rules all worlds by his power. He dwells as the inner Self (Atman) of every living being. After having created all the worlds, He, their Protector, takes them back into Himself at the end of time”.
trayī sāṅkhyaṁ yogaḥ paśupatimataṁ vaiṣṇavamiti
prabhinne prasthāne paramidamadaḥ pathyamiti ca |
rucīnāṁ vaicitryādṛjukuṭila nānāpathajuṣāṁ
nṛṇāmeko gamyastvamasi payasāmarṇava iva || 7 ||
prabhinne prasthāne paramidamadaḥ pathyamiti ca |
rucīnāṁ vaicitryādṛjukuṭila nānāpathajuṣāṁ
nṛṇāmeko gamyastvamasi payasāmarṇava iva || 7 ||
Just as different Rivers merge into the ocean, Similiarly various paths (of ultimate realization) arc enjoined by the three Vedas, by Sankhya, Yoga, Pashupata (Shaiva) doctrine and Vaishnava Shastras.
People follow different paths, straight or crooked, according to their temperament, depending on which they consider best, or most appropriate--and reach(merge into) You(Shiva) alone. (7)
This is the Ultimate Truth which is explained by Devotee Pushpadanta that whichever form or Manifestaion one worship Actually all Worship goes to Lotus-Feet of Shiva alone.
The same is been given in other Vedic Text Let's see it too.“Vrikshasya mUlasekena SAkhA pushyanti vai yathA |Sive rudrajapAt preete pritA evAsya devatAh |ato rudra-japAdeva bhukti-mukti pradidhyatah |”“As pouring of water at the root of a tree nourishes all the branches, by pleasing sri Rudra, through Rudra japa (chanting of Sri Rudramhymn), all devatas are pleased. One attains Bhukti (enjoyments of life) and Mukti (freedom from the bondage of births-deaths cycle) by chanting Sri Rudram with devotion”.)
“asya trailokyavR^ikshasya bhuumau viTapashaakhinaH |agraM madhya.n tathaa muula.n vishhNubrahmamaheshvaraaH || (Rudra Hridayopanishad 1:14)“This whole creation of Svarga, Martya and Patala Lokas is a big tree. Vishnu is the top portion (branches) of this tree. Brahma is the stem. The root is Lord Siva”.
Lord Shiva is root of Tree. So whenever water(Prayer/ Worship) is done to Branches or Steam(other deities) it actually goes to Root of Tree(Lord Shiva). Moreover there is pratyaksh PramAn (Physical Evidence) which supports the above Ved-Vakya. There is one beautiful incidence in the Mahabharata, Drona Parva where Offerings made by Arjuna to Krishna actually reaches to Shiva.
Thus it is Clear that wheater we worship Rama, Krishna, Narsimha, Vishnu etc. all Worship Actually goes to Maheshwar who is the Original Personality of Godhead.“tato ‘rjunaḥ prītamanā vavande vṛṣabhadhvajam |dadarśotphulla nayanaḥ samastaṃ tejasāṃ vidhim ||” (Mahabharata Drona Parva 7:57:60)“taṃ copahāraṃ svakṛtaṃ naiśaṃ naityakam ātmanaḥ |dadarśa tryambakābhyāśe vāsudeva niveditam ||” (Mahabharata Drona Parva 7:57:61)“Sanjaya said, ‘Then Partha, with a cheerful soul and joined hands and eyes expanded (in wonder), gazed at the god having the bull for his mark and who was the receptacle of every energy. And he beheld the offerings he made every night to Vasudeva lying by the side of the Three-eyed deity”. (Book 7, Section LXXXI in translation by K.M. Ganguly)
mahokṣaḥ khaṭvāṅgaṁ paraśurajinaṁ bhasma phaṇinaḥ
kapālaṁ cetīyattava varada tantropakaraṇam |
surāstāṁ tāmṛddhiṁ dadhati tu bhavadbhūpraṇihitāṁ
na hi svātmārāmaṁ viṣayamṛgatṛṣṇā bhramayati || 8 ||
kapālaṁ cetīyattava varada tantropakaraṇam |
surāstāṁ tāmṛddhiṁ dadhati tu bhavadbhūpraṇihitāṁ
na hi svātmārāmaṁ viṣayamṛgatṛṣṇā bhramayati || 8 ||
O Boon Granting Lord! A great bull, a wooden hand rest, an axe, a tiger skin, ashes, serpents, a human skull and other such things--these are all You own, though simply by casting Your eyes on gods You gave them great treasures which they enjoy. The mirage of sense objects cannot delude you whose delight is in the Self.(8)
Here attributes of Supreme Lord is Portrayed. Lord Shiva who is dependent on his ownself that's why Lord Shiva is recognised as the Self-dependent Lord in Vedas.
Thus Praises of Supreme Lord Shiva who is the Only "Ved-Purusha", and his glories been sung in All Vedas and Branches of Vedas is actually compiled here by his pure hearted Devotee Pushpadanta.“imā rudrāya sthiradhanvane ghiraḥ kṣipreṣave devāya svadhāvne |aṣāḷhāya sahamānāya vedhase tighmāyudhāya bharatā śṛṇotu naḥ |” (Rig-Veda 7:46:1)“To Rudra bring these songs, whose bow is firm and strong, the self-dependent God with swiftly-flying shafts,The Wise, the Conqueror whom none may overcome, armed with sharp-pointed weapons: may he hear our call”.
dhruvaṁ kaścit sarvaṁ sakalamaparastvadhruvamidaṁ
paro dhrauvyā'dhrauvye jagati gadati vyastaviṣaye |
samaste'pyetasmin puramathana tairvismita iva
stuvan jihremi tvāṁ na khalu nanu dhṛṣṭā mukharatā || 9 ||
paro dhrauvyā'dhrauvye jagati gadati vyastaviṣaye |
samaste'pyetasmin puramathana tairvismita iva
stuvan jihremi tvāṁ na khalu nanu dhṛṣṭā mukharatā || 9 ||
O Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is Slayer of the demon Pura, some say that the whole universe is eternal while others say that all is transitory. Even others still, hold that it is eternal and non-eternal -- having different characteristics. Bewildered by all this, I do not feel ashamed to praise You; indeed my loquacity is an indication of my boldness. (9)
From this stanza, it is said that even if we may differ in our opinion(due to delution) but our main aim or goal of this life is to reach to Lord Shiva and serve his Lotus-Feet for eternity.
tavaiśvaryaṁ yatnād yadupari viriñcirhariradhaḥ
paricchetuṁ yātāvanilamanalaskandhavapuṣaḥ |
tato bhaktiśraddhā-bharaguru-gṛṇadbhyāṁ giriśa yat
svayaṁ tasthe tābhyāṁ tava kimanuvṛttirna phalati || 10 ||
paricchetuṁ yātāvanilamanalaskandhavapuṣaḥ |
tato bhaktiśraddhā-bharaguru-gṛṇadbhyāṁ giriśa yat
svayaṁ tasthe tābhyāṁ tava kimanuvṛttirna phalati || 10 ||
O Lord who resides on Mountain, Brahma trying from above and Vishnu trying from below failed to measure You when You took the form of a pillar of fire. Afterwards, You revealed yourself to them of Your own accord; when they praised You with great faith and devotion, (who)does not surrender to You bear fruit? (10)
Here the beautiful incidence of "Lingodbhava" is being portrayed. The very detail is mentioned in Shiva-Mahapuran which is Summarised form of VEDAS.
Moreover, Shiv-Lingam form, best describes the form of formless Supreme and Ultimate Entity. It describes Nirguna and Saguna Aspect of Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Shivlingam is the form of Supreme and Ultimate Formless Brahman.“tataḥ svaliṃgacihnatvātstambhato niṣkalaṃ śivaḥ |svaliṃgaṃ darśayāmāsa jagatāṃ hitakāmyayā ||29tadāprabhṛti lokeṣu niṣkalaṃ liṃgamaiśvaram |sakalaṃ ca tathā beraṃ śivasyaiva prakalpitam ||30śivasya liṃgaberatvaṃ bhogamokṣapradaṃ śubham ||”(Shiva Purana 1:5:29-31c)“For the benefit of the world that nirguna shiva from his (blazing) pillar (of fire) displayed his symbol (Linga). Therefore from that day that Sthambha (pillar) denoted the Nishkala (Nirguna) aspect of Shiva, and that has become called asLinga denoting Nirguna aspect of Maheshwara! Even Sakala form as idol also has been assumed by Shiva for himself. Lord Shiva’s worship in idol form or in the form of linga, both bestows enjoyments as well as liberation!”
Shiv-Lingam is beginless and endless.“sakalaṃ niṣkalaṃ ceti svarūpadvayamasti me |nānyasya kasyacittasmādanyaḥ sarvopyanīśvaraḥ ||”(Shiva Purana 1:9:30)“Sakala (Saguna) and Nishkala (Nirguna) are the two forms I have; no one else has such kind of forms as that of mine”.
Vedas glorifies Lord Shiva's Lingam in Skambha Suktam, and Various other Portion of Vedas sung Glories of Shiva alone.“agnistambhamayaṁ rūpaṁ śambhōrādyanta varjitaṁ |”(Skanda Purana:MK:03:01:37b)“Then there appeared] a form of Shambhu in the form of an agni-sthambha (pillar of fire) which had neither beginning nor end”.
So Thus Lord Shiva's Infinite Divinity from which Bramha and Vishnu emerges is being portrayed here.“jvalaliṅgāya namaḥ |” (Taittiriya Aranyaka 10:16:2)“Salutations to Him, He, who has the form of the Agni Linga”.
ayatnādāsādya tribhuvanamavairavyatikaraṁ
daśāsyo yadbāhūnabhṛta-raṇakaṇḍū-paravaśān | śiraḥpadmaśreṇī-racitacaraṇāmbhoruha-baleḥ
sthirāyāstvadbhaktestripurahara visphūrjitamidam || 11 ||
daśāsyo yadbāhūnabhṛta-raṇakaṇḍū-paravaśān | śiraḥpadmaśreṇī-racitacaraṇāmbhoruha-baleḥ
sthirāyāstvadbhaktestripurahara visphūrjitamidam || 11 ||
O Supreme Lord who is the Destroyer of Tripura, it was because of that great devotion, which prompted your devotee Ravana to offer his heads as lotuses to Your feet, that the tenheaded (Ravana) was still with arms and eager for fresh war after he had effortlessly rid the three worlds of all traces of enemies. (11)
amuṣya tvatsevā-samadhigatasāraṁ bhujavanaṁ
balāt kailāse'pi tvadadhivasatau vikramayataḥ |
pratiṣṭhā tvayyāsīd dhruvamupacito muhyati khalaḥ || 12 ||
balāt kailāse'pi tvadadhivasatau vikramayataḥ |
pratiṣṭhā tvayyāsīd dhruvamupacito muhyati khalaḥ || 12 ||
But when he (Ravana) extended the valour of his arms-whose strength
was obtained by worshipping You- to Kailas, Your abode, You moved the
tip of Your toe, and he did not find a resting place even in the nether
world. Truly, when affluent the wicked become deluded. (12)
was obtained by worshipping You- to Kailas, Your abode, You moved the
tip of Your toe, and he did not find a resting place even in the nether
world. Truly, when affluent the wicked become deluded. (12)
Here it is said that when Supreme Personality of Godhead wants to support his devotees no one can stand in front of devotee who is blessed by Supreme Lord Shiva. But when Supreme Lord wants to destroy ego or negativity none can stop him.
yadṛddhiṁ sutrāmṇo varada paramoccairapi satīṁ
adhaścakre bāṇaḥ parijanavidheyatribhuvanaḥ |
na taccitraṁ tasmin varivasitari tvaccaraṇayoḥ
na kasyāpyunnatyai bhavati śirasastvayyavanatiḥ || 13 ||
adhaścakre bāṇaḥ parijanavidheyatribhuvanaḥ |
na taccitraṁ tasmin varivasitari tvaccaraṇayoḥ
na kasyāpyunnatyai bhavati śirasastvayyavanatiḥ || 13 ||
O Lord who grants Boons, What prosperity does not come from bowing
down the head to You? since Bana was the worshipper of Your feet is it to be wondered at that he had the three worlds at his command and put to shame the wealth of Indra? (13)
down the head to You? since Bana was the worshipper of Your feet is it to be wondered at that he had the three worlds at his command and put to shame the wealth of Indra? (13)
The entire Section of "CHAMAKAM" from "SATA-RUDRIYA" hymns is explaining why Supreme Lord Shiva is praised here like that.
Thus Vedas says that all boons can be Granted by Supreme Lord Shiva.“ojashcha me |” (O Lord Rudra! Grant me the highest intelligence)“vriddhishcha me |” (O Lord Rudra! Grant me the superiority born out of knowledge and personality)“mahas cha may samvich cha may |” (O Lord Rudra! make me the embodiment of vedic knowledge and the profundicity to impart thesame to all others)“aadhiitam cha me |” (O Lord Rudra! Grant me the mental knowledge)“satyam cha me |” (O Lord Rudra! make me conscious of truth always)“abhayam cha me |” (O Lord Rudra! Grant me Absence of fear)
vidheyasyā''sīd yastrinayana viṣaṁ saṁhṛtavataḥ |
sa kalmāṣaḥ kaṇṭhe tava na kurute na śriyamaho
vikāro'pi ślāghyo bhuvana-bhaya- bhaṅga- vyasaninaḥ || 14 ||
vidheyasyā''sīd yastrinayana viṣaṁ saṁhṛtavataḥ |
sa kalmāṣaḥ kaṇṭhe tava na kurute na śriyamaho
vikāro'pi ślāghyo bhuvana-bhaya- bhaṅga- vyasaninaḥ || 14 ||
O Supreme Lord who is having Three-Eyes, who drank poison out of compassion for gods and demons when they were distraught at the sudden prospect of the
destruction of the universe, surely the dark blue stain on Your throat has
beautified You. Even deformity is to be admired in one who is given to
freeing the world of fear. (14)
destruction of the universe, surely the dark blue stain on Your throat has
beautified You. Even deformity is to be admired in one who is given to
freeing the world of fear. (14)
Here affection and Greatness of Supreme Personality of Godhead is mentioned. Supreme Personality of Godhead is called "Nilkanth" because to Protect the world and existence of Very gods, demmons, humans he who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead drank Poison called "Halahal" or "Kaal-kuth". Moreover this incidence reflects that when no one has Ability to drink that poison Only Mahakaal- the Supreme Reality of Universe can accept poison and saves his children from various troubles. In Shatrudriya Hymn, Supreme Personality of Godhead is also refered as "Neelkanth."
ōm namaste astu bhagavan viśveśvarāya mahādevāya tryaṁbakāya tripurāntakāyatrikalāgni-kālāya kālāgnirudrāya nīlakaṇṭhāya mrutyuṁjayāya sarveśvarāya śankaraya sadāśivāya śrīmanmahādevāya namaḥ.
Salutation to you, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, Supreme Ruler of the universe, Great God Three-Eyed One, Destroyer of the Tripuras, Death to the destructive Fire of the three worlds at the end of Time, Terror to even to the terrible Fire of Time, Blue-necked One, Overcomer of mortality, Overlord over everyone, Bestower of Blessedness, Ever-Auspicious, the Blessed Great God—to you, Salutaion.
asiddhārthā naiva kvacidapi sadevāsuranare
nivartante nityaṁ jagati jayino yasya viśikhāḥ |
sa paśyannīśa tvāmitara surasādhāraṇamabhūt
smaraḥ smartavyātmā na hi vaśiṣu pathyaḥ paribhavaḥ || 15 ||
nivartante nityaṁ jagati jayino yasya viśikhāḥ |
sa paśyannīśa tvāmitara surasādhāraṇamabhūt
smaraḥ smartavyātmā na hi vaśiṣu pathyaḥ paribhavaḥ || 15 ||
O Great Lord, An insult to the self-controlled is not conducive to good. Even Kaamdev(the deity of kama,) whose arrows never fail in the world of gods and men, become nothing but an object of memory because he looked on You as an ordinary god (his body being burnt by Your look of wrath).
The Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Shiva is also called "Kaamripu" which means enemy of Deity of Lust and Desire. Supreme Lord Sada-Shiva is beyond All Scences and hence such scences caanot affect him.Lord Shiva is called Sat-Chit-Anand Swaroop.
mahī pādāghātād vrajati sahasā saṁśayapadaṁ
padaṁ viṣṇorbhrāmyad bhuja-parigha-rugṇa-graha- gaṇam |
muhurdyaurdausthyaṁ yātyanibhṛta-jaṭā-tāḍita-taṭā
jagadrakṣāyai tvaṁ naṭasi nanu vāmaiva vibhutā || 16 ||
padaṁ viṣṇorbhrāmyad bhuja-parigha-rugṇa-graha- gaṇam |
muhurdyaurdausthyaṁ yātyanibhṛta-jaṭā-tāḍita-taṭā
jagadrakṣāyai tvaṁ naṭasi nanu vāmaiva vibhutā || 16 ||
The earth was suddenly thrown into a
precarious state at the striking of Your feet when You danced to save the world, ; the spatial regions and the hosts of stars felt oppressed by the movement of Your massive club-like arms; and the heavens became miserable as their sides were constantly
struck by Your waving matted hair. Indeed it is Your very mightiness
which is the cause of the trouble. (16)
precarious state at the striking of Your feet when You danced to save the world, ; the spatial regions and the hosts of stars felt oppressed by the movement of Your massive club-like arms; and the heavens became miserable as their sides were constantly
struck by Your waving matted hair. Indeed it is Your very mightiness
which is the cause of the trouble. (16)
When Lord Shiva becomes angry no Gods dare to stay in front of Lord Shiva. This incidence is evident from Daksha-Prajapati's Yajna-Bhang incidence. Moreover Shiv Tanadav Stotram composed by Ravan is giving more details about Lord Shiva's Anger. Even Very Gods fear destruction when Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes angry.
No one can Overcome anger of Supreme Personality of Godhead. SRI RUDRAM itself begins with the following Verse.
From this it is to be undesrtood that no one can stand or bear the wrath of Mahakaal.ōm namaste rudra manyava utota iṣave namaḥ,namaste astu dhanvane bāhubhyāmuta te namaḥ.Salutaion to you, Rudra; prostration to Thy wrath and Thy arrow (which destroy evil); Salutaion to your bow; Salutation to your mighty Arms.)
viya-dvyā pī tārā-gaṇa-guṇita-phenodgama-ruciḥ
pravāho vārāṁ yaḥ pṛṣatalaghudṛṣṭaḥ śirasi te |
jagaddvīpākāraṁ jaladhivalayaṁ tena kṛtamiti
anenaivonneyaṁ dhṛtamahima divyaṁ tava vapuḥ || 17 ||
pravāho vārāṁ yaḥ pṛṣatalaghudṛṣṭaḥ śirasi te |
jagaddvīpākāraṁ jaladhivalayaṁ tena kṛtamiti
anenaivonneyaṁ dhṛtamahima divyaṁ tava vapuḥ || 17 ||
The vastness of your Divine body can be known as- river which pervades the sky and whose foam crests look all the more
beautiful because of stars and planets, seems no more than a drop of
water when on Your head. That same river has turned the world into
islands surrounded by waters. (17)
beautiful because of stars and planets, seems no more than a drop of
water when on Your head. That same river has turned the world into
islands surrounded by waters. (17)
The same thing is mentioned in the Atharva Veda Skambha Sukta.
Infact all the gods are contained in the body of Supreme Personality of Godhead. And this is again Confirm in the Atharva-Veda.“skambhó dādhāra dyāvāprthivīubhé imé skambhó dādhārorv àntárikṣamskambhó dādhāra pradíśaḥ ṣáḍ urvīḥ skambhá idáṃ víśvaṃ bhúvanam āviveśa |” (Atharva Veda X:7:35)“Skambha set fast these two, the earth and heaven, Skambha maintained the ample air (Antariksham) between them. Skambha established the six spacious regions: this whole world Skambha entered and pervaded”.
Thus Lord Shiva who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead is glorified in the Vedas.“yásya tráyastriṃśad devā áṅge sárve samāhitāḥ |skambháṃ táṃ brūhi katamáḥ svid evá sáḥ |” (Atharva Veda X:7:13)“Who out of many, tell me, is that Skambha He in whose body are contained all three-and-thirty Deities?”
rathaḥ kṣoṇī yantā śatadhṛtiragendro dhanuratho
rathāṅge candrārkau ratha-caraṇa-pāṇiḥ śara iti |
didhakṣoste ko'yaṁ tripuratṛṇamāḍambara vidhiḥ
vidheyaiḥ krīḍantyo na khalu paratantrāḥ prabhudhiyaḥ || 18 ||
rathāṅge candrārkau ratha-caraṇa-pāṇiḥ śara iti |
didhakṣoste ko'yaṁ tripuratṛṇamāḍambara vidhiḥ
vidheyaiḥ krīḍantyo na khalu paratantrāḥ prabhudhiyaḥ || 18 ||
O Supreme Lord of Universe! The earth was Your chariot, Brahma Your
charioteer, the great mountain Meru Your bow, the sun and the moon the
wheels of Your chariot, Vishnu Your arrow when You wanted to burn the three cities of the demons - which were but a piece of straw to You-- Why all this paraphernalia? The Lord is not dependent on others. He was only playing with things at His command. (18)
charioteer, the great mountain Meru Your bow, the sun and the moon the
wheels of Your chariot, Vishnu Your arrow when You wanted to burn the three cities of the demons - which were but a piece of straw to You-- Why all this paraphernalia? The Lord is not dependent on others. He was only playing with things at His command. (18)
Here the Incidence of Tripura-Samhahra is mentioned, Where the Supreme Lord is Destryoing the Tri-Pura(Three Cities).
hariste sāhasraṁ kamala balimādhāya padayoḥ
yadekone tasmin nijamudaharannetrakamalam |
gato bhaktyudrekaḥ pariṇatimasau cakravapuṣaḥ
trayāṇāṁ rakṣāyai tripurahara jāgarti jagatām || 19 ||
yadekone tasmin nijamudaharannetrakamalam |
gato bhaktyudrekaḥ pariṇatimasau cakravapuṣaḥ
trayāṇāṁ rakṣāyai tripurahara jāgarti jagatām || 19 ||
O Destroyer of the three cities, Hari who protects the three world rooted out His own lotus-eye make up the difference when one flower was missing in His offering of 1,000
lotuses to Your feet. For this great devotion You awarded the discus
(Sudarshan Chakra) ~ with which Hari accomplish the task of Protection.(19)
lotuses to Your feet. For this great devotion You awarded the discus
(Sudarshan Chakra) ~ with which Hari accomplish the task of Protection.(19)
Even Lord Vishnu who is protector of World, Offered his eye to you as a form of Devotion. Pleased by devotion of Lord Vishnu Lord Shiva grant him Sudarshana Chakra. Devotion of Lord Vishnu is even recorded by Ved-Vyasa in Mahabharata.
The below verses has been spoken by Bheeshma in Mahabharata.“sa eṣa rudra bhaktaś ca keśavo rudra saṃbhavaḥ | sarvabhūtabhavaṃ jñātvā liṅge ‘rcayati yaḥ prabhum | tasminn abhyadhikāṃ prītiṃ karoti vṛṣabhadhvajaḥ |” (MBH 7:172:89-90)“Kesava is that devoted worshipper of Rudra who has sprung from Rudra himself. Kesava always worships the Lord Siva, regarding his Linga emblem to be the origin of the universe. The God having the bull for his mark cherisheth greater regard for Kesava”.
Thus Supreme Personality of Godhead(Maheshwar) is always Adored by Lord Vishnu.“rudrabhaktyā tu kṛṣṇena jagadvyāptaṃ mahātmanā।taṃ prasādya tadā devaṃ badaryāṃ kila bhārata॥ 10arthātpriyataratvaṃ ca sarvalokeṣu vai tadā।prāptavāneva rājendra suvarṇākṣānmaheśvarāt॥ ” (MBH 13:14:10-11)“It is in consequence of the devotion of the high-souled Krishna to the illustrious Rudra whom he gratified. O Bharata, in the retreat of Vadari, by penances, that he (Krishna) has succeeded in pervading the entire universe. O king of kings, it isthrough Maheswara of celestial vision that Vasudeva has obtained the attribute of universal agreeableness,–an agreeableness that is much greater than what is possessed by all articles included under the name of wealth“.“yuge yuge tu kṛṣṇena toṣito vai maheśvaraḥ।bhaktyā paramayā caiva prītaścaiva mahātmanaḥ॥” (MBH 13:14:13)“In every new Yuga has Krishna (by such penances) gratified Mahadeva. In every Yuga has Mahadeva been gratified with the great devotion of the high-souled Krishna“.
kratau supte jāgrat tvamasi phalayoge kratumatāṁ
kva karma pradhvastaṁ phalati puruṣārādhanamṛte |
atastvāṁ samprekṣya kratuṣu phaladāna-pratibhuvaṁ
śrutau śraddhāṁ badhvā dṛḍhaparikaraḥ karmasu janaḥ || 20 ||
kva karma pradhvastaṁ phalati puruṣārādhanamṛte |
atastvāṁ samprekṣya kratuṣu phaladāna-pratibhuvaṁ
śrutau śraddhāṁ badhvā dṛḍhaparikaraḥ karmasu janaḥ || 20 ||
You ever keep awake to bestow its fruit on
the sacrificer When a sacrifice has ended, How can any action bear fruit if not accompanied by worship
of You, O Lord? Therefore,People become resolute about
the performance of sacrificial acts knowing You to be the Giver of fruits of
sacrifices and putting faith in the Vedas, (20)
the sacrificer When a sacrifice has ended, How can any action bear fruit if not accompanied by worship
of You, O Lord? Therefore,People become resolute about
the performance of sacrificial acts knowing You to be the Giver of fruits of
sacrifices and putting faith in the Vedas, (20)
Here it is said that Supreme Personality of Godhead is giving fruit of Sacrifice. Actually in Vedas Supreme Lord Shiva is mentioned to be the fulfiller of the sacrifice.
“tveṣaṃ vayaṃ rudraṃ yajñasādhaṃ vaṅkuṃ kavimavase nihvayāmahe ”(Rig-Veda 1:114:4)“Hither we call for aid the wise, the wanderer, impetuous Rudra, fulfiller of sacrifice”.
“ā vo rājānam adhvarasya rudraṃ hotāraṃ satyayajaṃ rodasyoḥ ”(Rig-Veda 4:3:1 and Yajurveda Taittiriya Samhita 1:3:14:2)“Rudra, king (ruler) of the sacrifice, True offerer, priest of both the worlds!”.
Moreover Agni is the main God of Sacrifice. But this Agni is none other then Supreme Lord Shiva.“ghāthapatiṃ medhapatiṃ rudraṃ jalāṣabheṣajam tacchaṃyoḥ sumnamīmahe ” (Rig-Veda 1:43:5)“To Rudra Lord of sacrifice, of hymns and balmy medicines, We pray for joy and health and strength”.
Now Mahabharata too confirms that Supreme Personality of Godhead is called Agni by Rishis(Learned One).“tadvā agnaya iti kriyate agnirvai sa devastasyaitāni nāmāni śarva iti yathā prācyāācakṣate bhava iti yathā bāhīkāḥ paśūnām patī rudro ‘gnirititānyasyāśāntānyevetarāṇi nāmānyagnirityeva śāntatamaṃ tasmādagnaya iti kriyatesviṣṭakṛta iti ” (Shatapatha Brahmana 1:7:3:8)“That (offering) then is certainly made to ‘Agni,’ for, indeed, Agni is THAT god;–his are these names: Sarva, as the eastern people call him; Bhava, as the Bâhîkas (call him); Pasûnâm pati (‘lord of beasts,’ Pasupati), Rudra, Agni. The name Agni, doubtless, is the most auspicious (sânta), and the other names of his are inauspicious: hence it is offered to (him under the name of) ‘Agni,’ and to (him as) the Svishtakrit”.
Thus Supreme Lord Shiva is the fufiller, Ruler and fruit giving Lord of all the Sacrifices.“vadantyagnı mahādēvaṁ tathā sthāṇu mahēśvaram |ēkākṣaṁ tryambakaṁ caiva viśvarūpaṁ śivaṁ tathā ||” (MBH 13:161:2)“The Rishis describe Mahadeva as Agni, and Sthanu, and Maheswara; as one-eyed, and three-eyed, of universal form, and Siva or highly auspicious”.
kriyādakṣo dakṣaḥ kratupatiradhīśastanubhṛtāṁ
ṛṣīṇāmārtvijyaṁ śaraṇada sadasyāḥ sura-gaṇāḥ |
kratubhraṁśastvattaḥ kratuphala-vidhāna-vyasaninaḥ
dhruvaṁ kartuṁ śraddhā vidhuramabhicārāya hi makhāḥ || 21 ||
ṛṣīṇāmārtvijyaṁ śaraṇada sadasyāḥ sura-gaṇāḥ |
kratubhraṁśastvattaḥ kratuphala-vidhāna-vyasaninaḥ
dhruvaṁ kartuṁ śraddhā vidhuramabhicārāya hi makhāḥ || 21 ||
O Supreme Lord you are giver of refuge, Surely sacrifices cause injury to the sacrificers in the absence of faith and devotion because, even that sacrifice where Daksha, the Lord of creation and expert in sacrifices, was the sacrificer, rishis were priests, gods
participants, was destroyed by You who are habitually the Giver of fruits of sacrifices (21)
participants, was destroyed by You who are habitually the Giver of fruits of sacrifices (21)
Here Lord Shiva is called Great Refuge, and Daksha and Knowledgeable Rishis were participants, even that sacrifice was destroyed by Supreme Lord as Daksha was against Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Even Vedas says that Only Rare soul take refugee of Supreme Lord Shiva as mentioned below.
And the person who is deluded by Maya cannot Understand Greatness of Supreme Reality of Universe-Shiva. Even Ved-Vyasa says the same in the Mahabharata.“ajaata ityeva.n kashchidbhiiruH prapadyate |rudra yatte daxiNaM mukha.n tena maaM paahi nityam.h |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:21)“It is because Thou, O Lord, art birthless, that some rare souls, frightened by birth and death, take refuge in Thee. O Rudra, may Thy benign face protect me for ever!”
Same is again mentioned by Sage Vyaghrapada’s wife to his son while describing about Mahadeva.“nālaṁ draṣṭũ yaṁ janā bhinnavṛttā brahmadviṣaghnamamṛtasya yōnim |yaṁ paśyanti brāhmaṇāḥ sādhuvṛttāḥ kṣīṇē pāpē manasā vītaśōkāḥ ||” (MBH 7:201:67)“Persons of wicked behaviour can never obtain a sight of that unborn one, that slayer of all haters of Brahmanas, that giver of emancipation. Only Brahmanas of righteous conduct, when cleansed of their sins and freed from the control of grief, behold him with their mind’s eye”.
“durvijñēyō mahādēvō durādhārō durantakaḥ |durābādhaśca durgrāhyō durdṛśyō hyakṛtātmabhiḥ ||” (MBH 13:14:133)“’Mahadeva is exceedingly difficult to be known by persons of uncleansed souls. These men are incapable of bearing him in their hearts or comprehending him at all. They cannot retain him in their minds. They cannot seize him, nor can they obtain a sight of him”.
prajānāthaṁ nātha prasabhamabhikaṁ svāṁ duhitaraṁ
gataṁ rohid bhūtāṁ riramayiṣumṛṣyasya vapuṣā |
dhanuṣpāṇeryātaṁ divamapi sapatrākṛtamamuṁ
trasantaṁ te'dyāpi tyajati na mṛgavyādharabhasaḥ || 22 ||
gataṁ rohid bhūtāṁ riramayiṣumṛṣyasya vapuṣā |
dhanuṣpāṇeryātaṁ divamapi sapatrākṛtamamuṁ
trasantaṁ te'dyāpi tyajati na mṛgavyādharabhasaḥ || 22 ||
O Lord(who destroyed Kama), the fury of You who became a hunter with a bow in hand has not as yet left Prajapati-who, overcome by incestuous lust and finding his own
"duhita" transforming herself into a hind, desired to ravish her in the
body of a stag-and keenly pierced by Your arrows, he (Brahma) has fled
to the sky. (22)
"duhita" transforming herself into a hind, desired to ravish her in the
body of a stag-and keenly pierced by Your arrows, he (Brahma) has fled
to the sky. (22)
This incidence is generally wrongly interpreted by many people. We should evaluate it in the light of Vedas.
However, as seen above Prajapati is nothing but the physical universe (Hiranyagarbha) which comprises of space-time coordinates.
In this scenario Prajapati and Usha, when they mated, Rudra was invoked by gods and he pierces prajapati because of his sinful act. In earlier scenario also actors are same viz. Prajapati and Usha and they mated, again act was sinful and here also here Rudra appeared, but Rudra didn’t pierce prajapati but he tactfully made him to pronounce the holy eight names of Rudra viz. Bhava, Sarva, Ugra, Pasupati, Asani, Mahadeva and Isana; and Rudra playfully stated as if he himself was not freed from sin. And on Rudra’s request, Prajapati uttered Rudra’s eight holy names and Prajapati became freed of his sin and also escaped Rudra’s wrath. This is the only interpretation that we can make. Otherwise why did Rudra pierce Prajapati when for second time he mated with his daughter Usha and why not at the first mistake itself (when Rudra appeared)?“prajāpatirha vai svāṃ duhitaramabhidadhyau | divaṃ oṣasaṃ vā mithunyenayāsyāmiti tāṃ sambabhūva |” (Satapatha Brahmana 1:7:4:1-2)“Pragâpati conceived a passion for his own daughter,–either the Sky or the Dawn. ‘May I pair with her!’ thus (thinking) he united with her. This, assuredly, was a sin”.
Therefore the evil is neither in Prajapati, nor in Rudra; but the evil is deeply rooted in the brains of people"s mentality and their wicked vision. It is advisable for them to recite Rudra’s eight names daily to free themselves from sin.
svalāvaṇyāśaṁsā dhṛtadhanuṣamahnāya tṛṇavat
puraḥ pluṣṭaṁ dṛṣṭvā puramathana puṣpāyudhamapi |
yadi straiṇaṁ devī yamanirata-dehārdha-ghaṭanāt
avaiti tvāmaddhā bata varada mugdhā yuvatayaḥ || 23 ||
puraḥ pluṣṭaṁ dṛṣṭvā puramathana puṣpāyudhamapi |
yadi straiṇaṁ devī yamanirata-dehārdha-ghaṭanāt
avaiti tvāmaddhā bata varada mugdhā yuvatayaḥ || 23 ||
O Destroyer of the three cities, O Giver of boons, You have completely
conquered Your senses. Even Parvati who saw the
god of lust, bow in hand, burnt like a piece of straw in a minute by You,
still proud of her beauty and believing that You are fascinated by her,
because she was allowed to occupy half Your body because of her
austerities? Ah, surely all women are under delusion. (23)
COMMENTARY: -conquered Your senses. Even Parvati who saw the
god of lust, bow in hand, burnt like a piece of straw in a minute by You,
still proud of her beauty and believing that You are fascinated by her,
because she was allowed to occupy half Your body because of her
austerities? Ah, surely all women are under delusion. (23)
Here, As we all kmow Lord Shiva Destroyed Kaamdeva, and hence he is beyond all Scences. Even Shruti recognise Lord Shiva as beyond three gunas.

Adi-Shankaracharya in his "Nirvanashatakam" says the following.
So Lord Shiva is beyond every Scenses, Yet he alone is master of all the Scenses.Mano BuddhyA-hankara ChittaNi naaham Nacha Shrotra Jihve Na Cha Ghrana NetreNacha Vyoma Bhoomir Na Tejo Na Vayuh Chidananda Rupah Shivoham! Shivoham|| (1)Aham Nirvikalpo Nirakaara Roopah Vibhur Vyapya Sarvatra SarvendriyanaamSada Me Samatvam Na Mukthir Na Bandhah, Chidananda Rupah Shivoham! Shivoham!! (6)"I am not mind, intellect, ego and the memory. I am not the sense of organs (ears, tongue, nose, eyes and skin). I am not the five elements ( sky or ether, earth, lightor fire, the wind and the water). I am supreme bliss and pure consciousness, I amShiva, I am all auspiciousness, I am Shiva." (1)"I am formless and devoid of all dualities I exist everywhere and pervade all senses Always I am the same, I am neither free nor bonded I am pure knowledge and supreme bliss, I am Shiva,I am all auspiciousness, I am Shiva." (6)
And Adi-Para-Shakti Parvati is the Half body of Lord Shiva, and hence she is also called Maha-Tripura-Sundari. Which means there is no-one more beautiful then her in three worlds. Now as She is Occupies half body of Shiva she is called Ardhnareshwari.

Thus she can get attention of Supreme Lord Shiva Very easily. Since they both are One and the Same. Regarding this Scripture says following.
Same thing is mentioned in the Suta-Samhita.“yathā śivastathā dēvī yathā dēvī tathā śivaḥ |nānayōrantaraṁ vidyāchchandrachandrikayōriva ||” (Shiva Purana 7:2:4:9)“As is Shiva so is Devi, as is Devi so is Shiva. There exists no difference between them as like as moon and moonlight”.
Thus Lord Shiva and Shaki are Identical is even Mentioned in Vedas.“na śivēna vinā śaktirna śaktirahitaḥ śivaḥ |umāśankarayōraikyaṁ yaḥ paśyati sa paśyati ||” (sūta saṁhitā:04:13:30)“Neither Shakti exists without Shiva, nor does Shiva exist without Shakti. The one who sees Uma and Shankara as one and the same is the one who really sees (i.e., knows the truth)”.
Thus it is Universal Fact that Shiva is Shaki and the Shakti is Shiva.“R^itam satyaM paraM brahma purushha.n kR^ishhNapi~Ngalam.h |uurdhvareta.n viruupaaksha.n vishvaruupaaya vai namo namaH |” (Taittiriya Aranyaka 10.23.1)“Supreme Brahman, the Absolute Reality (Righteousness and Truth), is the androgynous Person the Umamaheshvara (or Ardhanareeshwara), dark blue and reddish brown in hue, absolutely chaste and possessing uncommon eyes. Salutations to Him alone who is the Soul of the universe or whose form is the universe”.
śmaśāneṣvākrīḍā smarahara piśācāḥ sahacarāḥ
citā-bhasmālepaḥ sragapi nṛkaroṭī-parikaraḥ |
amaṅgalyaṁ śīlaṁ tava bhavatu nāmaivamakhilaṁ
tathāpi smartṝṇāṁ varada paramaṁ maṅgalamasi || 24 ||
citā-bhasmālepaḥ sragapi nṛkaroṭī-parikaraḥ |
amaṅgalyaṁ śīlaṁ tava bhavatu nāmaivamakhilaṁ
tathāpi smartṝṇāṁ varada paramaṁ maṅgalamasi || 24 ||
O Destroyer of Kama, O Boon Granting Lord, Your play is in cremation grounds, Ghosts are your companion, Your body is smeared by theashes of burnt bodies, human skulls are Your garland-all Your conduct isindeed inauspicious. But You promote the Highest and Ultimate Auscpicious of those who remember You. (24)
Supreme Lord Shiva seats in cremation ground, because to grant Salvation to Jivaatma.
Lord Shiva is Lord of all creature. And hence to provide Salvation, Lord Shiva sats at Cremation Ground, but it does not make Lord Shiva taamsik at all. Infacts, Veda recognise Lord Shiva as Lord of Sattvik Creatures.“pashunam pataye namo” (Yajurveda Sri Rudram – Anuvaka-2)“Salutations to the lord of all creatures”.
Thus in order of well-being of all Souls, Shiva sat and provide salvation to Individual Souls.“dhavathe sathvanaam pathaye namo namah |”(Yajurveda Sri Rudram Anuvaka -2)“Salutations and salutations, to him who rushes to save his devotees, And to him who is the lord of people with Satva qualities”.
manaḥ pratyak citte savidhamavidhāyātta-marutaḥ
prahṛṣyadromāṇaḥ pramada-salilotsaṅgati-dṛśaḥ |
yadālokyāhlādaṁ hrada iva nimajyāmṛtamaye
dadhatyantastattvaṁ kimapi yaminastat kila bhavān || 25 ||
prahṛṣyadromāṇaḥ pramada-salilotsaṅgati-dṛśaḥ |
yadālokyāhlādaṁ hrada iva nimajyāmṛtamaye
dadhatyantastattvaṁ kimapi yaminastat kila bhavān || 25 ||
Supreme Lord Shiva is indeed that inexpressible Supreme Truth which the yogis realize within through concentrating their minds on the Self and controlling the Process of inhaling and exhaling as per Scriptural instruction and then yogis by realizing which Ultimate truth they experience rapturous thrills and shed profuse tears of joy; swimming as it were in a pool of nectar they enjoy inner bliss. (25)
COMMENTARY: -Here it is said that Truth which yogis realise within throufh their minds on the Self, Actually here the Supreme Lord is Glorified. We shall be knowing that Self is none other then Shiva.
Here it is said that He(Shiva) and I(Jiva) is same which is other way to say "Aiyam Bramhasmi". Moreover Sri Rudram of Yajurveda says,“deho devaalayaH proktaH sa jiivaH kevalaH shivaH |tyajedaj~naananirmaalya.n so.ahaMbhaavena puujayet.h |” (Maitreyi Upanishad II:1)“The body is said to be the temple; the individual Self (Jiva) is Shiva alone. One should discard the faded flowers in the form of spiritual ignorance and worship God (with the conviction) ‘He and I are one’.
Now Pushpadantta further says that By controlling the breathing as per Scriptural Instruction i.e. recommended by the Scriptures.“nama ataryaya chaladyaya cha |” (Yajur veda Sri Rudram Anuvaka -8)“Salutations to Rudra who is born again and again in Samsara; and who tastes the fruits of Karmas in the form of Jiva”.
The Suta Samhita further says following.“aakaashe vaayumaaropya hakaaropari sha~Nkaram.h |binduruupaM mahaadeva.n vyomaakaara.n sadaashivam.h |shuddhasphaTikasa~Nkaasha.n dhR^itabaalendumaulinam.h |pa~nchavaktrayuta.n saumya.n dashabaahu.n trilochanam.h |sarvaayudhairdhR^itaakaara.n sarvabhuushhaNabhuushhitam.h |umaardhadeha.n varada.n sarvakaaraNakaaraNam.h |”(Yoga Tattwa Upanishad 98b-101a)“Raising the breath along the region of Akasa, he should contemplate on Sadashiva in the following manner, as producing happiness, as of the shape of Bindu, as the great god (Mahadeva), as having the shape of Akasa, as shining like pure crystal, as wearing the rising crescent of moon on his head, as having five faces, ten hands and three eyes, as being of a pleased countenance, as armed with all weapons, as adorned with all ornaments, as having Uma (the goddess) in one-half of his body, as ready to grant favours and as the cause of all the causes”.
Now Let's see further.“suṣumnāyāḥ śivō dēva iḍāyā dēvatā hariḥ |piṇgalāyā viriṇchiḥ syātsaraswatyā virāṇmunē ||” (sūta saṁhitā:02:11:37)“The god who denotes Sushumna is Shiva, the deity of Ida is Hari, the deity of Pingala is Brahma and the deity of Saraswati nerve is Virat, O Muni!”
Now Yog-Kundalini Upanishad says the following“piṇgalāsaṁjnitā nāḍī yāmyanāsāntamiṣyatē | 20bidā chōttaranāsāntaṁ sthitā vāchaspatē tathā | (sūta saṁhitā:02:11:20b-21a)“That nerve which is denoted as pingala runs upto the left nostril, whereas the Ida nerve goes up to the right nostril, O Vachaspati!”
Thus inhalation and exhalation process as mentioned in the Scriptures need to be done“dakṣanāḍyā samākṛṣya bahiṣṭhaṃ pavanaṃ śanaiḥ |yatheṣṭaṃ pūrayedvāyuṃ recayediḍayā tataḥ ||” (Yoga Kunḍalinī Upanishad 1:24)“Slowly inhaling the breath from outside, as long as he desires, through the right nostril, he should exhale it through the left nostril”“kapālaśodhane vāpi recayetpavanaṃ śanaiḥ |catuṣkaṃ vātadoṣaṃ tu kṛmidoṣaṃ nihanti ca ||” (Yoga Kunḍalinī Upanishad 1:25)“He should exhale it after purifying his skull (by forcing the breath up). This destroys the four kinds of evils caused by Vayu as also by intestinal worms”.
Thus Scriptures says“recakaṃ pūrakaṃ caiva kumbhamadhye nirodhayet |dṛśyamāne pare lakṣye brahmaṇi svayamāśritaḥ ||” (Varaha Upanishad 5:57)“Both expiration and inspiration should (be stopped and made to) rest in restraint of breath (alone). He should depend solely on Brahman which is the highest aim of all visible”.
“deha.n shivaalayaM prokta.n siddhida.n sarvadehinaam.h |” (Yogashikha Upanishad 1:168)“For all those who have a body, their body is the temple of Shiva. It gives them siddhi (fulfillment of yogic goal viz. salvation)”.
“mUlAdhArAdiShaTchakra.n shaktisthAnamudIritam.h |kaNThAdupari mUrdhAnta.n shAMbhava.n sthAnamuchyate |” (Varaha Upanishad 5:53)“The six Chakras beginning with Muladhara are said to be the seat of Sakti (Goddess). From the neck to the top of the head is said to be the seat of Sambhu (Shiva)”.
“nADInAmAshrayaH piNDo nADyaH prANasya chAshrayaH |jIvasya nilayaH prANo jIvo ha.nsasya chAshrayaH |” (Varaha Upanishad 5:54)“To the Nadis, the body is the support (or vehicle); to Prana, the Nadis are the support; to Jiva, Prana is the dwelling place; to Hamsa, Jiva is the support”.
“ha.nsaH shakteradhiShThAna.n charAcharamida.n jagat.h |nirvikalpaH prasannAtmA prANAyA.n samabhyaset.h |” (Varaha Upanishad 5:55)“To Sakti, Hamsa is the seat and the locomotive and fixed universe. Being without distraction and of a calm mind, one should practise Pranayama”.
“kumbhena kumbhayetkumbha.n tadantasthaH para.n shivam.h |punarAsphAlayedadya susthira.n kaNThamudrayA |” (Varaha Upanishad 5:60)“It is only through Kumbhaka that Kumbhaka should be firmly mastered. Within it is Parama-Shiva. That (Vayu) which is non-motionless. should be shaken again through Kantha-Mudra (throat-posture)”.
“prakR^ityashhTakaruupa.n cha sthaana.n gachchhati kuNDalii |kroDiikR^itya shiva.n yaati kroDiikR^itya viliiyate |” (YogaKundalini Upanishad 1:74)“Kundalini assumes the eight forms of Prakriti (matter) and attains Shiva by encircling him and dissolves itself in Shiva”.
Thus it Supreme Lord Shiva whom Yogi meditates upon and Only Lord Shiva is giver of Kaivalya Moksham to Yogi.
“rudragranthi.n cha bhittvaiva kamalaani bhinatti shhaT.h |sahasrakamale shaktiH shivena saha modatesaivaavasthaa paraa j~neyaa saiva nirvR^itikaariNii iti |” (YogaKundalini Upanishad 1:86)“Then it pierces Rudragranthi, after that, (all) the six lotuses (or plexuses). Then Sakti is happy with Shiva in Sahasrara Kamala (1000 lotuses seat or pineal gland). This should be known as the highest Avastha (state) and it alone is the giver of final beatitude (Kaivalya /Sayujya Moksham)”.
tvamarkastvaṁ somastvamasi pavanastvaṁ hutavahaḥ
tvamāpastvaṁ vyoma tvamu dharaṇirātmā tvamiti ca |
paricchinnāmevaṁ tvayi pariṇatā bibhrati giraṁ
na vidmastattattvaṁ vayamiha tu yat tvaṁ na bhavasi || 26 ||
tvamāpastvaṁ vyoma tvamu dharaṇirātmā tvamiti ca |
paricchinnāmevaṁ tvayi pariṇatā bibhrati giraṁ
na vidmastattattvaṁ vayamiha tu yat tvaṁ na bhavasi || 26 ||
O Ultimate Controller of Universe! You are in the form of sun, You are in the form of
moon, You are in form of fire, Your(breath) is air, You assumes form of water, You are space, You are in the earth and Only you are the Self. The wise hold this limiting view of You: But we do not know the things which You are not. (26)
moon, You are in form of fire, Your(breath) is air, You assumes form of water, You are space, You are in the earth and Only you are the Self. The wise hold this limiting view of You: But we do not know the things which You are not. (26)
Here Supreme Personality of Godhead is said to be taking various Forms.
Let's analyse it in the Light of Vedas.
Shiva is in the form of Sun:
Shiva is in the form of Waterbodies: -“asau yastamro aruna uta babhruh sumangalah |” (This Sun who is copper-red when he arises, then golden-youllow, this highlyauspicious and beneficent one is truly Rudra) – (YajurVeda 4:5:1.7)“Asau yoavasarpati nilagrivo vilohitah |” (The black-throated Rudra who has assumed the form of the sun that glows red when rising) –(YajurVeda 4:5:1.8)
Shiva became Agni:“Nama seegriyaya cha seebhyaya cha |” (Salutations to him who is in fast streams and to him who is in great waters.) – (YajurVeda 4:5:5.2.3)“Nama oormyaya cha aswanyaya cha |” (Salutations to him who is in fast tides and to him who is in still water.) – (YajurVeda 4:5:5.2.4)“Nama stotrothasyaya cha dweepyaya cha |” (Salutations to him who is in rivulets and to him who is in islands.) – (YajurVeda 4:5:5.2.5)
“sá yán manuṣyā n ánu vyácalad agnír bhūtvā nuvyàcalat svāhākārám annādáṃ krtvā|”(Atharva Veda XV:14:8)“He, when he went away to men, went away having become Agni and having made the exclamation Svāhā an eater of food”.
Shiva became Varuna: -“tadvā agnaya iti kriyate | agnirvai sa devastasyaitāni nāmāni śarva iti yathā prācyā ācakṣate bhava iti yathā bāhīkāḥ paśūnām patī rudro ‘gnirititānyasyāśāntānyevetarāṇi nāmānyagnirityeva śāntatamaṃ tasmādagnaya iti kriyate sviṣṭakṛta iti |” (Shatapatha Brahmana 1:7:3:8)“That (offering) then is certainly made to ‘Agni,’ for, indeed, Agni is that god;–his are these names: Sarva, as the eastern people call him; Bhava, as the Bâhîkas (call him); Pasûnâm pati (‘lord of beasts,’ Pasupati), Rudra, Agni . The name Agni, doubtless, is the most auspicious (sânta), and the other names of his are inauspicious: hence it is offered to (him under the name of) ‘Agni,’ and to (him as) the Svishtakrit”.
So all are the manifestaion of Lord Shiva Only.“sá yát pratīcīṃ díśam ánu vyácalad váruṇo rājā bhūtvā nuvyàcalad apò ‘nnādīḥ krtvā|” (Atharva Veda XV:14:3)“He, when he went away to the western region, went away having become King Varuna, and having made the Waters eaters of food”.
trayīṁ tisro vṛttīstribhuvanamatho trīnapi surān
akārādyairvarṇaistribhirabhidadhat tīrṇavikṛti |
turīyaṁ te dhāma dhvanibhiravarundhānamaṇubhiḥ
samasta-vyastaṁ tvāṁ śaraṇada gṛṇātyomiti padam || 27 ||
akārādyairvarṇaistribhirabhidadhat tīrṇavikṛti |
turīyaṁ te dhāma dhvanibhiravarundhānamaṇubhiḥ
samasta-vyastaṁ tvāṁ śaraṇada gṛṇātyomiti padam || 27 ||
O Supreme refuge of Universe, The three
Vedas, three states, three worlds and the three gods, with the three letters A, U, M, indicating the word AUM(Om) describes You separately. By its subtle sound the word Om collectively denotes your absolute transcendental state which is free from
change. (27)
Vedas, three states, three worlds and the three gods, with the three letters A, U, M, indicating the word AUM(Om) describes You separately. By its subtle sound the word Om collectively denotes your absolute transcendental state which is free from
change. (27)
Here it is said that Vedas, Three Devas, Three Letter of Pranav(OM) denotes or represent Lord Shiva Only. We shall see this too in the Light of Vedas. Again it is Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Shiva who manifestated as Tri-dev(Bramha, Vishnu, Rudra). It is Lord Shiva only who is denoted as Pranava Mantra.
Sri Rudram of Vedas says Lord Shiva as
Taittiriya Aranyaka of Yajurveda says“nama staraya cha” (Yajurveda Sri Rudram Anuvaka-8),Salutation to Shiva who is Pranava(OM).
“iishaanaH sarvavidyaanaamiishvaraH sarvabhuutaanaaM |brahmaadhipatirbrahmaNo.adhipatirbrahmaa shivo me astu sadaashivom.h |” (Taittiriya Aranyaka 10.21.1)“May the Supreme who is the ruler of all knowledge, controller of all created beings, the preserver of the Vedas and the one overlord of Hiranyagarbha, be benign to me. I am the Sadasiva described thus and denoted by Pranava”.
“sarvakaraNAni manasi saMpratiShThApya dhyAna.n viShNuH prANaM manasi saha karaNaiH saMpratiShThApya dhyAtA rudraHprANaM manasi sahakaraNairnAdAnte paramAtmani saMpratiShThApya dhyAyIteshAnaM pradhyAyitavya.n sarvamidaM |” (AtharvashikaUpanishad 2:1)“The pranava (the sound of Om) makes all the souls to bow before it. It is the one and only one which has to be meditated upon as the four Vedas and the birth place of all devas. One who meditates like that goes away from all sorrows and fears and gets the power to protect all others who approach him. It is because of this meditation only that Lord Vishnu who is spread every where, wins over all others. It is because Lord Brahma controlled all his organs and meditated upon it, he attained the position of the creator. Even Lord Vishnu , parks his mind in the sound (Om) of the place of Paramathma (ultimate soul) and meditates upon Eeshana, who is most proper to be worshipped. All this is only proper in case of Eeshana”.
Thus Upanishads confirms Lord Shiva as Omkara. Let's see some other reference.
Further Enire Ekaksharopanishad which itself means "OM" Glorify Lord Shiva(Shakti) Only.It is difficult to quote entire Ekakshara-Upanishad here. The below verse is directly spoken by Lord Shiva himself.“tasyottarataH shiro dakShiNataH pAdau ya uttarataH sa o~NkAraH ya o~NkAraH sa praNavaH yaH | praNavaH sa sarvavyApI yaHsarvavyApI so.anantaH | yo.anantastattAra.n yattAra.n tatsUkShma.n tachChukla.n | yachChukla.n tadvaidyuta.n yadvaidyuta.n tatparaMbrahma yatparaM | brahma sa ekaH ya ekaH sa rudraH ya rudraH yo rudraH sa IshAnaH ya | IshAnaH sa bhagavAn.h maheshvaraH |”(Atharvasiras Upanishad 3:6)“The head of “the sound of Om” is on your left side. Its feet are on your right side. That “Sound of Om” is the Pranava (primeval sound). That Pranava is spread everywhere. That which is everywhere is the greatest. That which is limitless, shines like a white star. That which is also called Shuklam (seminal fluid- the basic unit of life) is very very minute. That which is minute is like a lightning power. That whichis like lightning power is the ultimate Brahman (parabrahman). That Brahman is one and only one. That one and only one is Rudra, it is also called Eeshana, it is also the ultimate God (BHAGAWAN) and it is also the lord of all things”.
Many of us have seen the "OM Parvat".“so.aha.n sarvAkAraH . yato vA imAni bhUtAni jAyante |yena jAtAni jIvanti . yatprayantyabhisa.nvishanti . taM mAmevaviditvopAsIta . bhUtebhirdevebhirabhiShTuto.ahameva . bhIShAsmAdvAtaH pavate . bhIShodeti sUryaH . bhIShAsmAdagnishchendrashcha . somo.ataeva yo.aha.n sarveShAmadhiShThAtA sarveShA.n cha bhUtAnAMpAlakaH . so.ahaM pR^ithivI . so.ahamApaH . so.aha.n tejaH . so.aha.n vAyuH |so.aha.n kAlaH . so.aha.n dishaH . so.ahamAtmA . mayi sarvaM pratiShThitam.h |brahmavidApnoti param.h . brahmA shivo me astu sadAshivom.h |” (Bhasma Jabala Upanishad)“I myself am that Great Lord Siva, God of all gods, and the Supreme Controller of all the universes. I am that Brahman, I am Omkara; I am the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer of all. Through My terror only, vayu blows, through my terror only Surya shines, through my terror only fire burns, Indra et al also function properly through my terror. I am this world and the five elements. I am the Highest Truth that exists, the Brahman of the Upanishads”.

"Om Parvat can be viewed en route to the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra from the last camp below Lipulekh Pass at Nabhidhang India-China border post protected by the Indo-Tibetan Border Police also has Public Works Department guest house on the Indian side.[6]Many trekkers to Adi Kailash often make a diversion to view Om Parvat. Om Parvat is located near Nabhi Dhang camp (Nepal) on Mount Kailash-Lake Manasarovar yatra route. [Wikipedia].Now it should be Cleared Supreme Lord Shiva is called Pranav(OM). Let's See Lord Shiva Manifested as Prajapati Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh.
Shiva became Prajapati:
Shiva became Parameshthin:“sá yát prajā ánu vyácalat prajāpatir bhūtvānuvyàcalat prāṇám annādáṃ krtvā|” (Atharva Veda 15:14:11)“He, when he went away to creatures, went away having become Prajāpati and having made vital breath an eater of food”.
Shiva become Vishnu:“sá yát sárvān antardeśān ánu vyácalat parameṣṭhī bhūtvā nuvyàcalad bráhmānnādáṃ krtvā|” (Atharva Veda 15:14:12)“He, when he went away to all the intermediate spaces, went away having become Parameshthin and having made Devotion an eater of food”.
Even Sri Rudram of Yajurveda says the Same.sá yád dhruvāṃ díśam ánu vyácalad víṣṇur bhūtvānuvyàcalad virā́ jam annādīṃ krtvā|” (Atharva Veda 15:14:5)“He, when he went away to the stedfast region, went away having become Vishnu and having made Virāj an eater of food”.
Shiva became Rudra (the deity responsible for destruction – kAlAgni rudrA):“namo bhavaya cha rudraya chanamah sharvaya cha pashupataye chanamo girishaya cha shipivishhtaya cha |” (Anuvaka 5)“Salutations to Him who is the source of all things. And to Him who is the destroyer of all ills. Salutations to the destroyer and to theprotector of all beings in bondage. Salutations to Him who dwells on the mount and who is in the form of Shipivista (Vishnu)“.
Thus Lord Shiva himself Manifested as all the deities. So the praises of Supreme Lord Shiva by his devotee Pushpadanta is very-well dependent on Vedic Scripture as well as his Devotion for Supreme Lord.“sá yát paśūn ánu vyácalad rudró bhūtvā nuvyàcalad óṣadhīr annādīḥ krtvā|” (Atharva Veda XV:14:6)“He, when he went away to animals, went away having become Rudra and having made herbs eaters of food”.
bhavaḥ śarvo rudraḥ paśupatirathograḥ sahamahān
tathā bhīmeśānāviti yadabhidhānāṣṭakamidam |
amuṣmin pratyekaṁ pravicarati deva śrutirapi
priyāyāsmaidhāmne praṇihita-namasyo'smi bhavate || 28 ||
tathā bhīmeśānāviti yadabhidhānāṣṭakamidam |
amuṣmin pratyekaṁ pravicarati deva śrutirapi
priyāyāsmaidhāmne praṇihita-namasyo'smi bhavate || 28 ||
O Supreme Reality of Universe! Your eight names which are Bhava, Sharva, Rudra, Pashupati, Ugra, Mahadeva, Bhima, and Ishana are each treated in detail in the Vedas. Hence I offerr my prostration to most beloved Supreme Lord Shankar who is of resplendent form. (28)
ANALYSIS: -I would request all reader to kindly read Shri Rudram of Yajurveda, where Detail Information of Lord Shiva is mentioned. One can download entire Shri Rudram Pdf in English from below Link.
Complete Shri Rudram in English(pdf)Moreover if one want to Download Sanskrit-English "Namakam" Portion of Shri Rudram here below is the Link for the Same.
Sri Rudram (Namakam)Entire Shree Rudram Glorifies Lord Shiva with Various Names and Various Unknowing Divinity of the Supreme Lord.
namo nediṣṭhāya priyadava daviṣṭhāya ca namaḥ
namaḥ kṣodiṣṭhāya smarahara mahiṣṭhāya ca namaḥ |
namo varṣiṣṭhāya trinayana yaviṣṭhāya ca namaḥ
namaḥ sarvasmai te tadidamatisarvāya ca namaḥ || 29 ||
namaḥ kṣodiṣṭhāya smarahara mahiṣṭhāya ca namaḥ |
namo varṣiṣṭhāya trinayana yaviṣṭhāya ca namaḥ
namaḥ sarvasmai te tadidamatisarvāya ca namaḥ || 29 ||
My Salutaion to You O Lover of solitude, who are the nearest and the
farthest. O Ultimate Lord who is Destroyer of the deity of lust, my prosrtration to You who are the minutest and also the largest. O Three-eyed one, my Prostration to
You O Supreme Personality of Godhead(Shiva) who are the oldest and also the youngest. My Prostration to You again and again who are all and also transcending all. (29)
farthest. O Ultimate Lord who is Destroyer of the deity of lust, my prosrtration to You who are the minutest and also the largest. O Three-eyed one, my Prostration to
You O Supreme Personality of Godhead(Shiva) who are the oldest and also the youngest. My Prostration to You again and again who are all and also transcending all. (29)
This Praises are clearly mentioned in the Vedas. Where Supreme Personality of Godhead Who is having three eyes are clearly mentioned.
- Lord Shiva is nearest and farthest.
There is no difference between Shiva and Shakti. They are one body shared half in such a way that it depicts the Androgenous form implying that he is the father and mother too. This is only to teach that Brahman and Shakti are coexistent with each other and for the sake of creation they become two and Shakti creates, and Brahman pervades in the creationa s the indwelling Atman giving life to the creation (Pradhana). For the same reason Rig Veda (RV 1:89:10) clearly says about Aditi (the SHakti of Shiva) as “aditirmātā sa pitā”, which means, “Aditi is the Mother and the Sire as well”.“kasmAduchyate paraM brahma yasmAtparamaparaM parAyaNa.n cha |bR^ihadbR^ihatyA bR^i.nhayati tasmAduchyate paraM brahma |” (Atharvasiras Upanishad)“He (Rudra) is called Para Brahmam (Supreme Brahman – the ultimate reality), because he is the highest and excellent of all, though he is inside every thing, he is in and out of everything, he is the refuge of every thing and bigger than the biggest. That’s why he is called Parambrahma”.
“saiva puratrayaM sharIratrayaM vyApya bahirantaravabhAsayantIdeshakAlavastvantarasa.ngAnmahAtripurasundarI vai pratyak.hchitiH |” (Bahvricha Upanishad 4)“Pervading the three cities, the three bodies, illuminating within and without, She, the Consciousness within, becomes the Maha-TripuraSundari,being associated with space, time and objects”.
- Lord Shiva is Minute and Largest too.
Sri Rudram of Yajurveda Says Lord Shiva as "namo brihate cha" which means one who is Vast(Brahman.)“atha kasmAduchyate sUkShma.n yasmAduchchAryamANa eva sUkShmo |bhUtvA sharIrANyadhitiShThati sarvANi chA~NgAnyamimR^ishati | tasmAduchyate sUkShmam.h |” (Atharvasiras Upanishad 4)“He (Rudra) is called sookshma (minute), because he pervades in a minute form all over the body without touching any of the organs”.“yachChukla.n tadvaidyuta.n yadvaidyuta.n tatparaM brahma yatparaMbrahma sa ekaH ya ekaH sa rudraH ya rudraH yo rudraH sa IshAnaH yaIshAnaH sa bhagavAn.h maheshvaraH |” (Atharvasiras Upanishad 3)“That which is also called Shuklam (seminal fluid- the basic unit of life) is very very minute. That which is minute is like a lightning power. That which is like lightning power is the ultimate Brahman. That Brahman is one and only one. That one and only one is Rudra, it is also called Eeshana, it is also the ultimate God and it is also the lord of all things”.
Thus Lord Shiva is Minute yet Largest. Infact He is Only Lord who is having Vishwaroopam (having Universal) Form in the Vedas. Moreover Atharva Veda says the following.
Thus Lord Shiva is Minute and Vast at the same time.“skambhó dādhāra dyāvāprthivī ubhé imé skambhó dādhārorv àntárikṣamskambhó dādhāra pradíśaḥ ṣáḍ urvīḥ skambhá idáṃ víśvaṃ bhúvanam āviveśa |” (Atharva Veda X:7:35)“Skambha set fast these two, the earth and heaven, Skambha maintained the ample air (Antariksham) between them. Skambha established the six spacious regions: this whole world Skambha entered and pervaded”.
Now Lord Shiva is called younger and Senior at the time.
Thus Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Shiva is thus attributed in the Vedas and By His Grace Pushpadanta.Anuvaka 6 of Sri Rudram"Namo jyeshhthaya cha kanishhthaya cha" which means "Salutation to him whi is senior and who is junior.
bahula-rajase viśvotpattau bhavāya namo namaḥ
prabala-tamase tat saṁhāre harāya namo namaḥ |
prabala-tamase tat saṁhāre harāya namo namaḥ |
jana-sukhakṛte sattvodriktau mṛḍāya namo namaḥ
pramahasi pade nistraiguṇye śivāya namo namaḥ || 30 ||
pramahasi pade nistraiguṇye śivāya namo namaḥ || 30 ||
Prostration to Your form which is creator called Brahma in whom rajas prevails for the creation of the universe. Prosrtration to your destroyer form as Rudra in whom tamas prevails for its destruction. Prostration to your form who is sustain universe as Vishnu in whom sattva prevails for giving happiness to the people. Prostration to You, O Shiva, who are effulgent and beyond the three attributes. (30)
We had already seen earlier that Lord Shiva is Manifested as Rajas(Bramha), Sattva(Vishnu), and Tamas(Kaal-Agni Rudra). Now we will here see why Supreme Lord Shiva is called Beyond three Gunas.
Here Supreme Lord Shiva is said to be the Beyond Prakriti. Note that Eshwara leaves Her(Prakriti) while she was eating wat is to be eaten indicates that When Individual Soul is influenced by three gunas, Shiva is beyond three Gunas.“ajaamekaa.n lohitashuklakR^ishhNaaM bahviiH prajaaH sR^ijamaanaa.n saruupaaH |ajo hyeko jushhamaaNo.anushete jahaatyenaa.n bhuktabhogaamajo.anyaH |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:05)“There is one unborn being (female), red(Rajas), white(Satvik), and black(Tamas), uniform, but producing manifold offspring. There is one unborn being (male) who loves her and lies by her (Jiva); there is another (Eswara-Shiva) who leaves her, while she is eating what has to be eaten”.
The same thing is mentioned in later portion.
Here Lord Shiva is Lord of Prakriti who is consist of Three Gunas. Hence Lord Shiva is Called "Nirgun" or "Trigunatit".“maayaa.n tu prakR^iti.n vidyaanmaayina.n cha maheshvaram.h |tasyavayavabhuutaistu vyaapta.n sarvamida.n jagat.h |” (Svetaswatara Upanishad 4:10)“Know, then, that prakriti(Consist of 3 gunas) is maya and that Maheshwara is the Lord of maya. The whole universe is filled with objects which are parts ofHis being”.
Let's see one more Refrence.
Thus Supreme Personality of Godhead is alone is real Master of all three Gunas, Yet Beyond Three Gunas.“athaasya yaa sahajaastyavidyaa muulaprakR^itirmaayaa lohitashuklakR^ishhNaa |tayaa sahaayavaan devaH kR^ishhNapi~Ngalo mameshvara iishhTe |” (Shandilya Upanishad 3:01)“Maheshvara (the great Lord) who is black and yellow rules with Avidya, Mula-Prakriti or Maya that is red(Rajsik), white(Satvik) and black(Tamsik) and that is coexistent with him”.
kṛśa-pariṇati-cetaḥ kleśavaśyaṁ kva cedaṁ
kva ca tava guṇa-sīmollaṅghinī śaśvadṛddhiḥ |
iti cakitamamandīkṛtya māṁ bhaktirādhād
varada caraṇayoste vākya-puṣpopahāram || 31 ||
kva ca tava guṇa-sīmollaṅghinī śaśvadṛddhiḥ |
iti cakitamamandīkṛtya māṁ bhaktirādhād
varada caraṇayoste vākya-puṣpopahāram || 31 ||
O Ultimate Lord who bestow boon to his refugees,my poor mind is ill-developed, subject to afflictions, and how boundless Your divinity- Eternal and possessing infinite virtues. Although terror--stricken because of this, I am inspired by my devotion to
offer this hymnal garland at Your Lotus feet. (31)
offer this hymnal garland at Your Lotus feet. (31)
asita-giri-samaṁ syāt kajjalaṁ sindhu-pātre
sura-taruvara-śākhā lekhanī patramurvī |
likhati yadi gṛhītvā śāradā sarvakālaṁ
tadapi tava guṇānāmīśa pāraṁ na yāti || 32 ||
sura-taruvara-śākhā lekhanī patramurvī |
likhati yadi gṛhītvā śāradā sarvakālaṁ
tadapi tava guṇānāmīśa pāraṁ na yāti || 32 ||
O Supreme Personality of Godhead Sada-Shiva, let the black mountain be ink,let the water of ocean be the inkpot, the branch of
the stout wish-fulfilling tree a pen, the earth the writing leaf, and if taking
these the Goddess Saraswati who is Goddess of Learning writes for eternity, even then the limit of Your virtues will not be reached. (32)
the stout wish-fulfilling tree a pen, the earth the writing leaf, and if taking
these the Goddess Saraswati who is Goddess of Learning writes for eternity, even then the limit of Your virtues will not be reached. (32)
grathita-guṇamahimno nirguṇasyeśvarasya |
sakala-gaṇa-variṣṭhaḥ puṣpadantābhidhānaḥ
ruciramalaghuvṛttaiḥ stotrametaccakāra || 33 ||
grathita-guṇamahimno nirguṇasyeśvarasya |
sakala-gaṇa-variṣṭhaḥ puṣpadantābhidhānaḥ
ruciramalaghuvṛttaiḥ stotrametaccakāra || 33 ||
Pushpadanta-the best of Gandharvas, composed in great
devotion this beautiful hymn to the Lord who is called Sarveshwar because that Sole and Supreme Lord is worshipped by demons,
gods, and the best of sages, whose praises have been sung, who has the
moon on His forehead, and who is attributeless. (33)
devotion this beautiful hymn to the Lord who is called Sarveshwar because that Sole and Supreme Lord is worshipped by demons,
gods, and the best of sages, whose praises have been sung, who has the
moon on His forehead, and who is attributeless. (33)
aharaharanavadyaṁ dhūrjaṭeḥ stotrametat
paṭhati paramabhaktyā śuddha-cittaḥ pumān yaḥ |
sa bhavati śivaloke rudratulyastathā'tra
pracuratara-dhanāyuḥ putravān kīrtimāṁśca || 34 ||
paṭhati paramabhaktyā śuddha-cittaḥ pumān yaḥ |
sa bhavati śivaloke rudratulyastathā'tra
pracuratara-dhanāyuḥ putravān kīrtimāṁśca || 34 ||
The person who with purified heart and in great devotion always reads
this beautiful and elevating hymn to Shiva who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, becomes like Shiva (after
death) in the abode of Shiva, and while in this world gets abundant
wealth, long life, progeny and fame. (34)
this beautiful and elevating hymn to Shiva who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, becomes like Shiva (after
death) in the abode of Shiva, and while in this world gets abundant
wealth, long life, progeny and fame. (34)
maheśānnāparo devo mahimno nāparā stutiḥ |
aghorānnāparo mantro nāsti tattvaṁ guroḥ param || 35 ||
aghorānnāparo mantro nāsti tattvaṁ guroḥ param || 35 ||
No God is higher and Superior than Supreme Personality of Godhead Shiva(as there is no truth Superior to Shiva), there is no hymn better than the hymn which describe the greatness of Shiva who is Source of all Gods and he is the Only Supreme Personality of Godhead , there is no mantra more powerful than the name of Shiva, there is nothing higher to be known than the real nature of the Guru. (35)
ANALYSIS: -Lord Shiva himself says this things in Vedic Scriptures.
“so.aha.n sarvAkAraH . yato vA imAni bhUtAni jAyante |yena jAtAni jIvanti . yatprayantyabhisa.nvishanti . taM mAmevaviditvopAsIta . bhUtebhirdevebhirabhiShTuto.ahameva . bhIShAsmAdvAtaH pavate . bhIShodeti sUryaH . bhIShAsmAdagnishchendrashcha . somo.ataeva yo.aha.n sarveShAmadhiShThAtA sarveShA.n cha bhUtAnAMpAlakaH . so.ahaM pR^ithivI . so.ahamApaH . so.aha.n tejaH . so.aha.n vAyuH |so.aha.n kAlaH . so.aha.n dishaH . so.ahamAtmA . mayi sarvaM pratiShThitam.h |brahmavidApnoti param.h . brahmA shivo me astu sadAshivom.h |” (Bhasma Jabala Upanishad)“I myself am that Great Lord Siva, God of all gods, and the Supreme Controller of all the universes. I am that Brahman, I am Omkara;am the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer of all. Through My terror only, vayu blows, through my terror only Surya shines, through my terror only fire burns, Indra et al also function properly through my terror. I am this world and the five elements. I am the Highest Truth that exists, the Brahman of the Upanishads”.
dīkṣā dānaṁ tapastīrthaṁ jñānaṁ yāgādikāḥ kriyāḥ |
mahimnastava pāṭhasya kalāṁ nārhanti ṣoḍaśīm || 36 ||
mahimnastava pāṭhasya kalāṁ nārhanti ṣoḍaśīm || 36 ||
Initiation into spiritual life, charities, austerities, pilgrimages, practice of
yoga, performance of sacrificial rites - none of these give even a sixteenth
part of the merit that one gets by reciting the hymn on the greatness of Supreme Lord Shiva. (36)
yoga, performance of sacrificial rites - none of these give even a sixteenth
part of the merit that one gets by reciting the hymn on the greatness of Supreme Lord Shiva. (36)
kusumadaśana-nāmā sarva-gandharva-rājaḥ
śaśidharavara-maulerdevadevasya dāsaḥ |
sa khalu nija-mahimno bhraṣṭa evāsya roṣāt
stavanamidamakārṣīd divya-divyaṁ mahimnaḥ || 37 ||
śaśidharavara-maulerdevadevasya dāsaḥ |
sa khalu nija-mahimno bhraṣṭa evāsya roṣāt
stavanamidamakārṣīd divya-divyaṁ mahimnaḥ || 37 ||
Pushpadanta who is the king of Gandharvas, is the servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who has the crescent moon on his forehead, fallen from his glory due to the wrath of the Supreme Lord Shiva, he composed this very beautiful uplifting
hymn on the greatness of Supreme Personality of Godhead Shiva to regain His favor, to gain his Grace, to gain his blessings. (37)
hymn on the greatness of Supreme Personality of Godhead Shiva to regain His favor, to gain his Grace, to gain his blessings. (37)
suragurumabhipūjya svarga-mokṣaika-hetuṁ
paṭhati yadi manuṣyaḥ prāñjalirnānya-cetāḥ |
vrajati śiva-samīpaṁ kinnaraiḥ stūyamānaḥ
stavanamidamamoghaṁ puṣpadantapraṇītam || 38 ||
paṭhati yadi manuṣyaḥ prāñjalirnānya-cetāḥ |
vrajati śiva-samīpaṁ kinnaraiḥ stūyamānaḥ
stavanamidamamoghaṁ puṣpadantapraṇītam || 38 ||
If any person with single-minded devotion and folded palms study this unfailing
hymn composed by Pushpadanta, which is adored by great gods and the
best of sages and which grants heaven and liberation, one goes to Shiva
and is worshipped by Kinnaras (celestial beings). (38)
hymn composed by Pushpadanta, which is adored by great gods and the
best of sages and which grants heaven and liberation, one goes to Shiva
and is worshipped by Kinnaras (celestial beings). (38)
āsamāptamidaṁ stotraṁ puṇyaṁ gandharva-bhāṣitam |
anaupamyaṁ manohāri sarvamīśvaravarṇanam || 39 ||
anaupamyaṁ manohāri sarvamīśvaravarṇanam || 39 ||
Thus ends this unparalleled sacred hymn composed by Pushpadanta and
describing the glory of Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Shiva in a most appropriate manner. (39)
describing the glory of Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Shiva in a most appropriate manner. (39)
ityeṣā vāṅmayī pūjā śrīmacchaṅkara-pādayoḥ |
arpitā tena deveśaḥ prīyatāṁ me sadāśivaḥ || 40 ||
arpitā tena deveśaḥ prīyatāṁ me sadāśivaḥ || 40 ||
This hymn worship is offered at the Lotus- feet of Supreme Personality of Godhead Shiva. May the ever beneficent Lord of the very gods be pleased with me at this! (40)
tava tattvaṁ na jānāmi kīdṛśo'si maheśvara |
yādṛśo'si mahādeva tādṛśāya namo namaḥ || 41 ||
yādṛśo'si mahādeva tādṛśāya namo namaḥ || 41 ||
I do not know the truth of your Immortal nature and who you are- O Supreme Lord(maheśvara) my salutations to your true nature. (41)
Here Great truth is reflected since NO VEDAS or any other Scripture knows Completely about Lord Shiva. Only Portion of Lord Supreme and Ultimate Reality of Universe is Manifested as Entire Creation.
Same thing is Said again and again in all Vedic Scripture.“tripādūrdhva udait puruṣaḥ pādo.asyehābhavat punaḥ | tato viṣvaṃ vyakrāmat sāśanānaśane abhi |” (Rig Veda 10:90:4)“Three quarters of his are beyond all this; all of this creation is but from one quarter of him. Again and again, all that eats, and that eats not appeared from this one quarter of His.”
Again same thing is repeated as mentioned below.“yátra skambháḥ prajanáyan purāṇáṃ vyávartayat | ékaṃ tád áṅgaṃ skambhásya purāṇám anusáṃviduḥ |”(Atharva Veda 10:7:26)“Where Skambha (Agni-Linga) generating gave the Ancient World its shape and form, They recognized that single part of Skambha (Linga) as the Ancient World.”
Even Upanishad says the same.“ardhéna víśvaṃ bhúvanaṃ jajāna yád asyārdháṃ katamáḥ sá ketúḥ |” (Atharvaveda 10:8.13)“He with one half engendered all Creation (bhuvanam). What sign is there to tell us of the other?”
That's why Vedas says following“ekaakshara.n tvakshare.atraasti some sushhumnaayaa.n cheha dR^iDhii sa ekaH | tva.n vishvabhuurbhuutapatiH puraaNaH parjanya eko bhuvanasya goptaa |” (Ekakshara Upanishad 1)“praaNaH prasuutirbhuvanasya yonirvyaapta.n tvayaa ekapadena vishvam.h |tva.n vishvabhuuryonipaaraH svagarbhe kumaara eko vishikhaH sudhanvaa |” (Ekakshara Upanishad 3)“Thou art the one Imperishable in the Imperishable, conjoint with Uma. As known by means of Susumna, here (on the empirical plane), the one firm (Principle art Thou). Thou art the ancient source of the world, the Lord of beings; Thou the Parjanya (the Principle of lifegiving water), the Protector of the world. Thou art the Principle of life; Thou the manifestation (the manifested world); Thou the source of the world; by a quarter hast Thou pervaded this world. Thou art the world’s birth, the cause, the life supreme, and the child in the womb armed with the excellent bow and arrow”.
So Consort of Durga who is Supreme Personality of Godhead Sada-Shiva, is through his Single Portion manifested as Entire Creation.“sarvo vai rudrastasmai rudraya namo astu |”(Taittiriya Aranyaka 10:24:1 of Yajurveda)“All this is verily Rudra. To Rudra who is such we offer our salutations.”“vishvam bhutam bhuvanam citram bahudha jatam jayamanam cayat sarvo hyesha rudrastasmai rudraya namo astu” – (Taittiriya Aranyaka 10:24:1 of Yajurveda)“The whole universe, the created beings and whatever there is manifoldly and profusely created in the past and in the present in the form of the world, all that is indeed this Rudra. Salutations be to Rudra who is such”.
ekakālaṁ dvikālaṁ vā trikālaṁ yaḥ paṭhennaraḥ |
sarvapāpa-vinirmuktaḥ śiva loke mahīyate || 42 ||
sarvapāpa-vinirmuktaḥ śiva loke mahīyate || 42 ||
Whoever reads this once, twice or thrice (in a day) revels in the domain of Supreme Personality of Godhead Shiva, bereft of all sins. (42)
śrī puṣpadanta-mukha-paṅkaja-nirgatena
stotreṇa kilbiṣa-hareṇa hara-priyeṇa |
kaṇṭhasthitena paṭhitena samāhitena
suprīṇito bhavati bhūtapatirmaheśaḥ || 43 ||
stotreṇa kilbiṣa-hareṇa hara-priyeṇa |
kaṇṭhasthitena paṭhitena samāhitena
suprīṇito bhavati bhūtapatirmaheśaḥ || 43 ||
If a wise and fortunate Person learns by heart and recites this hymn, which flowed from the mouth of Pushpadanta, which destroys sins and is dear to Shiva and
which equally promotes the good of all, Shiva, the Lord of creation,
becomes very pleased. (43)
which equally promotes the good of all, Shiva, the Lord of creation,
becomes very pleased. (43)
|| iti śrī puṣpadanta viracitaṁ śivamahimnaḥ stotraṁ samāptam ||
- thus ends the hymn called: -Śiva Mahimnaḥ Stotraṁ- composed by Puṣpadanta -
- thus ends the hymn called: -Śiva Mahimnaḥ Stotraṁ- composed by Puṣpadanta -
Don't forget to watch this beautiful Video of this Hymn.
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